[Bf-python] New here but...

blake e kitsune_e at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 7 19:45:51 CEST 2004

I would still like to ask some questions.  I have been encouraged to take a look at the blender python docs, and perhaps edit/change/add-to them.  I don't know if this effort is welcomed or not, but at least I'll get to learn a bit about how the Python/C API works.


My question is:  Should the Mathutils methods be where they are, or should they be methods of their respective classes?  What I mean is from a python point of view it makes more since for the CopyVec function to be a method of the Vector class.  It would also allow you to drop the Vec leaving you with 


vec_new = my_vector.copy()


I don't know if this makes sense for methods which take two arguments though.


vec_new = my_vector.Cross(vec_fu)


 seems a little odd.  The mixed type operations aren't so bad though 


vec_new = my_vector.MatMul(matrix)


I know how easy this would be to change in python, just copy the method into the appropriate class, and replace vec with self...  Looking at the code though it seems like it is much more difficult to do in C.


On a side note as I understand it Bpython used to be partly coded in Python?  Can I ask why this changed (or for a link to the relevant information)?  It seems to me from the outside that it would be much more useful if the Bpython modules were actually in written in Python.  I just did a short test and it seems I cannot inherit from Blender classes.  I can think of other reasons why it would be nice to have a ~/.blender/python dir, but I will wait to hear the reasons against Bpython before I make myself look more foolish.


Back to what I am supposed to be doing, would it be helpful to have examples at the class, or method level instead of just at the module level?  When I'm using the API reference I look at the documentation to know what is available, but I look at the examples to know how things work.  Does anyone else think this would be useful?


Lol, I've seen posts like this on other forums/newsgroups, and they always seem to go horribly wrong for the person who posted them.  The people who have worked so many hard hours creating their software seem to get very PO’d when someone comes in out of nowhere and starts saying how they think it should be done.  Hopefully my willingness to actually do the things I’m proposing will help take some of the edge off your anger, but I am bracing myself none the less.

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