[Uni-verse] Plans for Wiki

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Tue Oct 10 11:52:52 CEST 2006

Gert Svensson wrote:
> Emil,
> I have some small comment about the main page:
> High Performance Rendering Client isn't  that OSG Renderer?

Yes, it is. I picked the name from the download in the Members section
of uni-verse.org, where it's called "Deliverable Report D4.2 - High
Performance Rendering Client". I now see that's the title of the *report*,
and not the binary, which is called OSG Renderer ... Not sure what is the
most proper name, but of course I can change it into just plain OSG

> Radiosity module shouldn't be a separate module in my opinions as it can 
> only be used in the OSG Renderer

That's a point, I guess. Removed.

> Dynamic Mesh Generation should be Necro3D Integration or something like 
> this.

Hm ... Again, I guess that's true, the dynamic mesh generation is a pre-
existing part of Necro3D that just gets Verse-ified by the gateway be-
tween the two. Removed the entire Misc category, added Necro3D application
support item.

> Maybe it should  be under third party as well? It has the same status as 
> Blender I guess.

That's where I added it.

> Add Enough and VerseBridge  to the Bindings section

Hm ... Those are not really bindings, but perhaps they should go in there
anyway. I guess Ample is more than a binding, too.

> Now over to some more general and harder :-)  questions:
> How should the wiki be referenced from the Uni-Verse and Verse pages?
> It's a risk that the wiki just becomes Yet Another Verse Page. which is 
> separate from all other Verse home pages.

Absolutely true. I don't think I have much of an opinion, all we can do
is link the page(s) together, as needed. It's a shame we don't have the
wiki engine running at wiki.uni-verse.org or similar, but according to Ton
that wasn't feasible, so ... At least we have a wiki. Other ideas?

> How should current deliverable reports be referenced from the Wiki page?
> Or should they be considered obsolete by others than the commission?

No idea. "People" in general I don't think care or know much about our
deliverable numbers, which is why I didn't include them in the titles for
the pages on the wiki.

> For the Simple Renderer you have used some sections (Introduction, 
> Installation, Running and Limitations)
> Should we encourage all contributors to use the same section layout?

Good question. I don't know, I think it must be allowed to depend on the
application in question. Simple Renderer is small, and in part defined by
its limitations, which is why the original text includes such a section.

It might not make a lot of sense in the context of some other application.

Thanks for the feedback.



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