[Bf-blender-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-blender [12545] branches/pynodes: * merge trunk r12510:r12544

Nathan Letwory jesterking at letwory.net
Sat Nov 10 11:46:56 CET 2007

Revision: 12545
Author:   jesterking
Date:     2007-11-10 11:46:55 +0100 (Sat, 10 Nov 2007)

Log Message:
* merge trunk r12510:r12544

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Copied: branches/pynodes/release/scripts/wizard_curve2tree.py (from rev 12544, trunk/blender/release/scripts/wizard_curve2tree.py)
--- branches/pynodes/release/scripts/wizard_curve2tree.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/pynodes/release/scripts/wizard_curve2tree.py	2007-11-10 10:46:55 UTC (rev 12545)
@@ -0,0 +1,1800 @@
+Name: 'Tree from Curves'
+Blender: 245
+Group: 'Wizards'
+Tip: 'Generate trees from curve shapes'
+__author__ = "Campbell Barton"
+__url__ = ['www.blender.org', 'blenderartists.org']
+__version__ = "0.1"
+__bpydoc__ = """\
+import bpy
+import Blender
+from Blender.Mathutils import Vector, CrossVecs, AngleBetweenVecs, LineIntersect, TranslationMatrix, ScaleMatrix
+from Blender.Geometry import ClosestPointOnLine
+def debug_pt(co):
+	Blender.Window.SetCursorPos(tuple(co))
+	Blender.Window.RedrawAll()
+	print 'debugging', co
+def closestVecIndex(vec, vecls):
+	best= -1
+	best_dist = 100000000
+	for i, vec_test in enumerate(vecls):
+		dist = (vec-vec_test).length
+		if dist < best_dist:
+			best = i
+			best_dist = dist
+	return best
+eul = 0.00001
+class tree:
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.branches_all =		[]
+		self.branches_root =	[]
+		self.mesh = None
+		self.armature = None
+		self.object = None
+		self.limbScale = 1.0
+		self.debug_objects = []
+	def __repr__(self):
+		s = ''
+		s += '[Tree]'
+		s += '  limbScale: %.6f' % self.limbScale
+		s += '  object: %s' % self.object
+		for brch in self.branches_root:
+			s += str(brch)
+		return s
+	def fromCurve(self, object):
+		self.object = object
+		curve = object.data
+		# Set the curve object scale
+		if curve.bevob:
+			# A bit of a hack to guess the size of the curve object if you have one.
+			bb = curve.bevob.boundingBox
+			# self.limbScale = (bb[0] - bb[7]).length / 2.825 # THIS IS GOOD WHEN NON SUBSURRFED
+			self.limbScale = (bb[0] - bb[7]).length / 1.8
+		# end
+		# Get the curve points as bpoints
+		for spline in curve:
+			brch = branch()
+			self.branches_all.append(brch)
+			brch.bpoints = [ bpoint(brch, Vector(bez.vec[1]), Vector(), bez.radius * self.limbScale) for bez in spline ]
+		# Get the curve as a mesh. - for inbetween points
+		tmpme = bpy.data.meshes.new()	
+		# remove/backup bevel ob
+		bev_back = curve.bevob
+		if bev_back: curve.bevob = None
+		# get the curve mesh data
+		tmpob = bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.new( curve )
+		tmpme.getFromObject(object)
+		bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.unlink(tmpob)
+		# restore bevel ob
+		if bev_back:
+			curve.bevob = bev_back
+			# Guess the size of the curve object if you have one. This is not perfect but good enough
+			bb = bev_back.boundingBox
+			self.limbScale = (bb[0] - bb[7]).length / 2.825
+		# bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.new(tmpme)
+		vecs = [ tuple(v.co) for v in tmpme.verts ]
+		del tmpme
+		# for branch
+		#used_points = set()
+		for brch in self.branches_all:
+			offset = 0
+			for i in xrange(1, len(brch.bpoints)):
+				# find the start/end points
+				start_pt =	brch.bpoints[offset+i-1]
+				end_pt =	brch.bpoints[offset+i]
+				start = end = None
+				for j, co in enumerate(vecs):
+					if start == None:
+						if abs(co[0]-start_pt.co[0]) < eul and abs(co[1]-start_pt.co[1]) < eul and abs(co[2]-start_pt.co[2]) < eul:
+							start = j
+					if end == None:
+						if abs(co[0]-end_pt.co[0]) < eul and abs(co[1]-end_pt.co[1]) < eul and abs(co[2]-end_pt.co[2]) < eul:
+							end = j
+					if start != None and end != None:
+						break
+				# for now we assuem the start is always a lower index.
+				#if start > end:
+				#	raise "error index is not one we like"
+				#used_points.add(start)
+				#used_points.add(end)
+				radius = start_pt.radius
+				#print 'coords', start_co, end_co
+				#### print "starting", start, end
+				if start > end:
+					j = start-1
+					raise "some bug!"
+				else:
+					j = start+1
+				step = 1
+				step_tot = abs(start-end)
+				while j!=end:
+					#radius = (start_pt.radius*(step_tot-step) - end_pt.radius*step ) / step_tot
+					w1 = step_tot-step
+					w2 = step
+					radius = ((start_pt.radius*w1) + (end_pt.radius*w2)) / step_tot
+					#### print i,j, radius
+					pt = bpoint(brch, Vector(vecs[j]), Vector(), radius)
+					brch.bpoints.insert(offset+i, pt)
+					offset+=1
+					if start > end:
+						j-=1
+					else:
+						j+=1
+					step +=1
+		# Now calculate the normals
+		for brch in self.branches_all:
+			for i in xrange(1, len(brch.bpoints)-1):
+				brch.bpoints[i].next = brch.bpoints[i+1]
+				brch.bpoints[i].prev = brch.bpoints[i-1]
+			brch.bpoints[0].next = brch.bpoints[1]	
+			brch.bpoints[-1].prev = brch.bpoints[-2]
+			for pt in brch.bpoints:
+				pt.calcNormal()
+				pt.calcNextMidCo()
+		# remove segments
+		# We may want to remove segments for 2 reasons
+		# 1) - too high resolution
+		# 2) - too close together (makes yucky geometry)
+	def resetTags(self, value):
+		for brch in self.branches_all:
+			brch.tag = value
+	def buildConnections(self, sloppy=1.0, base_trim = 1.0):
+		'''
+		build tree data - fromCurve must run first
+		'''
+		# Connect branches
+		for i in xrange(len(self.branches_all)):
+			brch_i = self.branches_all[i]
+			for j in xrange(len(self.branches_all)):
+				if i != j:
+					# See if any of the points match this branch
+					# see if Branch 'i' is the child of branch 'j'
+					brch_j = self.branches_all[j]
+					best_j, dist = brch_j.findClosest(brch_i.bpoints[0].co)
+					# Check its in range, allow for a bit out - hense the 1.5
+					if dist < best_j.radius * sloppy:
+						# if 1) dont remove the whole branch, maybe an option but later
+						# if 2) we are alredy a parent, cant remove me now.... darn :/ not nice... could do this properly but it would be slower and its a corner case.
+						# if 3) this point is within the branch, remove it.
+						while	len(brch_i.bpoints)>2 and\
+								brch_i.bpoints[0].isParent == False and\
+								(brch_i.bpoints[0].co - best_j.nextMidCo).length < best_j.radius * base_trim:
+							# brch_i.bpoints[0].next = 101 # testing.
+							del brch_i.bpoints[0]
+							brch_i.bpoints[0].prev = None
+						brch_i.parent_pt = best_j
+						best_j.isParent = True # dont remove me
+						# addas a member of best_j.children later when we have the geometry info available.
+						#### print "Found Connection!!!", i, j
+						break # go onto the next branch
+		"""
+			children = [brch_child for brch_child in pt.children]
+			if children:
+				# This pt is one side of the segment, pt.next joins this segment.
+				# calculate the median point the 2 segments would span
+				# Once this is done we need to adjust 2 things
+				# 1) move both segments up/down so they match the branches best.
+				# 2) set the spacing of the segments around the point.
+		# First try to get the ideal some space around each joint
+		# the spacing shoule be an average of 
+		for brch.bpoints:
+		"""
+		'''
+		for brch in self.branches_all:
+			brch.checkPointList()
+		'''
+		# Calc points with dependancies
+		# detect circular loops!!! - TODO
+		self.resetTags(False)
+		done_nothing = False
+		while done_nothing == False:
+			done_nothing = True
+			for brch in self.branches_all:
+				if brch.tag == False and (brch.parent_pt == None or brch.parent_pt.branch.tag == True):
+					# Assign this to a spesific side of the parents point
+					# we know this is a child but not which side it should be attached to.
+					if brch.parent_pt:
+						child_locs = [\
+						brch.parent_pt.childPoint(0),\
+						brch.parent_pt.childPoint(1),\
+						brch.parent_pt.childPoint(2),\
+						brch.parent_pt.childPoint(3)]
+						best_idx = closestVecIndex(brch.bpoints[0].co, child_locs)
+						brch.parent_pt.children[best_idx] = brch
+					# DONE
+					done_nothing = False
+					for pt in brch.bpoints:
+						# for temp debugging
+						## self.mesh.faces.extend([pt.verts])
+						pt.calcVerts()
+						# pt.toMesh(self.mesh) # Cant do here because our children arnt calculated yet!
+					brch.tag = True
+	def optimizeSpacing(self, density=1.0, joint_compression=1.0, joint_smooth=1.0):
+		'''
+		Optimize spacing, taking branch hierarchy children into account,
+		can add or subdivide segments so branch joins dont look horrible.
+		'''
+		for brch in self.branches_all:
+			brch.evenJointDistrobution(joint_compression)
+		# Correct points that were messed up from sliding
+		# This happens when one point is pushed past another and the branch gets an overlaping line
+		for brch in self.branches_all:
+			brch.fixOverlapError(joint_smooth)
+		# Collapsing
+		for brch in self.branches_all:
+			brch.collapsePoints(density, joint_smooth)
+		for brch in self.branches_all:
+			brch.branchReJoin()
+	def toDebugDisplay(self):
+		'''
+		Should be able to call this at any time to see whats going on, dosnt work so nice ATM.
+		'''
+		sce = bpy.data.scenes.active
+		for ob in self.debug_objects:
+			for ob in sce.objects:
+				sce.objects.unlink(ob)
+		for branch_index, brch in enumerate(self.branches_all):
+			pt_index = 0
+			for pt_index, pt in enumerate(brch.bpoints):
+				name = '%.3d_%.3d' % (branch_index, pt_index) 
+				if pt.next==None:
+					name += '_end'
+				if pt.prev==None:
+					name += '_start'
+				ob = sce.objects.new('Empty', name)
+				self.debug_objects.append(ob)
+				mat = ScaleMatrix(pt.radius, 4) * TranslationMatrix(pt.co)
+				ob.setMatrix(mat)
+				ob.setDrawMode(8) # drawname
+		Blender.Window.RedrawAll()
+	def toMesh(self, mesh=None, do_uv=True, do_uv_scalewidth=True, uv_image = None, uv_x_scale=1.0, uv_y_scale=4.0, do_cap_ends=False):
+		# Simple points
+		'''
+		self.mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new()
+		self.object = bpy.data.scenes.active.objects.new(self.mesh)
+		self.mesh.verts.extend([ pt.co for brch in self.branches_all for pt in brch.bpoints ])
+		'''
+		if mesh:
+			self.mesh = mesh
+			mesh.verts = None
+			for group in mesh.getVertGroupNames():
+				mesh.removeVertGroup(group) 
+		else:
+			self.mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new()
+		totverts = 0
+		for brch in self.branches_all:
+			totverts += len(brch.bpoints)

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