radio/toggle buttons Re: [Bf-funboard] Large Texture buttons redesign proposal

Luke Wenke
Tue, 25 Nov 2003 00:46:36 +1000

Alexander Ewering:
> Good idea. Increase the number of clicks to achieve the same
> results even further. I already find the new "Around" dropdown
> in the 3d header most disturbing.
> Do you actually use Blender extensively and have you experienced
> the impact on workflow of replacing 4 buttons next to each other
> with a dropdown list containing 4 options, or are you just an
> "UI philosopher"? ;-)

Well I do use Blender a lot... though I don't use 2.30 at all for serious
stuff yet.

How about droplists that instantly popup when you hover the mouse where the
current value is shown? To abort you could move the mouse away from it (or
press escape). To select something you just left-click. The droplist could
be shifted up or down so that it begins on the initial selection. (so if the
droplist contained 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%, and the previous selection was
50%, the droplist could begin so that the 50% is at the droplist origin
[while the 100% and 75% are above it, and 25% is below it])

And/or the mousewheel could be used to cycle through the droplist... That
way a mousewheel up or down (or two) would be all that is needed....

> Droplist instead of radio buttons?
> So you'd have an OSA dropdown with On or Off
> choices...

The OSA button is a toggle button... if you click it it toggles between on
and off. But with radio buttons, if you click them, they never go off. (I
mean if you keep on clicking the 5 or 8 or 100%, it will never turn off...
it will either become activated or remain activated) Also, with radio
buttons, if you enable one of them, all of the others in the group become
disabled, and there is always exactly one button enabled. So the OSA button
isn't a radio button.
The 5, 8, 11 and 16 below it are radio buttons though... I'm not saying
non-radio toggle buttons should have a droplist... just radio buttons.

Thorsten Wilms
> It could be one OSA dropdown with off, 5, 8, 11, 16.
> But I guess switching OSA on/off is more important
> than changing value.
> So a dropdown for the values would be a good solution,
> but there should still be a seperate option button.

To keep the same functionality as the original Blender, the OSA/MBLUR
setting (5/8/11/16) needs to be remembered even when OSA is disabled... so
5/8/11/16 would be turned into a droplist while the OSA toggle button
remains how it is.
[BTW, the 5/8/11/16 setting is not just for OSA - it also affects MBLUR - it
is the number of motion blur samples. And if both OSA and MBLUR are enabled,
the setting (5/8/11/16) applies to both of them. The new screenshot implies
that 5/8/11/16 only affects OSA and not MBLUR as well.]

- Luke.