[Verse-dev] using material node for audio

Peter Lundén plu at tii.se
Thu Apr 28 10:01:21 CEST 2005

Eskil Steenberg wrote:

>>In the general case you migth have many more coefficients. I can think
>>of  example where you need  3x32 channels for each material,. This
>>example includes absorption, diffuce reflections and transmission
>>coefficient each with 32 frequency bands, that is 96 channels. We migth
>>not use that high resulotion today but I will definitly need 3x10
>having 32 or 96 output is no problem, but you wont have separate for
>diffusion, reflection and abssorbtion that is what the tree is for. The
>graph can coumput how a sound from a specific angle reflected and absorbed
>by the surface. look in to the differet types of fragemst and you will
>find that there are allready every parameter you should need.
>You talk about how many bands are needed, and that worrys me some what.
>You should be able to define a material with as many or few bands as you
>want. the audio rendering application should just interpolate between the
>values of different bands to get what ever is between. Can any one provide
>any graphs of what this data looks like? it would be interestion in order
>to figuer out how to interpolate. with interpolation my gut feeling tells
>me you are not going to be able to hear 32 bands.

Your gut feeling if wrong, 32 bands are an approximation of the 
resolution of the hearing that is called critical bands.

>>There is an alternative solution using the geometry fragment and storing
>>the coefficients in, let say in the red layer in a geometry node and
>>having one output fragment for each type of property you need to
>>represent. We then need to have output types defined for the different
>>properties, as we know today we need absorption, diffuce reflections and
>>transmission. This gives us a per object material represantation.
>First of all there is no susc thing as "red" layers there are only layes
>and if they are used for colors or audio or anythig else doesnt matter.
>All this can already be fone with a material graph since they can take in
>data form a
>geometry layer so that isnt a problem. You will still need to have
>multiple outputs for different bands.
You should at least try to understand what im saying, I'm taking about 
that in the geometry fragmet there is a thing call layer_r, my idea was 
to use that to point to a layer in the current geometry node containing 
the data array.

>I realy recomend that you look in to more deaply the way colors of
>materials are handled in verse, i think it will be very close to what you
>are looking for.
The problem is that sound is not light.

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