[Bf-extensions-cvs] [1a4e2421] master: add_advanced_objects_panels: unsupported: removed from repo T63750

meta-androcto noreply at git.blender.org
Wed Jun 12 04:00:21 CEST 2019

Commit: 1a4e242128048620791b81f14cbb407c046f9929
Author: meta-androcto
Date:   Wed Jun 12 11:59:59 2019 +1000
Branches: master

add_advanced_objects_panels: unsupported: removed from repo T63750


D	add_advanced_objects_panels/DelaunayVoronoi.py
D	add_advanced_objects_panels/__init__.py
D	add_advanced_objects_panels/delaunay_voronoi.py
D	add_advanced_objects_panels/drop_to_ground.py
D	add_advanced_objects_panels/object_laplace_lightning.py
D	add_advanced_objects_panels/object_mangle_tools.py
D	add_advanced_objects_panels/oscurart_constellation.py
D	add_advanced_objects_panels/unfold_transition.py


diff --git a/add_advanced_objects_panels/DelaunayVoronoi.py b/add_advanced_objects_panels/DelaunayVoronoi.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d291d700..00000000
--- a/add_advanced_objects_panels/DelaunayVoronoi.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,998 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Voronoi diagram calculator/ Delaunay triangulator
-# - Voronoi Diagram Sweepline algorithm and C code by Steven Fortune,
-#   1987, http://ect.bell-labs.com/who/sjf/
-# - Python translation to file voronoi.py by Bill Simons, 2005, http://www.oxfish.com/
-# - Additional changes for QGIS by Carson Farmer added November 2010
-# - 2012 Ported to Python 3 and additional clip functions by domlysz at gmail.com
-# Calculate Delaunay triangulation or the Voronoi polygons for a set of
-# 2D input points.
-# Derived from code bearing the following notice:
-#  The author of this software is Steven Fortune.  Copyright (c) 1994 by AT&T
-#  Bell Laboratories.
-#  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
-#  purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice
-#  is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy
-#  or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting
-#  documentation for such software.
-# Comments were incorporated from Shane O'Sullivan's translation of the
-# original code into C++ (http://mapviewer.skynet.ie/voronoi.html)
-# Steve Fortune's homepage: http://netlib.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/sjf/index.html
-# For programmatic use, two functions are available:
-#   computeVoronoiDiagram(points, xBuff, yBuff, polygonsOutput=False, formatOutput=False):
-#   Takes :
-#       - a list of point objects (which must have x and y fields).
-#       - x and y buffer values which are the expansion percentages of the
-#         bounding box rectangle including all input points.
-#       Returns :
-#       - With default options :
-#         A list of 2-tuples, representing the two points of each Voronoi diagram edge.
-#         Each point contains 2-tuples which are the x,y coordinates of point.
-#         if formatOutput is True, returns :
-#               - a list of 2-tuples, which are the x,y coordinates of the Voronoi diagram vertices.
-#               - and a list of 2-tuples (v1, v2) representing edges of the Voronoi diagram.
-#                 v1 and v2 are the indices of the vertices at the end of the edge.
-#       - If polygonsOutput option is True, returns :
-#         A dictionary of polygons, keys are the indices of the input points,
-#         values contains n-tuples representing the n points of each Voronoi diagram polygon.
-#         Each point contains 2-tuples which are the x,y coordinates of point.
-#         if formatOutput is True, returns :
-#               - A list of 2-tuples, which are the x,y coordinates of the Voronoi diagram vertices.
-#               - and a dictionary of input points indices. Values contains n-tuples representing
-#                 the n points of each Voronoi diagram polygon.
-#                 Each tuple contains the vertex indices of the polygon vertices.
-#   computeDelaunayTriangulation(points):
-#       Takes a list of point objects (which must have x and y fields).
-#       Returns a list of 3-tuples: the indices of the points that form a Delaunay triangle.
-import bpy
-import math
-# Globals
-BIG_FLOAT = 1e38
-class Context(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.doPrint = 0
-        self.debug = 0
-        # tuple (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
-        self.extent = ()
-        self.triangulate = False
-        # list of vertex 2-tuples: (x,y)
-        self.vertices = []
-        # equation of line 3-tuple (a b c), for the equation of the line a*x+b*y = c
-        self.lines = []
-        # edge 3-tuple: (line index, vertex 1 index, vertex 2 index)
-        # if either vertex index is -1, the edge extends to infinity
-        self.edges = []
-        # 3-tuple of vertex indices
-        self.triangles = []
-        # a dict of site:[edges] pairs
-        self.polygons = {}
-# Clip functions #
-    def getClipEdges(self):
-        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.extent
-        clipEdges = []
-        for edge in self.edges:
-            equation = self.lines[edge[0]]       # line equation
-            if edge[1] != -1 and edge[2] != -1:  # finite line
-                x1, y1 = self.vertices[edge[1]][0], self.vertices[edge[1]][1]
-                x2, y2 = self.vertices[edge[2]][0], self.vertices[edge[2]][1]
-                pt1, pt2 = (x1, y1), (x2, y2)
-                inExtentP1, inExtentP2 = self.inExtent(x1, y1), self.inExtent(x2, y2)
-                if inExtentP1 and inExtentP2:
-                    clipEdges.append((pt1, pt2))
-                elif inExtentP1 and not inExtentP2:
-                    pt2 = self.clipLine(x1, y1, equation, leftDir=False)
-                    clipEdges.append((pt1, pt2))
-                elif not inExtentP1 and inExtentP2:
-                    pt1 = self.clipLine(x2, y2, equation, leftDir=True)
-                    clipEdges.append((pt1, pt2))
-            else:  # infinite line
-                if edge[1] != -1:
-                    x1, y1 = self.vertices[edge[1]][0], self.vertices[edge[1]][1]
-                    leftDir = False
-                else:
-                    x1, y1 = self.vertices[edge[2]][0], self.vertices[edge[2]][1]
-                    leftDir = True
-                if self.inExtent(x1, y1):
-                    pt1 = (x1, y1)
-                    pt2 = self.clipLine(x1, y1, equation, leftDir)
-                    clipEdges.append((pt1, pt2))
-        return clipEdges
-    def getClipPolygons(self, closePoly):
-        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.extent
-        poly = {}
-        for inPtsIdx, edges in self.polygons.items():
-            clipEdges = []
-            for edge in edges:
-                equation = self.lines[edge[0]]       # line equation
-                if edge[1] != -1 and edge[2] != -1:  # finite line
-                    x1, y1 = self.vertices[edge[1]][0], self.vertices[edge[1]][1]
-                    x2, y2 = self.vertices[edge[2]][0], self.vertices[edge[2]][1]
-                    pt1, pt2 = (x1, y1), (x2, y2)
-                    inExtentP1, inExtentP2 = self.inExtent(x1, y1), self.inExtent(x2, y2)
-                    if inExtentP1 and inExtentP2:
-                        clipEdges.append((pt1, pt2))
-                    elif inExtentP1 and not inExtentP2:
-                        pt2 = self.clipLine(x1, y1, equation, leftDir=False)
-                        clipEdges.append((pt1, pt2))
-                    elif not inExtentP1 and inExtentP2:
-                        pt1 = self.clipLine(x2, y2, equation, leftDir=True)
-                        clipEdges.append((pt1, pt2))
-                else:  # infinite line
-                    if edge[1] != -1:
-                        x1, y1 = self.vertices[edge[1]][0], self.vertices[edge[1]][1]
-                        leftDir = False
-                    else:
-                        x1, y1 = self.vertices[edge[2]][0], self.vertices[edge[2]][1]
-                        leftDir = True
-                    if self.inExtent(x1, y1):
-                        pt1 = (x1, y1)
-                        pt2 = self.clipLine(x1, y1, equation, leftDir)
-                        clipEdges.append((pt1, pt2))
-            # create polygon definition from edges and check if polygon is completely closed
-            polyPts, complete = self.orderPts(clipEdges)
-            if not complete:
-                startPt = polyPts[0]
-                endPt = polyPts[-1]
-                # if start & end points are collinear then they are along an extent border
-                if startPt[0] == endPt[0] or startPt[1] == endPt[1]:
-                    polyPts.append(polyPts[0])  # simple close
-                else:  # close at extent corner
-                    # upper left
-                    if (startPt[0] == xmin and endPt[1] == ymax) or (endPt[0] == xmin and startPt[1] == ymax):
-                        polyPts.append((xmin, ymax))  # corner point
-                        polyPts.append(polyPts[0])    # close polygon
-                    # upper right
-                    if (startPt[0] == xmax and endPt[1] == ymax) or (endPt[0] == xmax and startPt[1] == ymax):
-                        polyPts.append((xmax, ymax))
-                        polyPts.append(polyPts[0])
-                    # bottom right
-                    if (startPt[0] == xmax and endPt[1] == ymin) or (endPt[0] == xmax and startPt[1] == ymin):
-                        polyPts.append((xmax, ymin))
-                        polyPts.append(polyPts[0])
-                    # bottom left
-                    if (startPt[0] == xmin and endPt[1] == ymin) or (endPt[0] == xmin and startPt[1] == ymin):
-                        polyPts.append((xmin, ymin))
-                        polyPts.append(polyPts[0])
-            if not closePoly:  # unclose polygon
-                polyPts = polyPts[:-1]
-            poly[inPtsIdx] = polyPts
-        return poly
-    def clipLine(self, x1, y1, equation, leftDir):
-        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.extent
-        a, b, c = equation
-        if b == 0:       # vertical line
-            if leftDir:  # left is bottom of vertical line
-                return (x1, ymax)
-            else:
-                return (x1, ymin)
-        elif a == 0:     # horizontal line
-            if leftDir:
-                return (xmin, y1)
-            else:
-                return (xmax, y1)
-        else:
-            y2_at_xmin = (c - a * xmin) / b
-            y2_at_xmax = (c - a * xmax) / b
-            x2_at_ymin = (c - b * ymin) / a
-            x2_at_ymax = (c - b * ymax) / a
-            intersectPts = []
-            if ymin <= y2_at_xmin <= ymax:  # valid intersect point
-                intersectPts.append((xm

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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