[Bf-blender-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-blender [10748] trunk/blender/release/scripts/ bpymodules: renaming to match JMS's names

Campbell Barton cbarton at metavr.com
Mon May 21 18:01:50 CEST 2007

Revision: 10748
Author:   campbellbarton
Date:     2007-05-21 18:01:49 +0200 (Mon, 21 May 2007)

Log Message:
renaming to match JMS's names

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/blender/release/scripts/bpymodules/ai2obj.py
--- trunk/blender/release/scripts/bpymodules/ai2obj.py	2007-05-21 15:26:50 UTC (rev 10747)
+++ trunk/blender/release/scripts/bpymodules/ai2obj.py	2007-05-21 16:01:49 UTC (rev 10748)
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------
-Copyright (c) jm soler juillet/novembre 2004-april 2007, 
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------
-    released under GNU Licence 
-    for the Blender 2.45 Python Scripts Bundle.
-Ce programme est libre, vous pouvez le redistribuer et/ou
-le modifier selon les termes de la Licence Publique G\xE9n\xE9rale GNU
-publi\xE9e par la Free Software Foundation (version 2 ou bien toute
-autre version ult\xE9rieure choisie par vous).
-Ce programme est distribu\xE9 car potentiellement utile, mais SANS
-AUCUNE GARANTIE, ni explicite ni implicite, y compris les garanties
-de commercialisation ou d'adaptation dans un but sp\xE9cifique.
-Reportez-vous \xE0 la Licence Publique G\xE9n\xE9rale GNU pour plus de d\xE9tails.
-Vous devez avoir re\xE7u une copie de la Licence Publique G\xE9n\xE9rale GNU
-en m\xEAme temps que ce programme ; si ce n'est pas le cas, \xE9crivez \xE0 la
-Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
-MA 02111-1307, \xC9tats-Unis.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA    
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------
-# Page officielle :
-#   http://jmsoler.free.fr/didacticiel/blender/tutor/cpl_import_ai_en.htm
-# Communiquer les problemes et erreurs sur:
-#   http://www.zoo-logique.org/3D.Blender/newsportal/thread.php?group=3D.Blender
-# 0.1.1 : 2004/08/03, bug in boudingbox reading when Value are negative
-# 0.1.2 : 2005/06/12, gmove tranformation properties
-# 0.1.3 : 2005/06/25, added a __name__ test to use the script alone
-# 0.1.4 : 2005/06/25, closepath improvements 
-# 0.1.5 : 2005/06/25, ... 
-# 0.1.6 : 2005/06/26, warning for compacted file 
-                      compatibility increased up to AI 10.0 plain text 
-# 0.1.7 : 2005/06/25, two more closepath improvements 
-# 0.1.8 : 2006/07/03, two more closepath improvements 
-# 0.1.9 : 2007/05/06, modif on the method that gets the last object on 
-                      the list data
-GSTACK          =   []
-GSCALE          =   []
-GTRANSLATE      =   []
-import sys
-import Blender
-    import nt
-    os=nt
-    os.sep='\\'
-    import posix
-    os=posix
-    os.sep='/'
-def isdir(path):
-    try:
-        st = os.stat(path)
-        return 1 
-    except:
-        return 0
-def split(pathname):
-         if pathname.find(os.sep)!=-1:
-             k0=pathname.split(os.sep)
-         else:
-            if os.sep=='/':
-                k0=pathname.split('\\')
-            else:
-                k0=pathname.split('/') 
-         directory=pathname.replace(k0[len(k0)-1],'')
-         Name=k0[len(k0)-1]
-         return directory, Name
-def join(l0,l1):        
-     return  l0+os.sep+l1
-def filtreFICHIER(nom):
-     f=open(nom,'rU')
-     t=f.readlines()
-     f.close()
-     if len(t)>1 and t[0].find('EPSF')==-1: 
-          return t   
-     else:
-         name = "OK?%t| Not a valid file or an empty file ... "  # if no %xN int is set, indices start from 1
-         result = Blender.Draw.PupMenu(name)
-         return 'false'
-# Data
-# Blender Curve Data
-typBEZIER3D=1  #3D
-typBEZIER2D=9  #2D
-class Bez:
-      def __init__(self):
-           self.co=[]
-           self.ha=[0,0]
-           self.tag=''
-class ITEM:
-      def __init__(self):
-               self.type        =  typBEZIER3D,         
-               self.pntsUV      =  [0,0]              
-               self.resolUV     =  [32,0]             
-               self.orderUV     =  [0,0]              
-               self.flagUV      =  [0,0]              
-               self.Origine     =  [0.0,0.0]
-               self.beziers_knot = []
-class COURBE:
-      def __init__(self):
-              self.magic_number='3DG3'              
-              self.type            =  objBEZIER     
-              self.number_of_items =  0             
-              self.ext1_ext2       =  [0,0]         
-              self.matrix          =  """0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
-0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
-0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 """ 
-              self.ITEM            = {}
-#======== name of the curve in teh courbes dictionnary ===============
-#====================== current Point ================================
-CP=[0.0,0.0] #currentPoint
-# modifs 12/06/2005       
-#====================== current transform ============================
-class transform:
-      def __init__(self,matrix=[1,0,01],x=0.0,y=0.0):
-          self.matrix=matrix[:]
-          self.xy=[x,y]          
-def G_move(l,a):
-    return str((float(l)+GTRANSLATE[a]+GSTACK[-1].xy[a])*GSCALE[a])
-# modifs 12/06/2005
-#===== to compare last position to the original move to displacement =
-#=====  needed for cyclic efinition  =================================
-def test_egalitedespositions(f1,f2):
-    if f1[0]==f2[0] and f1[1]==f2[1]:
-       return Blender.TRUE
-    else:
-       return Blender.FALSE
-def Open_GEOfile(dir,nom):
-    if BLversion>=233:
-       in_editmode = Blender.Window.EditMode()
-       if in_editmode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0)
-       Blender.Load(dir+nom+'OOO.obj', 1)
-       BO=Blender.Scene.GetCurrent().objects.active
-       BO.RotY=0.0
-       BO.RotX=1.57
-       BO.makeDisplayList() 
-       Blender.Window.RedrawAll()
-    else:
-       print "Not yet implemented"
-def create_GEOtext(courbes):
-    r=BOUNDINGBOX['rec']
-    if SCALE==1:
-       SCALE=1.0
-    elif SCALE==2:
-       SCALE=r[2]-r[0]
-    elif SCALE==3:
-       SCALE=r[3]-r[1]
-    t=[]
-    t.append(courbes.magic_number+'\n')
-    t.append(str(courbes.type)+'\n')
-    t.append(str(courbes.number_of_items)+'\n')
-    t.append(str(courbes.ext1_ext2[0])+' '+str(courbes.ext1_ext2[1])+'\n')
-    t.append(courbes.matrix+'\n')
-    for k in courbes.ITEM.keys():
-        if len(courbes.ITEM[k].beziers_knot)>1 :
-            t.append("%s\n"%courbes.ITEM[k].type)
-            t.append("%s %s \n"%(courbes.ITEM[k].pntsUV[0],courbes.ITEM[k].pntsUV[1]))
-            t.append("%s %s \n"%(courbes.ITEM[k].resolUV[0],courbes.ITEM[k].resolUV[1]))
-            t.append("%s %s \n"%(courbes.ITEM[k].orderUV[0],courbes.ITEM[k].orderUV[1]))
-            t.append("%s %s \n"%(courbes.ITEM[k].flagUV[0],courbes.ITEM[k].flagUV[1]))
-            flag =courbes.ITEM[k].flagUV[0]
-            for k2 in range(len(courbes.ITEM[k].beziers_knot)):
-               #print k2 
-               k1 =courbes.ITEM[k].beziers_knot[k2]
-               t.append("%4f 0.0 %4f \n"%(float(k1.co[2])/SCALE,float(k1.co[3])/SCALE))               
-               t.append("%4f 0.0 %4f \n"%(float(k1.co[4])/SCALE,float(k1.co[5])/SCALE))
-               t.append("%4f 0.0 %4f \n"%(float(k1.co[0])/SCALE,float(k1.co[1])/SCALE))
-               t.append(str(k1.ha[0])+' '+str(k1.ha[1])+'\n')
-    return t
-def save_GEOfile(dir,nom,t):
-     f=open(dir+nom+'OOO.obj','w')
-     f.writelines(t)
-     f.close()
-     #warning = "REMINDER : %t | Do not forget to rename your blender file NOW ! %x1"
-     #result = Blender.Draw.PupMenu(warning)
-#=====      AI format   :  DEBUT             =========================
-def mouvement_vers(l,n0,CP):
-    if n0 in courbes.ITEM.keys():
-       n0+=1
-    CP=[l[-3].replace('d',''),l[-2]] 
-    courbes.ITEM[n0]=ITEM() 
-    courbes.ITEM[n0].Origine=[l[-3].replace('d',''),l[-2]] 
-    B=Bez()
-    B.co=[CP[0],CP[1],CP[0],CP[1],CP[0],CP[1]]
-    B.ha=[0,0]
-    B.tag=l[-1]
-    courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B)       
-    return  courbes,n0,CP     
-def courbe_vers_c(l,l2, n0,CP): #c,C
-    B=Bez()
-    B.co=[l[4],l[5],l[2],l[3],l[4],l[5]]
-    B.tag=l[-1]
-    B.ha=[0,0]
-    BP=courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot[-1]
-    BP.co[0]=l[0]
-    BP.co[1]=l[1]
-    courbes.ITEM[n0].beziers_knot.append(B)
-    CP=[B.co[4],B.co[5]]
-    return  courbes,n0,CP
-def courbe_vers_v(l,n0,CP): #v-V
-    B=Bez()
-    B.tag=l[-1]
-    B.co=[l[2],l[3],l[0],l[1],l[2],l[3]]

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