[Bf-extensions-cvs] [83c06d95] master: Removal of the Gwyddion addon

Clemens Barth noreply at git.blender.org
Tue Mar 19 08:11:12 CET 2019

Commit: 83c06d95705968d68b9f089d3c1e09d9f580380e
Author: Clemens Barth
Date:   Tue Mar 19 08:08:02 2019 +0100
Branches: master

Removal of the Gwyddion addon

Reason: (a) there has been no important feedback for this addon the last 5 years,
(b) nobody is maintaining the addon, (c) I simply have no time for maintainance.
If somebody needs this addon in future due to any reasons, I'm willing to help.


D	io_mesh_gwyddion/__init__.py
D	io_mesh_gwyddion/import_gwyddion.py


diff --git a/io_mesh_gwyddion/__init__.py b/io_mesh_gwyddion/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b70e32d9..00000000
--- a/io_mesh_gwyddion/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
-#  Authors           : Clemens Barth (Blendphys at root-1.de), ...
-#  Homepage          : http://development.root-1.de/Atomic_Blender.php
-#  Start of project              : 2012-11-12 by Clemens Barth
-#  First publication in Blender  : 2012-11-19
-#  Last modified                 : 2012-11-19
-#  Acknowledgements
-#  ================
-#  Other: Frank Palmino
-bl_info = {
-    "name": "Atomic Blender - Gwyddion",
-    "description": "Loading Gwyddion Atomic Force Microscopy images",
-    "author": "Clemens Barth",
-    "version": (0, 1),
-    "blender": (2, 60, 0),
-    "location": "File > Import > Gwyddion (.gwy)",
-    "warning": "",
-    "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/"
-        "Scripts/Import-Export/Gwyddion",
-    "tracker_url": "https://developer.blender.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/2/",
-    "category": "Import-Export"}
-import bpy
-from bpy.types import Operator
-from bpy_extras.io_utils import ImportHelper
-from bpy.props import (BoolProperty,
-                       StringProperty,
-                       EnumProperty,
-                       FloatProperty)
-from . import import_gwyddion
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#                                                                           GUI
-# This is the class for the file dialog of the importer.
-class ImportGwyddion(Operator, ImportHelper):
-    bl_idname = "import_mesh.gwy"
-    bl_label  = "Import Gwyddion (*.gwy)"
-    bl_options = {'PRESET', 'UNDO'}
-    filename_ext = ".gwy"
-    filter_glob: StringProperty(default="*.gwy", options={'HIDDEN'},)
-    use_camera: BoolProperty(
-        name="Camera", default=False,
-        description="Do you need a camera?")
-    use_lamp: BoolProperty(
-        name="Lamp", default=False,
-        description = "Do you need a lamp?")
-    use_smooth: BoolProperty(
-        name="Smooth image data", default=False,
-        description = "Smooth the images")
-    scale_size: FloatProperty (
-        name = "Scale xy", default=0.5,
-        description = "Scale the lateral size")
-    scale_height: FloatProperty (
-        name = "Scale h", default=3.0,
-        description = "Scale the height")
-    use_all_channels: BoolProperty(
-        name="All channels", default=False,
-        description = "Load all images")
-    use_c1: BoolProperty(
-        name="1", default=True,
-        description = "Channel 1")
-    use_c2: BoolProperty(
-        name="2", default=False,
-        description = "Channel 2")
-    use_c3: BoolProperty(
-        name="3", default=False,
-        description = "Channel 3")
-    use_c4: BoolProperty(
-        name="4", default=False,
-        description = "Channel 4")
-    use_c5: BoolProperty(
-        name="5", default=False,
-        description = "Channel 5")
-    use_c6: BoolProperty(
-        name="6", default=False,
-        description = "Channel 6")
-    use_c7: BoolProperty(
-        name="7", default=False,
-        description = "Channel 7")
-    use_c8: BoolProperty(
-        name="8", default=False,
-        description = "Channel 8")
-    def draw(self, context):
-        layout = self.layout
-        row = layout.row()
-        row.prop(self, "use_camera")
-        row.prop(self, "use_lamp")
-        row = layout.row()
-        row.prop(self, "use_smooth")
-        row = layout.row()
-        row.prop(self, "scale_size")
-        row.prop(self, "scale_height")
-        row = layout.row()
-        row.label(text="Channels")
-        row.prop(self, "use_all_channels")
-        row = layout.row()
-        row.prop(self, "use_c1")
-        row.prop(self, "use_c2")
-        row.prop(self, "use_c3")
-        row.prop(self, "use_c4")
-        row = layout.row()
-        row.prop(self, "use_c5")
-        row.prop(self, "use_c6")
-        row.prop(self, "use_c7")
-        row.prop(self, "use_c8")
-        if self.use_all_channels:
-            self.use_c1, self.use_c2, self.use_c3, self.use_c4, \
-            self.use_c5, self.use_c6, self.use_c7, self.use_c8  \
-            = True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True
-    def execute(self, context):
-        # This is in order to solve this strange 'relative path' thing.
-        filepath_par = bpy.path.abspath(self.filepath)
-        channels = [self.use_c1, self.use_c2, self.use_c3, self.use_c4,
-                    self.use_c5, self.use_c6, self.use_c7, self.use_c8]
-        # Execute main routine
-        #print("passed - 1")
-        images, AFMdata = import_gwyddion.load_gwyddion_images(filepath_par,
-                                                               channels)
-        #print("passed - 3")
-        import_gwyddion.create_mesh(images,
-                                 AFMdata,
-                                 self.use_smooth,
-                                 self.scale_size,
-                                 self.scale_height,
-                                 self.use_camera,
-                                 self.use_lamp)
-        #print("passed - 4")
-        return {'FINISHED'}
-# The entry into the menu 'file -> import'
-def menu_func_import(self, context):
-    self.layout.operator(ImportGwyddion.bl_idname, text="Gwyddion (.gwy)")
-def register():
-    bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)
-    bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_file_import.append(menu_func_import)
-def unregister():
-    bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__)
-    bpy.types.TOPBAR_MT_file_import.remove(menu_func_import)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    register()
diff --git a/io_mesh_gwyddion/import_gwyddion.py b/io_mesh_gwyddion/import_gwyddion.py
deleted file mode 100644
index edefc413..00000000
--- a/io_mesh_gwyddion/import_gwyddion.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
-import bpy
-import os
-import re
-from math import pi, sqrt
-from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
-import struct
-# All data for the images. Basically, each variable is a list with a length,
-# which equals the number of images.
-# Some of the variables are still not used. However, I keep them for purposes
-# in future.
-class AFMData(object):
-    def __init__(self, date, x_size, y_size, x_pixel, y_pixel, x_off, y_off,
-                 voltage, feedback, gain, speed, amplitude, angle, datfile,
-                 channel, unit, z_factor, spec_x_unit, spec_x_label, spec_y_unit,
-                 spec_y_label, spec_y_factor, spec_points, spec_feedback,
-                 spec_acquisition, spec_delay):
-        self.date = date
-        self.x_size = x_size
-        self.y_size = y_size
-        self.x_pixel = x_pixel
-        self.y_pixel = y_pixel
-        self.x_off = x_off
-        self.y_off = y_off
-        self.voltage = voltage
-        self.feedback = feedback
-        self.gain = gain
-        self.speed = speed
-        self.amplitude = amplitude
-        self.angle = angle
-        self.datfile = datfile
-        self.channel = channel
-        self.unit = unit
-        self.z_factor = z_factor
-        self.spec_x_unit = spec_x_unit
-        self.spec_x_label = spec_x_label
-        self.spec_y_unit = spec_y_unit
-        self.spec_y_label = spec_y_label
-        self.spec_y_factor = spec_y_factor
-        self.spec_points = spec_points
-        self.spec_feedback = spec_feedback
-        self.spec_acquisition = spec_acquisition
-        self.spec_delay = spec_delay
-# For loading the Gwyddion images. I basically have followed rules described
-# here: http://gwyddion.net/documentation/user-guide-en/gwyfile-format.html
-def load_gwyddion_images(data_file, channels):
-    if not os.path.isfile(data_file):
-        return False
-    AFMdata = AFMData([],[],[],[],[],[],[],
-                      [],[],[],[],[],[],[],
-                      [],[],[],[],[],[],[],
-                      [],[],[],[],[])
-    AFMdata.datfile = data_file
-    datafile = open(data_file, 'rb')
-    data = datafile.read()
-    datafile.close()
-    # Search the title of each image
-    for a in list(re.finditer(b"data/title\x00", data)):
-        pos = a.start()
-        channel_number = int(data[pos-2:pos-1])
-        if channels[channel_number] == False:
-            continue
-        pos1 = data[pos:].find(b"\x00") + pos + len("\x00") + 1
-        pos2 = data[pos1:].find(b"\x00") + pos1
-        channel_name = data[pos1:pos2].decode("utf-8")
-        AFMdata.channel.appe

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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