[Bf-blender-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-blender [29513] branches/hairsim/source/blender/ blenkernel: forgot these files

Joseph Eagar joeedh at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 07:55:32 CEST 2010

Revision: 29513
Author:   joeedh
Date:     2010-06-17 07:55:32 +0200 (Thu, 17 Jun 2010)

Log Message:
forgot these files

Added Paths:

Added: branches/hairsim/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_pdynamics.h
--- branches/hairsim/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_pdynamics.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/hairsim/source/blender/blenkernel/BKE_pdynamics.h	2010-06-17 05:55:32 UTC (rev 29513)
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#include "BLI_kdopbvh.h"
+#include "BKE_utildefines.h"
+struct MemArena;
+struct BLI_mempool;
+struct GHash;
+#ifndef PD_USE_32BIT_FLOAT
+typedef double pdfloat;
+typedef float pdfloat;
+#define MAX_PDEDGES_V	8
+typedef struct PDVertex {
+	/*NULL-terminated list of adjacent edges.
+	  this should be quicker then using linked lists.
+	  points into a single array inside the main solver
+	  struct.*/
+	struct PDEdge **edges;
+	struct PDVertex *parents[2];
+	pdfloat parentfac[2];
+	pdfloat tx[3], txstart[3], txold[3], txold2[3], tv[3], tvold[3];
+	pdfloat tanforce[3], springforce[3], goalforce[3];
+	pdfloat txconst[3], txconstold[3];
+	pdfloat no[3], mass, goal;
+	int pinned;
+	intptr_t hash1, hash2;
+} PDVertex;
+typedef struct PDEdge {
+	struct PDTri *t1, *t2;
+	struct PDVertex *v1, *v2;
+	pdfloat no[3];
+} PDEdge;
+typedef struct PDTri {
+	PDEdge *edges[3];
+	PDVertex *verts[3];
+	pdfloat no[3], mindis, dis;
+	pdfloat cent[3], ocent[3];
+	int noncloth, origface;
+} PDTri;
+typedef struct PDMesh {
+	struct PDSolver *solver;
+	PDVertex *verts;
+	PDEdge *edges;
+	PDTri *tris;
+	PDTri *(*facemap)[2];
+	/*point array filled with a null-terminated 
+	  sequence of pointers for each vertex*/
+	PDEdge **v_edgelists; 
+	int totvert, totedge, tottri;
+	struct GHash *edgehash, *trihash;
+	struct BVHTree *bvh_tritree, *bvh_edgetree;
+	pdfloat goal, friction, bending;
+	pdfloat springdamp, goaldamp, rigid_damp;
+	pdfloat internel_friction, collision_friction;
+	pdfloat airdamp, gravity[3], self_repulsion;
+	pdfloat mindis;
+	int do_coll; /*flag for if collisions are enabled*/
+	int do_goal;
+} PDMesh;
+/*main dynamics structure*/
+typedef struct PDSolver {
+	PDMesh *mesh;
+	ListBase constraints;
+	ListBase coll_constraints; /*temporary collision constraints*/
+	/*number of steps that advance time, and number of steps within those steps*/
+	int timesteps, substeps;
+	struct MemArena *arena;/*stores geometry, non-collision constraints (e.g springs), etc*/
+	struct MemArena *temparena;/*created and destroyed each time step*/
+} PDSolver;
+#define CMAXVERTS	10
+/*"point-based dynamics" by mueller*/
+typedef struct PDConstraint {
+	struct PDConstraint *next, *prev;
+	PDVertex *verts[CMAXVERTS];
+	void (*eval)(void *vself);
+	int type;
+	pdfloat grad[CMAXVERTS][3];
+	pdfloat k, realk; /*stiffness of constraint, at current solver iteration stiffness*/
+	pdfloat w, result;
+} PDConstraint;
+typedef struct PDCollConstraint {
+	PDConstraint head;
+	pdfloat mindis, friction;
+	pdfloat no[3];
+} PDCollConstraint;
+typedef struct PDPointConstraint {
+	PDCollConstraint coll;
+	PDVertex *v1, *v2, *v3, *p;
+	PDTri *colltri;
+	int flip;
+} PDPointConstraint;
+typedef struct PDBendingConstraint {
+	PDConstraint head;
+	PDVertex *v2, *v3;
+	pdfloat restlen;
+} PDBendingConstraint;
+typedef struct PDGoalConstraint {
+	PDConstraint head;
+	pdfloat restlen, t;
+	pdfloat nor[3];
+	PDVertex *v1;
+} PDGoalConstraint;
+typedef struct PDSpringConstraint {
+	PDConstraint head;
+	PDVertex *v1;
+	pdfloat restlen;
+	int ignore_stretch;
+} PDSpringConstraint;
+typedef struct PDEdgeConstraint {
+	PDCollConstraint coll;
+	PDVertex *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4;
+	pdfloat off[3];
+	pdfloat elen1, elen2;
+} PDEdgeConstraint;
+/*collision constraints*/
+#define CON_POINT	1
+#define CON_EDGE	2
+/*deformation constraints*/
+#define CON_SPRING	3
+#define CON_GOAL	4
+#define CON_BEND	5
+void run_constraint_solver(struct Object *ob, struct PDMesh *pdm, int solversteps, int totlevel, pdfloat dt);
+int pd_init_solver(struct Object *ob, struct ClothModifierData *clmd);
+int pd_free_solver(struct ClothModifierData *clmd);
+int pd_solver_step(struct Object *ob, float framenr, struct ClothModifierData *clmd, struct ListBase *effectors);
+int pd_do_substeps(Object *ob, ClothModifierData *clmd, pdfloat step, pdfloat dt, pdfloat dstep);
+int pd_set_positions(struct ClothModifierData *clmd);
+PDMesh *pd_create_from_collmodifier(Object *ob, struct CollisionModifierData *collmd);
+void pd_free_mesh(PDMesh *pdm);
+#ifndef PD_USE_32BIT_FLOAT
+#define add_v3_v3		add_v3_v3_d
+#define sub_v3_v3		sub_v3_v3_d
+#define add_v3_v3v3		add_v3_v3v3_d
+#define sub_v3_v3v3		sub_v3_v3v3_d
+#define addfac_v3_v3	addfac_v3_v3_d
+#define subfac_v3_v3	subfac_v3_v3_d
+#define addfac_v3_v3v3	addfac_v3_v3v3_d
+#define subfac_v3_v3v3	subfac_v3_v3v3_d
+#define mul_v3_sl		mul_v3_d
+#define len_v3			len_v3_d
+#define len_v3v3		len_v3v3_d
+#define dot_v3			dot_v3_d
+#define dot_v3v3		dot_v3v3_d
+#define normalize_v3	normalize_v3_d
+#define normal_tri_v3	normal_tri_v3_d
+#define normal_quad_v3	normal_quad_v3_d
+#define cross_v3_v3v3	cross_v3_v3v3_d
+#define copy_v3_v3		copy_v3_v3_d
+#define tetra_isect		tetra_isect_d
+#define line_in_tetra	line_in_tetra_d
+#define line_line_isect_moving	line_line_isect_moving_d
+#define isect_line_line_v3	isect_line_line_v3_d
+#define negate_v3		negate_v3_d
+#define zero_v3			zero_v3_d
+#define mul_v3_sl		mul_v3_fl
+#endif /*_BKE_PDYNAMICS_H*/
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/hairsim/source/blender/blenkernel/BLI_pdynamics.h
--- branches/hairsim/source/blender/blenkernel/BLI_pdynamics.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/hairsim/source/blender/blenkernel/BLI_pdynamics.h	2010-06-17 05:55:32 UTC (rev 29513)
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#include "BLI_kdopbvh.h"
+#include "BKE_utildefines.h"
+struct MemArena;
+struct BLI_mempool;
+struct GHash;
+#ifndef PD_USE_FLOAT
+typedef double pdfloat;
+typedef float pdfloat;
+#define MAX_PDEDGES_V	8
+typedef struct PDVertex {
+	/*NULL-terminated list of adjacent edges.
+	  this should be quicker then using linked lists.
+	  points into a single array inside the main solver
+	  struct.*/
+	struct PDEdge **edges;
+	pdfloat tx[3], txold[3], txold2[3], tv[3];
+	pdfloat tanforce[3], springforce[3], goalforce[3];
+	pdfloat txconst[3], txconstold[3];
+	pdfloat no[3];
+	int hash1, hash2;
+} PDVertex;
+typedef struct PDEdge {
+	struct PDTri *t1, *t2;
+	struct PDVert *v1, *v2;
+	pdfloat no[3];
+	int hash;
+} PDEdge;
+typedef struct PDTri {
+	PDEdge *edges[3];
+	PDVert *verts[3];
+	pdfloat no[3];
+	pdfloat cent[3], ocent[3];
+	int hash;
+} PDTri;
+typedef struct PDMesh {
+	PDVertex *verts;
+	PDEdge *edges;
+	PDTri *tris;
+	/*point array filled with a null-terminated 
+	  sequence of pointers for each vertex*/
+	PDEdge **vedges; 
+	int totvert, totedge, tottri;
+	GHash *edgehash, *trihash;
+} PDMesh;
+/*main dynamics structure*/
+typedef struct PD_Solver {
+	PDMesh *mesh;
+	ListBase constraints;
+	ListBase coll_constraints; /*temporary collision constraints*/
+	BVHTree *bvh_tritree, *bvh_springtree;
+	struct MemArena *arena;/*stores geometry, non-collision constraints (e.g springs), etc*/
+	struct MemArena *temparena;/*created and destroyed each time step*/
+} PD_Solver;
+#define CMAXVERTS	10
+/*"point-based dynamics" by mueller*/
+typedef struct PD_Constraint {
+	struct PD_Constraint *next, *prev;
+	PDVertex *verts[CMAXVERTS];
+	void (*eval)(void *vself);
+	int type;
+	pdfloat grad[CMAXVERTS][3];
+	pdfloat k, realk; /*stiffness of constraint, at current solver iteration stiffness*/
+	pdfloat w, result;
+} PD_Constraint;
+typedef struct PD_CollConstraint {
+	PD_Constraint head;
+	pdfloat mindis, friction;
+	pdfloat no[3];
+} PD_CollConstraint;
+typedef struct PD_PointConstraint {
+	PD_CollConstraint coll;
+	PDVertex *v1, *v2, *v3, *p;
+	PDTri *colltri;
+	int flip;
+} PD_PointConstraint;
+typedef struct PD_BendingConstraint {
+	PD_Constraint head;
+	PDVertex *v2, *v3;
+	pdfloat restlen;
+} PD_BendingConstraint;
+typedef struct PD_GoalConstraint {
+	Constraint head;
+	pdfloat restlen, t;
+	pdfloat nor[3];
+} PD_GoalConstraint;
+typedef struct PD_SpringConstraint {
+	Constraint head;
+	PDVertex *v1;
+	pdfloat restlen;
+	int ignore_stretch;
+} PD_SpringConstraint;
+typedef struct PD_EdgeConstraint {
+	CollConstraint coll;
+	PDVertex *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4;
+	pdfloat off[3];
+	pdfloat sign, elen1, elen2;
+} PD_EdgeConstraint;
+#endif /*_BKE_PDYNAMICS_H*/
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/hairsim/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/pdynamics.c
--- branches/hairsim/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/pdynamics.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/hairsim/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/pdynamics.c	2010-06-17 05:55:32 UTC (rev 29513)
@@ -0,0 +1,2194 @@
+/*  collision.c
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+* The Original Code is Copyright (C) Blender Foundation
+* All rights reserved.
+* The Original Code is: all of this file.
+* Contributor(s): none yet.
+* ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
+#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
+#include "BKE_cloth.h"
+#include "DNA_cloth_types.h"
+#include "DNA_group_types.h"
+#include "DNA_mesh_types.h"
+#include "DNA_object_types.h"
+#include "DNA_object_force.h"
+#include "DNA_scene_types.h"
+#include "BKE_DerivedMesh.h"
+#include "BKE_global.h"
+#include "BKE_mesh.h"
+#include "BKE_object.h"
+#include "BKE_modifier.h"
+#include "BKE_utildefines.h"
+#include "BKE_DerivedMesh.h"
+#include "BKE_collision.h"
+#define PD_INTERNAL
+#include "BKE_pdynamics.h"
+#ifdef USE_BULLET

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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