[Bf-blender-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-blender [16580] trunk/blender/extern/bullet2/src/ LinearMath/btConvexHull.cpp: added src/LinearMath/btConvexHull.cpp

Erwin Coumans blender at erwincoumans.com
Wed Sep 17 21:58:16 CEST 2008

Revision: 16580
Author:   erwin
Date:     2008-09-17 21:58:16 +0200 (Wed, 17 Sep 2008)

Log Message:
added src/LinearMath/btConvexHull.cpp

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/blender/extern/bullet2/src/LinearMath/btConvexHull.cpp
--- trunk/blender/extern/bullet2/src/LinearMath/btConvexHull.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/blender/extern/bullet2/src/LinearMath/btConvexHull.cpp	2008-09-17 19:58:16 UTC (rev 16580)
@@ -0,0 +1,1153 @@
+Stan Melax Convex Hull Computation
+Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Stan Melax http://www.melax.com/
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, 
+subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+#include <string.h>
+#include "btConvexHull.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btAlignedObjectArray.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btMinMax.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btVector3.h"
+template <class T>
+void Swap(T &a,T &b)
+	T tmp = a;
+	a=b;
+	b=tmp;
+class int3  
+	int x,y,z;
+	int3(){};
+	int3(int _x,int _y, int _z){x=_x;y=_y;z=_z;}
+	const int& operator[](int i) const {return (&x)[i];}
+	int& operator[](int i) {return (&x)[i];}
+//------- btPlane ----------
+inline btPlane PlaneFlip(const btPlane &plane){return btPlane(-plane.normal,-plane.dist);}
+inline int operator==( const btPlane &a, const btPlane &b ) { return (a.normal==b.normal && a.dist==b.dist); }
+inline int coplanar( const btPlane &a, const btPlane &b ) { return (a==b || a==PlaneFlip(b)); }
+//--------- Utility Functions ------
+btVector3  PlaneLineIntersection(const btPlane &plane, const btVector3 &p0, const btVector3 &p1);
+btVector3  PlaneProject(const btPlane &plane, const btVector3 &point);
+btVector3  ThreePlaneIntersection(const btPlane &p0,const btPlane &p1, const btPlane &p2);
+btVector3  ThreePlaneIntersection(const btPlane &p0,const btPlane &p1, const btPlane &p2)
+	btVector3 N1 = p0.normal;
+	btVector3 N2 = p1.normal;
+	btVector3 N3 = p2.normal;
+	btVector3 n2n3; n2n3 = N2.cross(N3);
+	btVector3 n3n1; n3n1 = N3.cross(N1);
+	btVector3 n1n2; n1n2 = N1.cross(N2);
+	btScalar quotient = (N1.dot(n2n3));
+	btAssert(btFabs(quotient) > btScalar(0.000001));
+	quotient = btScalar(-1.) / quotient;
+	n2n3 *= p0.dist;
+	n3n1 *= p1.dist;
+	n1n2 *= p2.dist;
+	btVector3 potentialVertex = n2n3;
+	potentialVertex += n3n1;
+	potentialVertex += n1n2;
+	potentialVertex *= quotient;
+	btVector3 result(potentialVertex.getX(),potentialVertex.getY(),potentialVertex.getZ());
+	return result;
+btScalar   DistanceBetweenLines(const btVector3 &ustart, const btVector3 &udir, const btVector3 &vstart, const btVector3 &vdir, btVector3 *upoint=NULL, btVector3 *vpoint=NULL);
+btVector3  TriNormal(const btVector3 &v0, const btVector3 &v1, const btVector3 &v2);
+btVector3  NormalOf(const btVector3 *vert, const int n);
+btVector3 PlaneLineIntersection(const btPlane &plane, const btVector3 &p0, const btVector3 &p1)
+	// returns the point where the line p0-p1 intersects the plane n&d
+				static btVector3 dif;
+		dif = p1-p0;
+				btScalar dn= dot(plane.normal,dif);
+				btScalar t = -(plane.dist+dot(plane.normal,p0) )/dn;
+				return p0 + (dif*t);
+btVector3 PlaneProject(const btPlane &plane, const btVector3 &point)
+	return point - plane.normal * (dot(point,plane.normal)+plane.dist);
+btVector3 TriNormal(const btVector3 &v0, const btVector3 &v1, const btVector3 &v2)
+	// return the normal of the triangle
+	// inscribed by v0, v1, and v2
+	btVector3 cp=cross(v1-v0,v2-v1);
+	btScalar m=cp.length();
+	if(m==0) return btVector3(1,0,0);
+	return cp*(btScalar(1.0)/m);
+btScalar DistanceBetweenLines(const btVector3 &ustart, const btVector3 &udir, const btVector3 &vstart, const btVector3 &vdir, btVector3 *upoint, btVector3 *vpoint)
+	static btVector3 cp;
+	cp = cross(udir,vdir).normalized();
+	btScalar distu = -dot(cp,ustart);
+	btScalar distv = -dot(cp,vstart);
+	btScalar dist = (btScalar)fabs(distu-distv);
+	if(upoint) 
+		{
+		btPlane plane;
+		plane.normal = cross(vdir,cp).normalized();
+		plane.dist = -dot(plane.normal,vstart);
+		*upoint = PlaneLineIntersection(plane,ustart,ustart+udir);
+	}
+	if(vpoint) 
+		{
+		btPlane plane;
+		plane.normal = cross(udir,cp).normalized();
+		plane.dist = -dot(plane.normal,ustart);
+		*vpoint = PlaneLineIntersection(plane,vstart,vstart+vdir);
+	}
+	return dist;
+#define COPLANAR   (0)
+#define UNDER      (1)
+#define OVER       (2)
+#define SPLIT      (OVER|UNDER)
+#define PAPERWIDTH (btScalar(0.001))
+btScalar planetestepsilon = PAPERWIDTH;
+typedef ConvexH::HalfEdge HalfEdge;
+ConvexH::ConvexH(int vertices_size,int edges_size,int facets_size)
+	vertices.resize(vertices_size);
+	edges.resize(edges_size);
+	facets.resize(facets_size);
+int PlaneTest(const btPlane &p, const btVector3 &v);
+int PlaneTest(const btPlane &p, const btVector3 &v) {
+	btScalar a  = dot(v,p.normal)+p.dist;
+	int   flag = (a>planetestepsilon)?OVER:((a<-planetestepsilon)?UNDER:COPLANAR);
+	return flag;
+int SplitTest(ConvexH &convex,const btPlane &plane);
+int SplitTest(ConvexH &convex,const btPlane &plane) {
+	int flag=0;
+	for(int i=0;i<convex.vertices.size();i++) {
+		flag |= PlaneTest(plane,convex.vertices[i]);
+	}
+	return flag;
+class VertFlag
+	unsigned char planetest;
+	unsigned char junk;
+	unsigned char undermap;
+	unsigned char overmap;
+class EdgeFlag 
+	unsigned char planetest;
+	unsigned char fixes;
+	short undermap;
+	short overmap;
+class PlaneFlag
+	unsigned char undermap;
+	unsigned char overmap;
+class Coplanar{
+	unsigned short ea;
+	unsigned char v0;
+	unsigned char v1;
+template<class T>
+int maxdirfiltered(const T *p,int count,const T &dir,btAlignedObjectArray<int> &allow)
+	btAssert(count);
+	int m=-1;
+	for(int i=0;i<count;i++) 
+		if(allow[i])
+		{
+			if(m==-1 || dot(p[i],dir)>dot(p[m],dir))
+				m=i;
+		}
+	btAssert(m!=-1);
+	return m;
+btVector3 orth(const btVector3 &v);
+btVector3 orth(const btVector3 &v)
+	btVector3 a=cross(v,btVector3(0,0,1));
+	btVector3 b=cross(v,btVector3(0,1,0));
+	if (a.length() > b.length())
+	{
+		return a.normalized();
+	} else {
+		return b.normalized();
+	}
+template<class T>
+int maxdirsterid(const T *p,int count,const T &dir,btAlignedObjectArray<int> &allow)
+	int m=-1;
+	while(m==-1)
+	{
+		m = maxdirfiltered(p,count,dir,allow);
+		if(allow[m]==3) return m;
+		T u = orth(dir);
+		T v = cross(u,dir);
+		int ma=-1;
+		for(btScalar x = btScalar(0.0) ; x<= btScalar(360.0) ; x+= btScalar(45.0))
+		{
+			btScalar s = sinf(SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG*(x));
+			btScalar c = cosf(SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG*(x));
+			int mb = maxdirfiltered(p,count,dir+(u*s+v*c)*btScalar(0.025),allow);
+			if(ma==m && mb==m)
+			{
+				allow[m]=3;
+				return m;
+			}
+			if(ma!=-1 && ma!=mb)  // Yuck - this is really ugly
+			{
+				int mc = ma;
+				for(btScalar xx = x-btScalar(40.0) ; xx <= x ; xx+= btScalar(5.0))
+				{
+					btScalar s = sinf(SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG*(xx));
+					btScalar c = cosf(SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG*(xx));
+					int md = maxdirfiltered(p,count,dir+(u*s+v*c)*btScalar(0.025),allow);
+					if(mc==m && md==m)
+					{
+						allow[m]=3;
+						return m;
+					}
+					mc=md;
+				}
+			}
+			ma=mb;
+		}
+		allow[m]=0;
+		m=-1;
+	}
+	btAssert(0);
+	return m;
+int operator ==(const int3 &a,const int3 &b);
+int operator ==(const int3 &a,const int3 &b) 
+	for(int i=0;i<3;i++) 
+	{
+		if(a[i]!=b[i]) return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+int above(btVector3* vertices,const int3& t, const btVector3 &p, btScalar epsilon);
+int above(btVector3* vertices,const int3& t, const btVector3 &p, btScalar epsilon) 
+	btVector3 n=TriNormal(vertices[t[0]],vertices[t[1]],vertices[t[2]]);
+	return (dot(n,p-vertices[t[0]]) > epsilon); // EPSILON???
+int hasedge(const int3 &t, int a,int b);
+int hasedge(const int3 &t, int a,int b)
+	for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
+	{
+		int i1= (i+1)%3;
+		if(t[i]==a && t[i1]==b) return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+int hasvert(const int3 &t, int v);
+int hasvert(const int3 &t, int v)
+	return (t[0]==v || t[1]==v || t[2]==v) ;
+int shareedge(const int3 &a,const int3 &b);
+int shareedge(const int3 &a,const int3 &b)
+	int i;
+	for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+	{
+		int i1= (i+1)%3;
+		if(hasedge(a,b[i1],b[i])) return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+class Tri;
+class Tri : public int3
+	int3 n;
+	int id;
+	int vmax;
+	btScalar rise;
+	Tri(int a,int b,int c):int3(a,b,c),n(-1,-1,-1)
+	{
+		vmax=-1;
+		rise = btScalar(0.0);
+	}
+	~Tri()
+	{
+	}
+	int &neib(int a,int b);
+int &Tri::neib(int a,int b)
+	static int er=-1;
+	int i;
+	for(i=0;i<3;i++) 
+	{
+		int i1=(i+1)%3;
+		int i2=(i+2)%3;
+		if((*this)[i]==a && (*this)[i1]==b) return n[i2];
+		if((*this)[i]==b && (*this)[i1]==a) return n[i2];
+	}
+	btAssert(0);
+	return er;
+void HullLibrary::b2bfix(Tri* s,Tri*t)
+	int i;
+	for(i=0;i<3;i++) 
+	{
+		int i1=(i+1)%3;
+		int i2=(i+2)%3;
+		int a = (*s)[i1];
+		int b = (*s)[i2];
+		btAssert(m_tris[s->neib(a,b)]->neib(b,a) == s->id);
+		btAssert(m_tris[t->neib(a,b)]->neib(b,a) == t->id);
+		m_tris[s->neib(a,b)]->neib(b,a) = t->neib(b,a);
+		m_tris[t->neib(b,a)]->neib(a,b) = s->neib(a,b);
+	}
+void HullLibrary::removeb2b(Tri* s,Tri*t)
+	b2bfix(s,t);
+	deAllocateTriangle(s);
+	deAllocateTriangle(t);
+void HullLibrary::checkit(Tri *t)
+	(void)t;
+	int i;
+	btAssert(m_tris[t->id]==t);
+	for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+	{
+		int i1=(i+1)%3;
+		int i2=(i+2)%3;
+		int a = (*t)[i1];
+		int b = (*t)[i2];
+		// release compile fix
+		(void)i1;
+		(void)i2;
+		(void)a;
+		(void)b;
+		btAssert(a!=b);
+		btAssert( m_tris[t->n[i]]->neib(b,a) == t->id);
+	}
+Tri*	HullLibrary::allocateTriangle(int a,int b,int c)
+	void* mem = btAlignedAlloc(sizeof(Tri),16);
+	Tri* tr = new (mem)Tri(a,b,c);
+	tr->id = m_tris.size();
+	m_tris.push_back(tr);
+	return tr;
+void	HullLibrary::deAllocateTriangle(Tri* tri)
+	btAssert(m_tris[tri->id]==tri);
+	m_tris[tri->id]=NULL;

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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