[Bf-funboard] Reset Rotation ( ALT and R ), the most used keys in Blender

Mal mal at candomultimedia.com
Wed Jul 5 15:37:24 CEST 2006

Hi Matt,

> For me it's about 75%-25%-0% but yes, in object mode the view  
> alignment is for me far more trouble than it is useful. When adding  
> data in edit mode I sometimes find it useful to have it aligned to  
> screen, but that's a different kettle of fish - you're already  
> working within a specified co-ordinate space.

Agreed... it would be interesting to hear from anyone who's last 
percentage was over 10% ( ie who adds objects aligned to the view mode a 

 > "I think it should really be default behaviour when adding new 
objects  in Object Mode to add them at the cursor, axes aligned to 
world  space, and NOT enter
 > Edit Mode. And this should come with a user pref  to switch back to 
the view aligned+edit style, for existing users who  might prefer the 
old behaviour or don't
 > want to adapt.

I was going to touch on the Auto-Edit mode separately as well later on ( 
as a separate poll ), and agree with your comments.

I also agree with your solution, it would make total sense and would 
make Blender a LOT easier to use - no changing of modelling paradigm ( 
adding, to editing ), and no unnecessary ( and confusing ) rotation to 
align viewport. 

Also, by not entering edit mode, adding additional meshes by users don't 
all get added to the same object - something that can also be very 
confusing for new users.

Someone had already submitted a simple patch to not have the object 
rotated by default, but I think it wasn't accepted.  Having Blender not 
enter Edit mode would be a great addition to a patch, but I think that a 
poll would need to be taken firstly ( I did suggest it at one of the IRC 
meetings, but of course expert users don't appreciate the difficulty new 
users have with this - it's second nature to them ). 

The UI prefs would be a great way to allow more flexibility, so newbies 
/ users like me get a Blender that matches more their workflow, and 
expert users who like the existing flow can have it that way also.

I hope this important change makes it into a future version of 
Blender.   I remember when there was resistance to adding in the 3D 
tranform gizmo, face selection mode, and even multiple undos, all from 
more expert users!!!

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