[Bf-blender-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-blender [14918] branches/apricot/release/scripts/ animation_proto.py: tool to interactively propotype animations using python and the NLA

Campbell Barton ideasman42 at gmail.com
Thu May 22 11:07:37 CEST 2008

Revision: 14918
Author:   campbellbarton
Date:     2008-05-22 11:07:37 +0200 (Thu, 22 May 2008)

Log Message:
tool to interactively propotype animations using python and the NLA

Added Paths:

Added: branches/apricot/release/scripts/animation_proto.py
--- branches/apricot/release/scripts/animation_proto.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/apricot/release/scripts/animation_proto.py	2008-05-22 09:07:37 UTC (rev 14918)
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+Name: 'NLA Prototype...'
+Blender: 246
+Group: 'Animation'
+Tip: 'Interactivly prototype the NLA'
+__author__ = "Campbell Barton"
+__url__ = ("blender.org", "blenderartists.org")
+__version__ = "0.01 05/22/2008"
+__bpydoc__ = """\
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+# Anim Prototype v0.01 by Campbell Barton (AKA Ideasman42) 
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
+# GNU General Public License for more details. 
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA	02111-1307, USA. 
+# ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** 
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+import bpy
+import Blender
+from Blender import Window, Draw
+FLAG_IS_STATE = 1<<0 # Is this a switch state
+FLAG_IS_LOOP = 1<<1 # Is this a switch state
+IDLE = 'Frankie_Idle1'
+KMKEY = 0
+# key, actionName, flags, pressed?
+KEYMAP = [\
+[Draw.UPARROWKEY,		'Frankie_Walk',			FLAG_IS_STATE|FLAG_IS_LOOP,		False, 10],\
+[Draw.DOWNARROWKEY,		'Frankie_Runs',			FLAG_IS_STATE|FLAG_IS_LOOP,		False, 10],\
+[Draw.SPACEKEY,			'Frankie_StandJump',	FLAG_IS_STATE,					False, 20],\
+[Draw.RETKEY,			'Frankie_Throw1',		FLAG_IS_STATE,					False, 10],\
+def recalcRepeat(s):
+	actlen= s.actionEnd-s.actionStart
+	s.repeat = ((s.stripEnd-s.stripStart) / actlen)
+def setStripStart(s, frame):
+	stripStart =	s.stripStart
+	stripEnd =		s.stripEnd
+	if frame == stripStart:
+		return
+	stripLen = 		stripEnd - stripStart
+	if frame < stripStart:
+		s.stripStart =	frame
+		s.stripEnd =	frame + stripLen
+	else:
+		s.stripEnd =	frame + stripLen
+		s.stripStart =	frame
+def setStripEnd(s, frame):
+	stripStart =	s.stripStart
+	stripEnd =		s.stripEnd
+	if frame == stripEnd:
+		return
+	stripLen = 		stripEnd - stripStart
+	if frame < stripEnd:
+		s.stripStart =	frame-stripLen
+		s.stripEnd =	frame
+	else:
+		s.stripEnd =	frame
+		s.stripStart =	frame-stripLen
+def setStripInf(s):
+	s.stripEnd = s.stripStart + 1000
+	recalcRepeat(s)
+def setStripOnce(s):
+	actlen= s.actionEnd-s.actionStart
+	s.stripEnd = s.stripStart + actlen
+	recalcRepeat(s)
+def fadeIn(s, frame):
+	#setStripStart(s, frame)
+	setStripStart(s, frame)
+	setStripInf(s)
+def fadeOut(s, frame):
+	'''
+	length = s.actionEnd - s.actionStart 
+	setStripEnd(s, frame + int(s.blendOut))
+	'''
+	if s.stripStart > frame:
+		return 
+	stripStartNew = s.stripStart
+	stripLenNew = 	frame - stripStartNew
+	actlen =		s.actionEnd-s.actionStart
+	while stripLenNew - (s.blendIn+s.blendOut) < 0:
+		stripStartNew -= actlen
+		stripLenNew = 	frame - stripStartNew
+		#print "make way!", s.action.name
+		#print frame,stripLenNew 
+	s.stripStart = stripStartNew
+	s.stripEnd = frame
+	recalcRepeat(s)
+	#s.stripEnd =	frame - s.blendOut
+	#recalcRepeat(s)
+	#setStripEnd(s, frame)
+def animloop(sce, rend, ob):
+	jump_momentum = None
+	def IS_ACTIVE_STATE(km_context):
+		for km in KEYMAP:
+			if km_context != km and km[KMSTATE] and km[KMFLAG] & FLAG_IS_STATE:
+				return True
+		return False
+	cfra = rend.cFrame
+	strips = []
+		strips[:] = [(s,s.action) for s in ob.actionStrips]
+	def GET_PRIORITY(flag):
+		priority = -1
+		for km in KEYMAP:
+			if km[KMSTATE]: # Make sure this wasnt set
+				if km[KMFLAG] & flag:
+					priority = max(priority, km[KMPRIORITY])
+		return priority
+	def TEST_STRIP(frame):
+		for s,a in strips:
+			if not (s.flag & Blender.Armature.NLA.Flags.MUTE):
+				if s.stripStart+s.blendIn <= frame and s.stripEnd-s.blendOut >= frame:
+					# print s.action.name
+					return True
+		# print "NBOPATHC"
+		return False
+	def SET_ACTIVE(km):
+		blend = 0
+		for s,a in strips:
+			if a.name == km[KMNAME]:
+				ok = True
+				break
+		if ok:			
+			# blend = s.blendOut
+			fadeIn(s, cfra)
+			s.flag &= ~Blender.Armature.NLA.Flags.MUTE
+			if not (km[KMFLAG] & FLAG_IS_LOOP):
+				setStripOnce(s)
+			for i in xrange(len(strips)):
+				ob.actionStrips.moveUp(s)
+		for s,a in strips:
+			if a.name != km[KMNAME]:
+				fadeOut(s, cfra + s.blendOut)
+	def SET_IDLE():
+		blend = 0
+		ok = False
+		for s,a in strips:
+			# print a.name
+			if a.name == IDLE:
+				# setStripStart(s, cfra)
+				ok = True
+				break
+		if ok:		
+			blend = s.blendOut
+			fadeIn(s, cfra)
+			s.flag &= ~Blender.Armature.NLA.Flags.MUTE
+			for i in xrange(len(strips)):
+				ob.actionStrips.moveUp(s)
+		for s,a in strips:
+			if a.name != IDLE:
+				fadeOut(s, cfra+s.blendOut)
+	for s,a in strips:
+		# print a.name
+		if a.name == IDLE:
+			setStripStart(s, cfra)
+			setStripInf(s)
+			s.flag &= ~Blender.Armature.NLA.Flags.MUTE
+		else:
+			setStripOnce(s)
+			setStripEnd(s, 0)
+			s.flag |= Blender.Armature.NLA.Flags.MUTE
+	context_act = IDLE
+	while 1:
+		cfra = rend.cFrame
+		# sce.update()
+		#print "cfra", cfra
+		while Window.QTest():
+			evt, val = Window.QRead()
+			if evt == Draw.MOUSEX or evt == Draw.MOUSEY:
+				pass
+			else:
+				print evt, val
+				for km in KEYMAP:
+					if km[0] == evt:
+						if val:
+							if not km[KMSTATE]: # Make sure this wasnt set
+								if km[KMFLAG] & FLAG_IS_STATE and priority <= km[KMPRIORITY]:
+									if context_act != km[KMNAME]:
+										context_act = km[KMNAME]
+										SET_ACTIVE(km)
+							km[KMSTATE] = val
+						else:
+							if km[KMFLAG] & FLAG_IS_STATE and (km[KMFLAG] & FLAG_IS_LOOP):
+								if not IS_ACTIVE_STATE(km):
+									if context_act != IDLE:
+										# print "SETTING IDLE1"
+										context_act = IDLE
+										SET_IDLE()
+										context_act = IDLE
+								km[KMSTATE] = val
+							# In some cases we want to keep km[KMSTATE] even if the key is off
+			if evt == ESC:
+				return	
+		for s,a in strips:
+			if s.stripEnd < cfra:
+				s.flag |= Blender.Armature.NLA.Flags.MUTE
+		# End all loops that are active but have finished
+		for km in KEYMAP:
+			if km[KMSTATE] and not (km[KMFLAG] & FLAG_IS_LOOP):
+				for s,a in strips:
+					if a.name == km[KMNAME]:
+						if s.stripEnd - s.blendOut <= cfra:
+							# print s.stripEnd, cfra
+							km[KMSTATE] = False
+							# print "TEST!!!"
+		# Set Idle if none are active
+		if not IS_ACTIVE_STATE(None):
+			if context_act != IDLE:
+				context_act = IDLE
+				SET_IDLE()
+				context_act = IDLE
+		else:
+			if not TEST_STRIP(cfra):
+				for km in KEYMAP:
+					if km[KMSTATE]:
+						if km[KMFLAG] & FLAG_IS_STATE and km[KMFLAG] & FLAG_IS_LOOP and priority <= km[KMPRIORITY]:
+							context_act = km[KMNAME]
+							SET_ACTIVE(km)
+		for km in KEYMAP:			
+			if km[KMSTATE]: # This key is held
+				if km[KMKEY] == Draw.LEFTARROWKEY:
+					ob.RotZ-=0.1
+				elif km[KMKEY] == Draw.RIGHTARROWKEY:
+					ob.RotZ+=0.1
+				elif km[KMKEY] == Draw.UPARROWKEY or km[KMKEY] == Draw.DOWNARROWKEY:
+					mat = ob.matrixWorld.rotationPart()
+					if km[KMKEY] == Draw.DOWNARROWKEY:
+						ofs = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(0,0.04,0) * mat
+					else:
+						ofs = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(0,0.02,0) * mat					
+					ob.LocX += ofs.x
+					ob.LocY += ofs.y
+					#ob.LocZ += ofs.z
+				elif km[KMKEY] == Draw.SPACEKEY:
+					if jump_momentum == None:
+						jump_momentum = 0.15
+		if jump_momentum != None:
+			ob.LocZ += jump_momentum
+			if ob.LocZ < 0:
+				ob.LocZ = 0
+				jump_momentum = None
+				# Force the key off
+				for km in KEYMAP:
+					if km[KMKEY] == Draw.SPACEKEY:
+						km[KMSTATE] = False
+			else:
+				jump_momentum -= 0.01
+		rend.cFrame = cfra+1			
+		ob.makeDisplayList()
+		Window.RedrawAll()
+def main():
+	sce = bpy.data.scenes.active
+	rend = sce.render
+	ob = sce.objects.active
+	back_cfra = rend.cFrame
+	back_sfra = rend.sFrame
+	back_efra = rend.eFrame
+	rend.sFrame = 1
+	rend.eFrame = 300000
+	if not ob:
+		print 'No Active Object'
+		return
+	animloop(sce, rend, ob)
+	rend.cFrame = back_cfra
+	rend.sFrame = back_sfra
+	rend.eFrame = back_efra
+	Window.RedrawAll()
+def debug():
+	sce = bpy.data.scenes.active
+	rend = sce.render
+	ob = sce.objects.active
+	for s in ob.actionStrips:
+		# print s.action.name
+		pass
+	#recalcRepeat(s)
+	#setStripEnd(s, 100)
+	#setStripEnd(s, 100)
+	#setStripEnd(s, 200)
+	#setStripEnd(s, 100)
+	#setStripEnd(s, 100)
+	Window.RedrawAll()
+	ob.makeDisplayList()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	main()
+	#debug()

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