[Bf-funboard] Bezier curves

Bassam Kurdali bkurdali at freefactory.org
Wed Sep 17 02:47:48 CEST 2008

There's a bit more to it than that, some apps (inkscape too) lets you
hide the handles (optionally) but still use them, by clicking on regions
of the curve, and dragging them as if they were the handle.. sorta like
how you can edit the cage while looking at the subsurfed mesh in
It's good as an option, because it doesn't give you the "solidity" of
editing a handle directly, and becasue sometimes, I turn off handle
drawing because I *don't* want to edit them.

> --- On Tue, 9/16/08, Roger <hovergo at net-tech.com.au> wrote:
> > Bezier handles clutter the work space and provide little
> > benefit.
> > Would it be possible to remove handles from bezier curves
> > and simply push or 
> > nudge the curve to the required shape with the mouse as is
> > done in Flash and 
> > TurboCad. In TurboCad I can choose to not display bezier
> > handles and it makes 
> > work easier.
> Editing Window (F9) -> Draw Handles toggle in the Curve Tools1 panel.
> Martin
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