[Verse-dev] r1p0 broken

Emil Brink verse-dev@blender.org
Mon, 3 May 2004 15:59:08 +0200 (MEST)


I just learned, from talking on #verse (on Freenode) with PyVerse
developer Brecht Van Lommel, that v_func_storage.c had this code in

void * v_fs_get_user_data(unsigned int cmd_id)
         return VCmdData.user_func[cmd_id];

clearly, this is wrong, it should return the user_data value in this
function. I have changed this in CVS, and am about ready to release
an r1p1 since this simply doesn't work.

Thanks to Brecht for pointing this out! And yes, I should really get
to the point where I actually have time to *run* the code. Hrm.

