[Bf-python] API overhaul - irc meeting?

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at superig.com.br
Fri Jan 6 15:01:10 CET 2006

Hi Nathan,

Nathan Letwory wrote:
> Instead of creating yet another dir, rather do a branch, which will be
> merged back when the cleaning is done.

That's a possibility. But there's a chance we'll change the dir 
structure and follow other Blender dirs (python/ for public headers, 
python/intern for our code, maybe with subdirs for modules and types), 
in which case a new dir will be needed anyway.

>>6) The start: define API before coding it, create (epy)docs and tests,
> Yes. Also, write scripts to see how you would like the api, before it
> actually exists. Also, ask scripters how they'd write different techniques
> etc. compare and then decide.

For the basic BPython API in C, we'd better stay close to Blender code, 
that's a general wise advice for embedding.

Phase 1: clean the current API of inconsistencies (like degrees vs. 
radians, string params where consts would fit better, etc), remove 
unneeded stuff (.get/set methods, in favor of attributes) and make the 
API a little more pythonic, not exposing bitmasks, for example, etc. So 
things here shouldn't change that much, but of course interested people 
will be able to comment and suggest.

Phase 2: on top of the basic API, coders can write higher level ones in 
Python directly and we can bundle at least one such project in Blender.


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