[Bf-blender-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-blender [22306] branches/soc-2009-kazanbas/release /io: Copied 3DS, X3D scripts to release/io naming them after [import|export ]_[format].py scheme.

Arystanbek Dyussenov arystan.d at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 13:44:58 CEST 2009

Revision: 22306
Author:   kazanbas
Date:     2009-08-08 13:44:56 +0200 (Sat, 08 Aug 2009)

Log Message:
Copied 3DS, X3D scripts to release/io naming them after [import|export]_[format].py scheme.

Added Paths:

Copied: branches/soc-2009-kazanbas/release/io/export_3ds.py (from rev 22017, branches/soc-2009-kazanbas/release/scripts/3ds_export.py)
--- branches/soc-2009-kazanbas/release/io/export_3ds.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/soc-2009-kazanbas/release/io/export_3ds.py	2009-08-08 11:44:56 UTC (rev 22306)
@@ -0,0 +1,1025 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+Name: '3D Studio (.3ds)...'
+Blender: 243
+Group: 'Export'
+Tooltip: 'Export to 3DS file format (.3ds).'
+__author__ = ["Campbell Barton", "Bob Holcomb", "Richard Lärkäng", "Damien McGinnes", "Mark Stijnman"]
+__url__ = ("blenderartists.org", "www.blender.org", "www.gametutorials.com", "lib3ds.sourceforge.net/")
+__version__ = "0.90a"
+__bpydoc__ = """\
+3ds Exporter
+This script Exports a 3ds file.
+Exporting is based on 3ds loader from www.gametutorials.com(Thanks DigiBen) and using information
+from the lib3ds project (http://lib3ds.sourceforge.net/) sourcecode.
+# Script copyright (C) Bob Holcomb 
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+# ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Importing modules
+import Blender
+import bpy
+from BPyMesh import getMeshFromObject
+from BPyObject import getDerivedObjects
+    import struct
+    struct = None
+# So 3ds max can open files, limit names to 12 in length
+# this is verry annoying for filenames!
+name_unique = []
+name_mapping = {}
+def sane_name(name):
+	name_fixed = name_mapping.get(name)
+	if name_fixed != None:
+		return name_fixed
+	if len(name) > 12:
+		new_name = name[:12]
+	else:
+		new_name = name
+	i = 0
+	while new_name in name_unique:
+		new_name = new_name[:-4] + '.%.3d' % i
+		i+=1
+	name_unique.append(new_name)
+	name_mapping[name] = new_name
+	return new_name
+# Data Structures
+#Some of the chunks that we will export
+#----- Primary Chunk, at the beginning of each file
+PRIMARY= long("0x4D4D",16)
+#------ Main Chunks
+OBJECTINFO   =      long("0x3D3D",16);      #This gives the version of the mesh and is found right before the material and object information
+VERSION      =      long("0x0002",16);      #This gives the version of the .3ds file
+KFDATA       =      long("0xB000",16);      #This is the header for all of the key frame info
+#------ sub defines of OBJECTINFO
+MATERIAL=45055		#0xAFFF				// This stored the texture info
+OBJECT=16384		#0x4000				// This stores the faces, vertices, etc...
+#>------ sub defines of MATERIAL
+MATNAME    =      long("0xA000",16);      # This holds the material name
+MATAMBIENT   =      long("0xA010",16);      # Ambient color of the object/material
+MATDIFFUSE   =      long("0xA020",16);      # This holds the color of the object/material
+MATSPECULAR   =      long("0xA030",16);      # SPecular color of the object/material
+MATSHINESS   =      long("0xA040",16);      # ??
+MATMAP       =      long("0xA200",16);      # This is a header for a new material
+MATMAPFILE    =      long("0xA300",16);      # This holds the file name of the texture
+RGB1=	long("0x0011",16)
+RGB2=	long("0x0012",16)
+#>------ sub defines of OBJECT
+OBJECT_MESH  =      long("0x4100",16);      # This lets us know that we are reading a new object
+OBJECT_LIGHT =      long("0x4600",16);      # This lets un know we are reading a light object
+OBJECT_CAMERA=      long("0x4700",16);      # This lets un know we are reading a camera object
+#>------ sub defines of CAMERA
+OBJECT_CAM_RANGES=   long("0x4720",16);      # The camera range values
+#>------ sub defines of OBJECT_MESH
+OBJECT_VERTICES =   long("0x4110",16);      # The objects vertices
+OBJECT_FACES    =   long("0x4120",16);      # The objects faces
+OBJECT_MATERIAL =   long("0x4130",16);      # This is found if the object has a material, either texture map or color
+OBJECT_UV       =   long("0x4140",16);      # The UV texture coordinates
+OBJECT_TRANS_MATRIX  =   long("0x4160",16); # The Object Matrix
+#>------ sub defines of KFDATA
+KFDATA_KFHDR            = long("0xB00A",16);
+KFDATA_KFSEG            = long("0xB008",16);
+KFDATA_KFCURTIME        = long("0xB009",16);
+KFDATA_OBJECT_NODE_TAG  = long("0xB002",16);
+#>------ sub defines of OBJECT_NODE_TAG
+OBJECT_NODE_ID          = long("0xB030",16);
+OBJECT_NODE_HDR         = long("0xB010",16);
+OBJECT_PIVOT            = long("0xB013",16);
+OBJECT_INSTANCE_NAME    = long("0xB011",16);
+POS_TRACK_TAG			= long("0xB020",16);
+ROT_TRACK_TAG			= long("0xB021",16);
+SCL_TRACK_TAG			= long("0xB022",16);
+def uv_key(uv):
+	return round(uv.x, 6), round(uv.y, 6)
+# size defines:	
+SZ_INT   = 4
+class _3ds_short(object):
+	'''Class representing a short (2-byte integer) for a 3ds file.
+	*** This looks like an unsigned short H is unsigned from the struct docs - Cam***'''
+	__slots__ = 'value'
+	def __init__(self, val=0):
+		self.value=val
+	def get_size(self):
+		return SZ_SHORT
+	def write(self,file):
+		file.write(struct.pack("<H", self.value))
+	def __str__(self):
+		return str(self.value)
+class _3ds_int(object):
+	'''Class representing an int (4-byte integer) for a 3ds file.'''
+	__slots__ = 'value'
+	def __init__(self, val=0):
+		self.value=val
+	def get_size(self):
+		return SZ_INT
+	def write(self,file):
+		file.write(struct.pack("<I", self.value))
+	def __str__(self):
+		return str(self.value)
+class _3ds_float(object):
+	'''Class representing a 4-byte IEEE floating point number for a 3ds file.'''
+	__slots__ = 'value'
+	def __init__(self, val=0.0):
+		self.value=val
+	def get_size(self):
+		return SZ_FLOAT
+	def write(self,file):
+		file.write(struct.pack("<f", self.value))
+	def __str__(self):
+		return str(self.value)
+class _3ds_string(object):
+	'''Class representing a zero-terminated string for a 3ds file.'''
+	__slots__ = 'value'
+	def __init__(self, val=""):
+		self.value=val
+	def get_size(self):
+		return (len(self.value)+1)
+	def write(self,file):
+		binary_format = "<%ds" % (len(self.value)+1)
+		file.write(struct.pack(binary_format, self.value))
+	def __str__(self):
+		return self.value
+class _3ds_point_3d(object):
+	'''Class representing a three-dimensional point for a 3ds file.'''
+	__slots__ = 'x','y','z'
+	def __init__(self, point=(0.0,0.0,0.0)):
+		self.x, self.y, self.z = point
+	def get_size(self):
+		return 3*SZ_FLOAT
+	def write(self,file):
+		file.write(struct.pack('<3f', self.x, self.y, self.z))
+	def __str__(self):
+		return '(%f, %f, %f)' % (self.x, self.y, self.z)
+# Used for writing a track
+class _3ds_point_4d(object):
+	'''Class representing a four-dimensional point for a 3ds file, for instance a quaternion.'''
+	__slots__ = 'x','y','z','w'
+	def __init__(self, point=(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)):
+		self.x, self.y, self.z, self.w = point	
+	def get_size(self):
+		return 4*SZ_FLOAT
+	def write(self,file):
+		data=struct.pack('<4f', self.x, self.y, self.z, self.w)
+		file.write(data)
+	def __str__(self):
+		return '(%f, %f, %f, %f)' % (self.x, self.y, self.z, self.w)
+class _3ds_point_uv(object):
+	'''Class representing a UV-coordinate for a 3ds file.'''
+	__slots__ = 'uv'
+	def __init__(self, point=(0.0,0.0)):
+		self.uv = point
+	def __cmp__(self, other):
+		return cmp(self.uv,other.uv)	
+	def get_size(self):
+		return 2*SZ_FLOAT
+	def write(self,file):
+		data=struct.pack('<2f', self.uv[0], self.uv[1])
+		file.write(data)
+	def __str__(self):
+		return '(%g, %g)' % self.uv
+class _3ds_rgb_color(object):
+	'''Class representing a (24-bit) rgb color for a 3ds file.'''
+	__slots__ = 'r','g','b'
+	def __init__(self, col=(0,0,0)):
+		self.r, self.g, self.b = col
+	def get_size(self):
+		return 3
+	def write(self,file):
+		file.write( struct.pack('<3c', chr(int(255*self.r)), chr(int(255*self.g)), chr(int(255*self.b)) ) )
+	def __str__(self):
+		return '{%f, %f, %f}' % (self.r, self.g, self.b)
+class _3ds_face(object):
+	'''Class representing a face for a 3ds file.'''
+	__slots__ = 'vindex'
+	def __init__(self, vindex):
+		self.vindex = vindex
+	def get_size(self):
+		return 4*SZ_SHORT
+	def write(self,file):
+		# The last zero is only used by 3d studio
+		file.write(struct.pack("<4H", self.vindex[0],self.vindex[1], self.vindex[2], 0))
+	def __str__(self):
+		return '[%d %d %d]' % (self.vindex[0],self.vindex[1], self.vindex[2])
+class _3ds_array(object):
+	'''Class representing an array of variables for a 3ds file.
+	Consists of a _3ds_short to indicate the number of items, followed by the items themselves.
+	'''
+	__slots__ = 'values', 'size'
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.values=[]
+		self.size=SZ_SHORT
+	# add an item:
+	def add(self,item):
+		self.values.append(item)
+		self.size+=item.get_size()
+	def get_size(self):
+		return self.size
+	def write(self,file):
+		_3ds_short(len(self.values)).write(file)
+		#_3ds_int(len(self.values)).write(file)
+		for value in self.values:
+			value.write(file)
+	# To not overwhelm the output in a dump, a _3ds_array only
+	# outputs the number of items, not all of the actual items. 
+	def __str__(self):
+		return '(%d items)' % len(self.values)
+class _3ds_named_variable(object):
+	'''Convenience class for named variables.'''
+	__slots__ = 'value', 'name'
+	def __init__(self, name, val=None):
+		self.name=name
+		self.value=val
+	def get_size(self):
+		if (self.value==None): 
+			return 0
+		else:
+			return self.value.get_size()
+	def write(self, file):
+		if (self.value!=None): 

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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