[Bf-python] purging datablocks via python

Tom M letterrip at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 21:50:21 CET 2006


a script author mentioned the following,

[QUOTE]Honestly, the only major Blender Python issue plaguing me is
the lack of ability to purge the Library properly.  No matter what
code I add to the script to try to get Blender to cleanup old unused
Datablocks (I _have_ to create alot of temporary objects in my
script), the _only_ way to get rid of the data is to save, close
blender, reopen the file, save, close, & reopen.  The filesize of the
.blend for our project drops from 800 MB to 75MB after doing

This is probably something for 2.42 but, is there a workaround?  I
seem to recall mention of a way to hackishly do this via python...


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