[Bf-funboard] flip quaternion rotations

Leandro Inocencio cesio.arg at gmail.com
Sat Jun 21 02:39:27 CEST 2008

El vie, 20-06-2008 a las 15:05 +0200, Bassam Kurdali escribió:
> Hi folks
> I just found today an awesome (hidden?) function in blender.
> If you press alt-F with a bone selected in pose mode (in the 3d view)
> you get to flip the quaternion rotation. I just found out about it by
> total accident (hit the wrong key instead of alt-G) and one of our
> animators instantly needed!
> two questions: 
> why doesn't it (or does it?) have a menu entry for discovery.
> why isn't it available in the IPO editor, or action editor so you could
> do it for multiple keys,
> and third question: is it possible that it could autokey? currently you
> have to press I.

i agree, with autokeying.

the problem of fliped quads appears when one rotation transform excede
180 degrees, get non-intuitive result.
Look the example:  



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