[Bf-blender-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-blender [21960] branches/blender2.5/blender/ release/io/engine_render_pov.py: simple povray render integration.

Campbell Barton ideasman42 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 07:51:39 CEST 2009

Revision: 21960
Author:   campbellbarton
Date:     2009-07-28 07:51:38 +0200 (Tue, 28 Jul 2009)

Log Message:
simple povray render integration.

- camera/lamp/mesh object types
- meshes with modifiers applied, normals/uv/vertex colors
- materials, reflection, transparency
- spot/area/point lamps, samples, raytrace options
- scene render size, AA setting

- Doesn't need any 3rd party modules.
- Runs povray from the subprocess module, updating the image from a TARGA.
- Currently no UI panels or support for custom settings.

This could be used as an example for other scripts.

Added Paths:

Added: branches/blender2.5/blender/release/io/engine_render_pov.py
--- branches/blender2.5/blender/release/io/engine_render_pov.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/blender2.5/blender/release/io/engine_render_pov.py	2009-07-28 05:51:38 UTC (rev 21960)
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+import bpy
+from math import atan, pi, degrees
+import subprocess
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+def write_pov(filename, scene=None, info_callback = None):
+	file = open(filename, 'w')
+	# Only for testing
+	if not scene:
+		scene = bpy.data.scenes[0]
+	render = scene.render_data
+	materialTable = {}
+	def saneName(name):
+		name = name.lower()
+		for ch in ' /\\+=-[]{}().,<>\'":;~!@#$%^&*|?':
+			name = name.replace(ch, '_')
+		return name
+	def writeMatrix(matrix):
+		file.write('\tmatrix <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f,  %.6f, %.6f, %.6f,  %.6f, %.6f, %.6f,  %.6f, %.6f, %.6f>\n' %\
+		(matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2],  matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[1][2],  matrix[2][0], matrix[2][1], matrix[2][2],  matrix[3][0], matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2]) )
+	def exportCamera():
+		camera = scene.camera
+		matrix = camera.matrix
+		# compute resolution
+		Qsize=float(render.resolution_x)/float(render.resolution_y)
+		file.write('camera {\n')
+		file.write('\tlocation  <0, 0, 0>\n')
+		file.write('\tlook_at  <0, 0, -1>\n')
+		file.write('\tright <%s, 0, 0>\n' % -Qsize)
+		file.write('\tup <0, 1, 0>\n')
+		file.write('\tangle  %f \n' % (360.0*atan(16.0/camera.data.lens)/pi))
+		file.write('\trotate  <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>\n' % tuple([degrees(e) for e in matrix.rotationPart().toEuler()]))
+		file.write('\ttranslate <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>\n' % (matrix[3][0], matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2]))
+		file.write('}\n')
+	def exportLamps(lamps):
+		# Get all lamps
+		for ob in lamps:
+			lamp = ob.data
+			matrix = ob.matrix
+			color = tuple([c * lamp.energy for c in lamp.color]) # Colour is modified by energy
+			file.write('light_source')
+			file.write('{\n')
+			file.write('\t< 0,0,0 >\n')
+			file.write('\tcolor red %.6f green %.6f blue %.6f\n' % color)
+			if lamp.type == 'POINT': # Point Lamp 
+				pass
+			elif lamp.type == 'SPOT': # Spot
+				file.write('\tspotlight\n')
+				# Falloff is the main radius from the centre line
+				file.write('\tfalloff %.2f\n' % (lamp.spot_size/2.0) ) # 1 TO 179 FOR BOTH
+				file.write('\tradius %.6f\n' % ((lamp.spot_size/2.0) * (1-lamp.spot_blend)) ) 
+				# Blender does not have a tightness equivilent, 0 is most like blender default.
+				file.write('\ttightness 0\n') # 0:10f
+				file.write('\tpoint_at  <0, 0, -1>\n')
+			elif lamp.type == 'AREA':
+				size_x = lamp.size
+				samples_x = lamp.shadow_ray_samples_x
+				if lamp.shape == 'SQUARE':
+					size_y = size_x
+					samples_y = samples_x
+				else:
+					size_y = lamp.size_y
+					samples_y = lamp.shadow_ray_samples_y
+				file.write('\tarea_light <%d,0,0>,<0,0,%d> %d, %d\n' % (size_x, size_y, samples_x, samples_y))
+				if lamp.shadow_ray_sampling_method == 'CONSTANT_JITTERED':
+					if lamp.jitter:
+						file.write('\tjitter\n')
+				else:
+					file.write('\tadaptive 1\n')
+					file.write('\tjitter\n')
+			if lamp.shadow_method == 'NOSHADOW':
+				file.write('\tshadowless\n')	
+			file.write('\tfade_distance %.6f\n' % lamp.distance)
+			file.write('\tfade_power %d\n' % 1) # Could use blenders lamp quad?
+			writeMatrix(matrix)
+			file.write('}\n')
+	def exportMeshs(sel):
+		def bMat2PovString(material):
+			povstring = 'finish {'
+			if world != None:
+				povstring += 'ambient <%.6f, %.6f, %.6f> ' % tuple([c*material.ambient for c in world.ambient_color])
+			povstring += 'diffuse %.6f ' % material.diffuse_reflection
+			povstring += 'specular %.6f ' % material.specular_reflection
+			if material.raytrace_mirror.enabled:
+				#povstring += 'interior { ior %.6f } ' % material.IOR
+				raytrace_mirror= material.raytrace_mirror
+				if raytrace_mirror.reflect:
+					povstring += 'reflection {'
+					povstring += '<%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>' % tuple(material.mirror_color) # Should ask for ray mirror flag
+					povstring += 'fresnel 1 falloff %.6f exponent %.6f metallic %.6f} ' % (raytrace_mirror.fresnel, raytrace_mirror.fresnel_fac, raytrace_mirror.reflect)
+			if material.raytrace_transparency.enabled:
+				#povstring += 'interior { ior %.6f } ' % material.IOR
+				pass
+			#file.write('\t\troughness %.6f\n' % (material.hard*0.5))
+			#file.write('\t\t\tcrand 0.0\n') # Sand granyness
+			#file.write('\t\t\tmetallic %.6f\n' % material.spec)
+			#file.write('\t\t\tphong %.6f\n' % material.spec)
+			#file.write('\t\t\tphong_size %.6f\n' % material.spec)
+			povstring += 'brilliance %.6f ' % (material.specular_hardness/256.0) # Like hardness
+			povstring += '}'
+			#file.write('\t}\n')
+			return povstring
+		world = scene.world
+		# Convert all materials to strings we can access directly per vertex.
+		for material in bpy.data.materials:
+			materialTable[material.name] = bMat2PovString(material)
+		ob_num = 0
+		for ob in sel:
+			ob_num+= 1
+			if ob.type in ('LAMP', 'CAMERA', 'EMPTY'):
+				continue
+			me = ob.data
+			me_materials= me.materials
+			me = ob.create_render_mesh(scene)
+			if not me:
+				continue
+			if info_callback:
+				info_callback('Object %2.d of %2.d (%s)' % (ob_num, len(sel), ob.name))
+			#if ob.type!='MESH':
+			#	continue
+			# me = ob.data
+			matrix = ob.matrix
+			try:	uv_layer = me.active_uv_texture.data
+			except:uv_layer = None
+			try:	vcol_layer = me.active_vertex_color.data
+			except:vcol_layer = None
+			def regular_face(f):
+				fv = f.verts
+				if fv[3]== 0:
+					return fv[0], fv[1], fv[2]
+				return fv[0], fv[1], fv[2], fv[3]
+			faces_verts = [regular_face(f) for f in me.faces]
+			faces_normals = [tuple(f.normal) for f in me.faces]
+			verts_normals = [tuple(v.normal) for v in me.verts]
+			# quads incur an extra face
+			quadCount = len([f for f in faces_verts if len(f)==4])
+			file.write('mesh2 {\n')
+			file.write('\tvertex_vectors {\n')
+			file.write('\t\t%s' % (len(me.verts))) # vert count
+			for v in me.verts:
+				file.write(',\n\t\t<%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>' % tuple(v.co)) # vert count
+			file.write('\n  }\n')
+			# Build unique Normal list
+			uniqueNormals = {}
+			for fi, f in enumerate(me.faces):
+				fv = faces_verts[fi]
+				# [-1] is a dummy index, use a list so we can modify in place
+				if f.smooth: # Use vertex normals
+					for v in fv:
+						key = verts_normals[v]
+						uniqueNormals[key] = [-1]
+				else: # Use face normal
+					key = faces_normals[fi]
+					uniqueNormals[key] = [-1]
+			file.write('\tnormal_vectors {\n')
+			file.write('\t\t%d' % len(uniqueNormals)) # vert count
+			idx = 0
+			for no, index in uniqueNormals.items():
+				file.write(',\n\t\t<%.6f, %.6f, %.6f>' % no) # vert count
+				index[0] = idx
+				idx +=1
+			file.write('\n  }\n')
+			# Vertex colours
+			vertCols = {} # Use for material colours also.
+			if uv_layer:
+				# Generate unique UV's
+				uniqueUVs = {}
+				for fi, uv in enumerate(uv_layer):
+					if len(faces_verts[fi])==4:
+						uvs = uv.uv1, uv.uv2, uv.uv3, uv.uv4
+					else:
+						uvs = uv.uv1, uv.uv2, uv.uv3
+					for uv in uvs:
+						uniqueUVs[tuple(uv)] = [-1]
+				file.write('\tuv_vectors {\n')
+				#print unique_uvs
+				file.write('\t\t%s' % (len(uniqueUVs))) # vert count
+				idx = 0
+				for uv, index in uniqueUVs.items():
+					file.write(',\n\t\t<%.6f, %.6f>' % uv)
+					index[0] = idx
+					idx +=1
+				'''
+				else:
+					# Just add 1 dummy vector, no real UV's
+					file.write('\t\t1') # vert count
+					file.write(',\n\t\t<0.0, 0.0>')
+				'''
+				file.write('\n  }\n')
+			if me.vertex_colors:
+				for fi, f in enumerate(me.faces):
+					material_index = f.material_index
+					material = me_materials[material_index]
+					if material and material.vertex_color_paint:
+						col = vcol_layer[fi]
+						if len(faces_verts[fi])==4:
+							cols = col.color1, col.color2, col.color3, col.color4
+						else:
+							cols = col.color1, col.color2, col.color3
+						for col in cols:					
+							key = col[0], col[1], col[2], material_index # Material index!
+							vertCols[key] = [-1]
+					else:
+						if material:
+							diffuse_color = tuple(material.diffuse_color)
+							key = diffuse_color[0], diffuse_color[1], diffuse_color[2], material_index
+							vertCols[key] = [-1]
+			else:
+				# No vertex colours, so write material colours as vertex colours
+				for i, material in enumerate(me_materials):
+					if material:
+						diffuse_color = tuple(material.diffuse_color)
+						key = diffuse_color[0], diffuse_color[1], diffuse_color[2], i # i == f.mat
+						vertCols[key] = [-1]
+			# Vert Colours
+			file.write('\ttexture_list {\n')
+			file.write('\t\t%s' % (len(vertCols))) # vert count
+			idx=0
+			for col, index in vertCols.items():
+				if me_materials:
+					material = me_materials[col[3]]
+					materialString = materialTable[material.name]
+				else:
+					materialString = '' # Dont write anything
+				float_col = col[0], col[1], col[2], 1-material.alpha, materialString
+				#print material.apl
+				file.write(',\n\t\ttexture { pigment {rgbf<%.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f>}%s}' % float_col)
+				index[0] = idx
+				idx+=1
+			file.write( '\n  }\n' )
+			# Face indicies
+			file.write('\tface_indices {\n')
+			file.write('\t\t%d' % (len(me.faces) + quadCount)) # faces count
+			for fi, f in enumerate(me.faces):
+				fv = faces_verts[fi]
+				material_index= f.material_index
+				if len(fv) == 4:	indicies = (0,1,2), (0,2,3)
+				else:				indicies = ((0,1,2),)
+				if vcol_layer:
+					col = vcol_layer[fi]
+					if len(fv) == 4:
+						cols = col.color1, col.color2, col.color3, col.color4
+					else:
+						cols = col.color1, col.color2, col.color3
+				if not me_materials or me_materials[material_index] == None: # No materials
+					for i1, i2, i3 in indicies:
+						file.write(',\n\t\t<%d,%d,%d>' % (fv[i1], fv[i2], fv[i3])) # vert count
+				else:
+					material = me_materials[material_index]
+					for i1, i2, i3 in indicies:
+						if me.vertex_colors and material.vertex_color_paint:

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