[Uni-verse] Wrapping up uni-verse

Ton Roosendaal ton at blender.org
Sun Jul 10 13:37:45 CEST 2011

Hi all consortium members,

We've kept this list and the http://www.uni-verse.org domain alive for  
several years.
However, the domain registration at Network Solution will expire next  
july 13th. Gert Svensson has already created a backup of the entire  
site for archiving reasons. It will also remain part of our own  
blender.org backup system too.

Same goes for this mailing list, in a week I'll subscribe everyone as  
well and disable the list. Archive for the list is being backupped as  

After the 13th of july the domain will be 'for grab' for anyone... not  
sure if anyone here would have an interest in taking it over? In that  
case you can always contact me.

Note that verse development can still be followed here:

There's also an alternative verse system being maintained by Jiri  

Within the Blender community a request for new verse integration comes  
back regularly, but it's not getting much priority still. Volunteers  
you know... and open source dynamics. Who knows! :)

Since 2008 Blender went through a big UI/event/tools refactor, which  
is now being stable & released as Blender 2.58. We also completed two  
more Open Movies and a game project. The Blender project itself is  
still growing steadily. We have an increasing interest from  
professionals and studios to participate actively, setting up support/ 
servicing and training business as well. Check once a while on www.blender.org 
, or contact me if you ever need Blender for a project there.

Hope all is OK there for everyone, probably busy with new exciting  
projects! I'd appreciate it if you send a reply to notify where you're  
working now (new contact details) or what you're doing now. Would be a  
nice closure of the mailing list!

Best regards,


Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation   ton at blender.org    www.blender.org
Blender Institute   Entrepotdok 57A  1018AD Amsterdam   The Netherlands

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