[Robotics] Robot Editor for Collada 1.5 models based on Blender

Stefan Ulbrich ulbrich at ira.uka.de
Tue Sep 15 12:00:07 CEST 2009


I want to briefly announce a Robot Editor plugin for Blender (see http://wikis.itec.uka.de/grasp/wiki/Robot_Editor 
  for download and tutorial) that is actively developed as part of the  
European project GRASP (see http://www.csc.kth.se/grasp/ ).
It is intended to comfortably create models that can be used with a  
simulator for grasping (see http://openrave.programmingvision.com ).
The main goal is to allow the definition of kinematic chains in way  
that's typical in robotics (e.g. Denavit-Hartenberg).
It also includes COLLADA 1.5 export (However, at the moment, only  
bones that were created with the editor are exported).

best regards,

Stefan Ulbrich

Institute for Anthropomatics, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

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