[Verse-dev] Using <stdint.h> with Verse?

Emil Brink verse-dev@blender.org
Sun, 22 Feb 2004 20:48:57 +0100

On Sun, 22 Feb 2004 19:36:48 +0100
<a0054403@levonline.com> wrote:

> Hi
> Some good points, although I'm happy to read the C99 is spreading, I
> still have some concerns. have any one tried Mac OS9? Be OS? Borland?
> Code warrior? Although it looks like the right thing to do in the
> future i still don't want to do it just yet. Many people outside the
> gcc world don't update their compilers too often (some people actually
> pay for software...). Especially larger companies don't update because
> of fear of incompatibility. At verse current point in development, i
> want as few possible problems for new users as possible. This is one
> such problem that doesn't exist today but that we would introduce by
> making the change. It is possible to argue  about that people should
> use newer versions of compilers and headers, but if people are turned
> away because they cant get it to compile quickly verse looses. I think
> the current implementation is something that is easy to live with, and
> even though a C99 would be nice i don't think its worth it.

Sure, those are good points as well.

But if there are platforms where the C99 types are not supported, those
just need a platform-specific fix in the header. That's the same for
platforms where the default type mapping used in verse.h today break, so
there really is no major difference.

The verse.h include file could use C99 types wherever it needs to, and
then just make sure the types are valid, by defining them by itself for
platforms where they aren't available. The number of such platforms
should be small, and it actually is *better* than introducing special
Verse-only types. With time, as the C99 types become increasinly common,
we can just remove the platform-specific parts as needed.

