[Bf-blender-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-blender [23627] branches/soc-2008-mxcurioni/source /blender/freestyle/intern: moved all Blender-Freestyle interface-related files to source/freestyle/ intern/blender_interface folder

Maxime Curioni maxime.curioni at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 02:40:34 CEST 2009

Revision: 23627
Author:   mxcurioni
Date:     2009-10-05 02:40:33 +0200 (Mon, 05 Oct 2009)

Log Message:
moved all Blender-Freestyle interface-related files to source/freestyle/intern/blender_interface folder

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: branches/soc-2008-mxcurioni/source/blender/freestyle/intern/application/FRS_freestyle.cpp
--- branches/soc-2008-mxcurioni/source/blender/freestyle/intern/application/FRS_freestyle.cpp	2009-10-05 00:37:30 UTC (rev 23626)
+++ branches/soc-2008-mxcurioni/source/blender/freestyle/intern/application/FRS_freestyle.cpp	2009-10-05 00:40:33 UTC (rev 23627)
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-#include "AppView.h"
-#include "Controller.h"
-#include "AppConfig.h"
-#include "AppCanvas.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-using namespace std;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
-#include "DNA_camera_types.h"
-#include "DNA_freestyle_types.h"
-#include "BKE_main.h"
-#include "BLI_blenlib.h"
-#include "BPY_extern.h"
-#include "renderpipeline.h"
-#include "pixelblending.h"
-#include "../../FRS_freestyle.h"
-#include "../../FRS_freestyle_config.h"
-	// Freestyle configuration
-	short freestyle_is_initialized = 0;
-	static Config::Path *pathconfig = NULL;
-	static Controller *controller = NULL;
-	static AppView *view = NULL;
-	static Scene *current_scene = NULL;
-	// camera information
-	float freestyle_viewpoint[3];
-	float freestyle_mv[4][4];
-	float freestyle_proj[4][4];
-	int freestyle_viewport[4];
-	// Panel configuration
-	char* freestyle_current_module_path = NULL;
-	SceneRenderLayer* freestyle_current_layer = NULL;
-	ListBase* freestyle_modules;
-	int* freestyle_flags;
-	float* freestyle_sphere_radius;
-	float* freestyle_dkr_epsilon;
-	string default_module_path;
-	//=======================================================
-	//   Initialization 
-	//=======================================================
-	void FRS_initialize(bContext* C){
-		if( !freestyle_is_initialized ) {
-			pathconfig = new Config::Path;
-			controller = new Controller;
-			view = new AppView;
-			controller->setView(view);
-			default_module_path = pathconfig->getProjectDir() + Config::DIR_SEP + "style_modules" + Config::DIR_SEP + "contour.py";
-			freestyle_is_initialized = 1;
-		}
-		current_scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
-		if( !current_scene )
-			current_scene = (Scene*) CTX_data_main(C)->scene.first;
-		FRS_select_layer( (SceneRenderLayer*) BLI_findlink(&current_scene->r.layers, current_scene->r.actlay) );
-	}
-	void FRS_exit() {
-		delete pathconfig;
-		delete controller;
-		delete view;
-	}
-	//=======================================================
-	//   Rendering 
-	//=======================================================
-	void init_view(Render* re){
-		int width = re->scene->r.xsch;
-		int height = re->scene->r.ysch;
-		freestyle_viewport[0] = freestyle_viewport[1] = 0;
-		freestyle_viewport[2] = width;
-		freestyle_viewport[3] = height;
-		view->setWidth( width );
-		view->setHeight( height );
-	}
-	void init_camera(Render* re){
-		Object* maincam_obj = re->scene->camera;
-		// Camera *cam = (Camera*) maincam_obj->data;
-		freestyle_viewpoint[0] = maincam_obj->obmat[3][0];
-		freestyle_viewpoint[1] = maincam_obj->obmat[3][1];
-		freestyle_viewpoint[2] = maincam_obj->obmat[3][2];
-		for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
-		   for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
-			freestyle_mv[i][j] = re->viewmat[i][j];
-		for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
-		   for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
-			freestyle_proj[i][j] = re->winmat[i][j];
-	}
-	void prepare(Render* re, SceneRenderLayer* srl ) {
-		// clear canvas
-		controller->Clear();
-		// load mesh
-		if( controller->LoadMesh(re, srl) ) // returns if scene cannot be loaded or if empty
-			return;
-		// add style modules
-		FreestyleConfig* config = &srl->freestyleConfig;
-		cout << "\n===  Rendering options  ===" << endl;
-		cout << "Modules :"<< endl;
-		int layer_count = 0;
-		for( FreestyleModuleConfig* module_conf = (FreestyleModuleConfig *)config->modules.first; module_conf; module_conf = module_conf->next ) {
-			if( module_conf->is_displayed ) {
-				cout << "  " << layer_count+1 << ": " << module_conf->module_path << endl;
-				controller->InsertStyleModule( layer_count, module_conf->module_path );
-				controller->toggleLayer(layer_count, true);
-				layer_count++;
-			}
-		}	
-		cout << endl;
-		// set parameters
-		controller->setSphereRadius( config->sphere_radius );
-		controller->setComputeRidgesAndValleysFlag( (config->flags & FREESTYLE_RIDGES_AND_VALLEYS_FLAG) ? true : false);
-		controller->setComputeSuggestiveContoursFlag( (config->flags & FREESTYLE_SUGGESTIVE_CONTOURS_FLAG) ? true : false);
-		controller->setSuggestiveContourKrDerivativeEpsilon( config->dkr_epsilon ) ;
-		cout << "Sphere radius : " << controller->getSphereRadius() << endl;
-		cout << "Redges and valleys : " << (controller->getComputeRidgesAndValleysFlag() ? "enabled" : "disabled") << endl;
-		cout << "Suggestive contours : " << (controller->getComputeSuggestiveContoursFlag() ? "enabled" : "disabled") << endl;
-		cout << "Suggestive contour dkr epsilon : " << controller->getSuggestiveContourKrDerivativeEpsilon() << endl;
-		// compute view map
-		controller->ComputeViewMap();
-	}
-	void composite_result(Render* re, SceneRenderLayer* srl, Render* freestyle_render)
-	{
-		RenderLayer *rl;
-	    float *src, *dest, *pixSrc, *pixDest;
-		int x, y, rectx, recty;
-		if( freestyle_render == NULL || freestyle_render->result == NULL )
-			return;
-		rl = render_get_active_layer( freestyle_render, freestyle_render->result );
-	    if( !rl || rl->rectf == NULL) { cout << "Cannot find Freestyle result image" << endl; return; }
-		src  = rl->rectf;
-		rl = RE_GetRenderLayer(re->result, srl->name);
-	    if( !rl || rl->rectf == NULL) { cout << "No layer to composite to" << endl; return; }
-		dest  = rl->rectf;
-		rectx = re->rectx;
-		recty = re->recty;
-	    for( y = 0; y < recty; y++) {
-	        for( x = 0; x < rectx; x++) {
-	            pixSrc = src + 4 * (rectx * y + x);
-	            if( pixSrc[3] > 0.0) {
-					pixDest = dest + 4 * (rectx * y + x);
-					addAlphaOverFloat(pixDest, pixSrc);
-	             }
-	         }
-	    }
-	}
-	int displayed_layer_count( SceneRenderLayer* srl ) {
-		int count = 0;
-		for( FreestyleModuleConfig* module_conf = (FreestyleModuleConfig *)srl->freestyleConfig.modules.first; module_conf; module_conf = module_conf->next ) {
-			if( module_conf->is_displayed )
-				count++;
-		}
-		return count;
-	}
-	void FRS_add_Freestyle(Render* re) {
-		SceneRenderLayer *srl;
-		Render* freestyle_render = NULL;
-		// init
-		cout << "\n#===============================================================" << endl;
-		cout << "#  Freestyle" << endl;
-		cout << "#===============================================================" << endl;
-		init_view(re);
-		init_camera(re);
-		for(srl= (SceneRenderLayer *)current_scene->r.layers.first; srl; srl= srl->next) {
-			if( !(srl->layflag & SCE_LAY_DISABLE) &&
-			 	srl->layflag & SCE_LAY_FRS &&
-				displayed_layer_count(srl) > 0       )
-			{
-				cout << "\n----------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
-				cout << "|  "<< srl->name << endl;
-				cout << "----------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
-				// prepare Freestyle:
-				//   - clear canvas
-				//   - load mesh
-				//   - add style modules
-				//   - set parameters
-				//   - compute view map
-				prepare(re, srl);
-				// render and composite Freestyle result
-				if( controller->_ViewMap ) {
-					// render strokes					
-					controller->DrawStrokes();
-					freestyle_render = controller->RenderStrokes(re);
-					controller->CloseFile();
-					// composite result
-					composite_result(re, srl, freestyle_render);
-					// free resources
-					RE_FreeRender(freestyle_render);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	//=======================================================
-	//   Freestyle Panel Configuration
-	//=======================================================
-	void FRS_add_freestyle_config( SceneRenderLayer* srl )
-	{		
-		FreestyleConfig* config = &srl->freestyleConfig;
-		config->modules.first = config->modules.last = NULL;
-		config->flags = 0;
-		config->sphere_radius = 1.0;
-		config->dkr_epsilon = 0.001;
-	}
-	void FRS_free_freestyle_config( SceneRenderLayer* srl )
-	{		
-		BLI_freelistN( &srl->freestyleConfig.modules );
-	}
-	void FRS_select_layer( SceneRenderLayer* srl )
-	{	
-		FreestyleConfig* config = &srl->freestyleConfig;
-		freestyle_modules = &config->modules;
-		freestyle_flags = &config->flags;
-		freestyle_sphere_radius = &config->sphere_radius;
-		freestyle_dkr_epsilon = &config->dkr_epsilon;
-		freestyle_current_layer = srl;
-		current_scene->freestyle_current_layer_number = BLI_findindex(&current_scene->r.layers, freestyle_current_layer);
-	}
-	void FRS_add_module()
-	{
-		FreestyleModuleConfig* module_conf = (FreestyleModuleConfig*) MEM_callocN( sizeof(FreestyleModuleConfig), "style module configuration");
-		BLI_addtail(freestyle_modules, (void*) module_conf);
-		strcpy( module_conf->module_path, default_module_path.c_str() );
-		module_conf->is_displayed = 1;	
-	}
-	void FRS_delete_module(void *module_index_ptr, void *unused)
-	{
-		FreestyleModuleConfig* module_conf = (FreestyleModuleConfig*) BLI_findlink(freestyle_modules, (intptr_t)module_index_ptr);
-		BLI_freelinkN( freestyle_modules, module_conf);
-	}
-	void FRS_move_up_module(void *module_index_ptr, void *unused)
-	{
-		FreestyleModuleConfig* module_conf = (FreestyleModuleConfig*) BLI_findlink(freestyle_modules, (intptr_t)module_index_ptr);
-		BLI_remlink(freestyle_modules, module_conf);
-		BLI_insertlink(freestyle_modules, module_conf->prev->prev, module_conf);
-	}
-	void FRS_move_down_module(void *module_index_ptr, void *unused)
-	{			
-		FreestyleModuleConfig* module_conf = (FreestyleModuleConfig*) BLI_findlink(freestyle_modules, (intptr_t)module_index_ptr);
-		BLI_remlink(freestyle_modules, module_conf);
-		BLI_insertlink(freestyle_modules, module_conf->next, module_conf);
-	}
-	void FRS_set_module_path(void *module_index_ptr, void *unused)
-	{
-		FreestyleModuleConfig* module_conf = (FreestyleModuleConfig*) BLI_findlink(freestyle_modules, (intptr_t)module_index_ptr);
-		freestyle_current_module_path = module_conf->module_path;
-	}
-#ifdef __cplusplus

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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