[Verse-dev] Using <stdint.h> with Verse?

Chris Want verse-dev@blender.org
Sun, 22 Feb 2004 10:43:37 -0700

> this builds and runs just fine on Linux and on Mac OS X, and prints out
> the expected values (1, 2, 4) too. What is the Blender reason for using
> <inttypes.h> and not just <stdint.h> on Mac? Does that give you more?

Dunno ... it might not have worked for an earlier revision of
OS X (the code in that blender header predates the opensourcing).

> I just tried the program on the Solaris machine I have ssh access to at
> KTH, and it failed since <stdint.h> was missing. The same machine runs
> GCC v3.3, so I guess it's not as easy as having a fresh GCC, then.
> Weird. Still, I'm not sure that's reason enough not to use it when
> available, and I still think it's cleaner to formulate the API using
> these types as the names are standard.

Did you try #include <sys/types.h>?
