[Verse-dev] Connector

Eskil Steenberg eskil at obsession.se
Fri Aug 27 14:06:03 CEST 2004


>A little problem with the create/change thing...
>I use the connector to test my server. If i connect first time i start with
>ID 0 for the avatar object node, build it and return it.
>So now i integrated the case, that the create command could be a change
>command. Everytime a create command arrives i test if the given id from
>verse is existing in my id list. If so i realize it must be a change, if not
>its a true create.
>So the problem i've run into is, that connector EVERY TIME sends id 0 with
>create. But ID 0 is given to the first object node when the first client
>connects meaning this ID is in already use and so the server decides this
>must be a change command! For other node types i could make a lookup if the
>node type is the same etc. but for the object node connector everytime sends
>ID 0 - with the same owner and the same nodetype. So what to do?
The problem is that the Connector you are using was written for Release 
3 and in release 3 node id zero is reserved. In release 4 it will change 
and node id 0 will no longer be reserved. But then again R4 is not yet 

So either you change your server to reserve id 0 for now, or you you 
port Connector a bit closer to R4 by changing line 495 in co_vn_handle.c 
                        verse_send_node_create(0, type, 0);
                        verse_send_node_create(-1, type, 0);

Obviously i will port Connector and all my other apps for R4 by the time 
it is out.



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