[Bf-animsys] Does "Connect Parent" move the correct end of the bone ?

Gaia gaia.clary at machinimatrix.org
Thu Nov 27 02:19:56 CET 2014

In armature edit mode we have the option "Connected" (in bone properties)
which does:

     "When Bone has Parent, bone's head is stuck to parent's tail"

But wouldn't it be much more convenient to provide an operator that does:

     "When Bone has Parent, parent's tail is stuck to bone's head"

My reasoning is: now the child Bone's head is moved around, thus the
pivot point (relevant for the bone animation) moves as well. While when
the parent's tail would move instead, then the animation is not affected
(as far as i know).

Here is an example blend file (an import from Maya):


In this Skeleton all bones have their head (pivot point) placed at the 
correct position.
But also all bones are disconnected. When i want to fix this armature
and reconnect the disconnected bones, then i have to move Bone tails.

So, what about changing the behavior when Connected is toggled on 
(enabled) ?
Or as alternative add a direction option to the Connected button ?

  [   ] Connected [<-->]

tooltip for the toggle:

"not set: move bone's head to parent's tail (default),
   set: move bone's tail to parent's head"

Then users can select what makes more sense in a specific case...


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