[Bf-python] Memory bug in Bpy api

Thomas Bleicher tbleicher at arcor.de
Wed Jan 18 18:24:00 CET 2006

On 18.01.2006, at 16:58, Bobby Parker wrote:

> Can you suggest a better method of developing a script in such
> a fashion that several people can work on components of it?

I have started a "window manager" for Blender for this purpose.
It's focused on GUI interfaces but within this context you can
create small units to handle specific parts of your script.

If you _don't_ have user interaction in your script then this
is no for you, though. And you still have to think about a way
to handle the information relevant to your script.

You can find a preview here:


There is still little documentation. If you have questions
contact me.


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