[Uni-verse] Acoustic Material Database

Peter Lundén plu at tii.se
Wed Mar 29 08:52:00 CEST 2006

Hi Lauri,

I have not seen the result of your treatment of the material DB. My 
reaction to the original db is the same as emils, the names are to long 
and complex. We need to rename the materials so they are easy to handle 
in 3DS max.


Lauri Savioja wrote:

>Hi Emil,
>The reason for duplicates is that I removed some columns from the
>xls-file. They contained more detailed information of the material
>such as thicknes or how it was fixed in the wall and if there was air
>gap between the absorbent and the wall, and so on, ...
>Ludde, do you have any proposal how we should proceed ?
>	Lauri
>On Tue, 28 Mar 2006, Emil Brink wrote:
>>Emil Brink wrote:
>>(replying to self)
>>[CSV dump]
>>>Okay, thanks. I've been looking at this now, and am in the process of
>>>getting my Pyton material databasing client to parse the file.
>>It seems to work now, the databasing client can create materials to
>>match the parameters defined in the file, which I've now cleaned up
>>and written a simple parser for.
>>One interesting datapoint: there are many duplicate material names in
>>that file, which makes me doubt the source a little. What is the point
>>of assigning names (especially as long as those) if they're not unique?
>>Out of the 2339 lines in the file that look like they contain a valid
>>material, only 1471 survive after name collisions have been eliminated
>>(by simple hashing). This means that about 40% of the file's data is
>>lost, which feels a bit suboptimal. I guess I could code the material
>>databasing client to detect duplicates and make the names unique, but
>>that would not exactly make life easier for artists.
>>Not sure how to proceed with this now, but am hoping for a response from
>>Ludde or something. :)
>>Uni-verse mailing list
>>Uni-verse at projects.blender.org

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