[Verse-dev] Found a copy of noodleglue at last! - Java bindings could be easy(er)

Stuart Axon stuaxo2 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 1 14:15:52 CEST 2008

Finally, found a copy of noodleglue.  So java bindings could be generated this way, first impressions - it's not quite as automatic as I thought it would be, looks like you have to make XML files to describe the functions.

If anyone wants to have a go, I've uploaded it to my website - really it should probably go on google code (it's GPL, so this should be ok).

Possibly I should put it on google code, and have an appeal for maintainers on the front page?

Here are the files

I should've realised but it is also available on the internet wayback machine, however their copy seems to be a bit older.


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