[Verse-dev] questions about the verse.h interface

Thorsten Jordan verse-dev@blender.org
Fri Aug 13 19:40:10 CEST 2004


it's me again with more questions.

The verse_command_o_transform_unsubscribe command takes a node_id and a 
VNRealFormat type argument. Why do we need an type for UNsubscribe? The 
type is already known.

Why there are two verse_command_g_vertex_delete commands, namely 
verse_command_g_vertex_delete_real32 and 
verse_command_g_vertex_delete_real64? The type should be implicitly 
given with the layer_id.

There is a command to set a bone, and one to destroy it, but how can 
users change bone values (position and rotation)?

The use of the target_id parameter in verse_send_o_link_set is unclear 
to me, the spec doesn't help me either.

The explanation why the type is send again in 
verse_send_b_layer_set_tile is a bit mysterious. I know the type of my 
layers... does this parameter allow to send tiles with different types?

Why has the verse_send_g_vertex_delete_real32 command no layer_id? Well, 
vertices are always in layer 0, i know, but how do i delete values from 
other layers then?  (the same question for delete_real64 and delete_polygon)

Thanks for you help.

Greetings, Thorsten

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