[Bf-python] Mesh for importers

Ken Hughes khughes at pacific.edu
Thu Jan 5 03:53:23 CET 2006

Campbell Barton wrote:
> Hi, Im trying to use Mesh for my obj importer instrad of NMesh.
> Before I had the problem that faces that were extended were not in the 
> order that they were extended so it was close to impossible to then go 
> onto assign images and UV's.

Hadn't thought about that problem; in order to check for duplicate faces 
it build a sorted list based on vertices, so the order gets changed.  I 
could fix that if it's a big deal.  However, since someone was 
requesting PFaces (which you could create like PVerts and later extend) 
it might be easier or better to take that approach instead.  The user 
would create a sequence of PFaces, assign their UV info and what-not, 
then just face.extend() it.  Might not even have to extend the verts 
first; it would (have to) do it all in one shot.

> Now Im trying to extend 1 face at a time (slower) - and check the length 
> of FaceSeq to see if it was actualy extended.
> but len(me.faces) dosent change after extending a face.
> Ken perhaps you could write a test importer using Mesh. or even a 
> function to copy a mesh.. will bring up some areas where Mesh needs fixing.

Have you tried with current CVS?  I did find a bug in faces.extend() 
last week which would sometimes think the new face was a duplicate.


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