[Bf-funboard] Desaturation option under world buttons

toontje at telbonet.an toontje at telbonet.an
Tue Jan 18 16:47:29 CET 2005

For night time scenes and misty scenes, it would be more realistical to
have a option to desaturate colors. For example, in Bugs Life in the mist
scene, the programmers improvised by coupling the camera (or was it the
light) to a desaturation dial so that the colours gets more desaturated
the farhter away it is from the view.Also for night time scenes, it is better to desaturate the colors of the
whole scene, thus placing less emphasis on lighting the scenes solely with
blue lamps. An example of this is the night time scene in Finding Nemo
where Marlin discovered that the whole egg batch was gone.I think that this one of those this that's easy to implement in Blender
but will have a great impact.
-- Toontje --

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