[Bf-extensions-cvs] [a5cc80e] master: part fix for overlapping faces in inset fillet by max12345 translation of code comments for mextrude

Brendon Murphy noreply at git.blender.org
Mon Oct 13 17:39:41 CEST 2014

Commit: a5cc80e58976aa5853a9df3acfa9b57a205266ec
Author: Brendon Murphy
Date:   Tue Oct 14 02:39:18 2014 +1100
Branches: master

part fix for overlapping faces in inset fillet by max12345
translation of code comments for mextrude


M	mesh_extra_tools/face_inset_fillet.py
M	mesh_extra_tools/mesh_mextrude_plus.py


diff --git a/mesh_extra_tools/face_inset_fillet.py b/mesh_extra_tools/face_inset_fillet.py
index bc4824e..4baf329 100644
--- a/mesh_extra_tools/face_inset_fillet.py
+++ b/mesh_extra_tools/face_inset_fillet.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
 # based completely on addon by zmj100
+# added some distance limits to prevent overlap - max12345
 # ------ ------
 import bpy
 import bmesh
@@ -33,103 +34,152 @@ def edit_mode_out():
 def edit_mode_in():
     bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
-def a_rot(ang, rp, axis, q):
-    return (Matrix.Rotation(ang, 3, axis) * (q - rp)) + rp
+def angle_rotation(rp,q,axis,angle):
+    """returns the vector made by the rotation of the vector q - rp by angle around axis and then adds rp"""
+    return (Matrix.Rotation(angle, 3, axis) * (q - rp)) + rp
 # ------ ------
-def f_(bme, list_0, opp, adj1, n_, out, radius, en0, kp):
+def face_inset_fillet(bme, face_index_list, inset_amount, distance, number_of_sides, out, radius, type_enum, kp):
     list_del = []
-    for fi in list_0:
-        f = bme.faces[fi]
+    for faceindex in face_index_list:
+        #loops through the faces...
+        f = bme.faces[faceindex]
-        list_2 = [v.index for v in f.verts]
+        vertex_index_list = [v.index for v in f.verts]
         dict_0 = {}
-        list_1 = []
-        n = len(list_2)
+        orientation_vertex_list = []
+        n = len(vertex_index_list)
         for i in range(n):
+            #loops through the vertices
             dict_0[i] = []
-            p = (bme.verts[ list_2[i] ].co).copy()
-            p1 = (bme.verts[ list_2[(i - 1) % n] ].co).copy()
-            p2 = (bme.verts[ list_2[(i + 1) % n] ].co).copy()
-            dict_0[i].append(bme.verts[list_2[i]])
+            p  = (bme.verts[ vertex_index_list[i] ].co).copy()
+            p1 = (bme.verts[ vertex_index_list[(i - 1) % n] ].co).copy()
+            p2 = (bme.verts[ vertex_index_list[(i + 1) % n] ].co).copy()
+            #copies some vert coordinates, always the 3 around i
+            dict_0[i].append(bme.verts[vertex_index_list[i]])
+            #appends the bmesh vert of the appropriate index to the dict
             vec1 = p - p1
             vec2 = p - p2
-            ang = vec1.angle(vec2)
-            adj = opp / tan(ang * 0.5)
-            h = (adj ** 2 + opp ** 2) ** 0.5
-            if round(degrees(ang)) == 180 or round(degrees(ang)) == 0.0:
-                p6 = a_rot(radians(90), p, vec1, p + ((f.normal).normalized() * opp) if out == True else p - ((f.normal).normalized() * opp))
-                list_1.append(p6)
+            #vectors for the other corner points to the cornerpoint
+            #corresponding to i/p
+            angle = vec1.angle(vec2)
+            adj = inset_amount / tan(angle * 0.5)
+            h = (adj ** 2 + inset_amount ** 2) ** 0.5
+            if round(degrees(angle)) == 180 or round(degrees(angle)) == 0.0:
+                #if they corer is a straight line...
+                #I think this creates some new points...
+                if out == True:
+                    val=((f.normal).normalized() * inset_amount)
+                else:
+                    val=-((f.normal).normalized() * inset_amount)
+                p6 = angle_rotation(p,p + val,vec1,radians(90))                
-                p6 = a_rot(-radians(90), p, ((p - (vec1.normalized() * adj)) - (p - (vec2.normalized() * adj))), p + ((f.normal).normalized() * h) if out == True else p - ((f.normal).normalized() * h))
-                list_1.append(p6)
-        list_2 = []
-        n1_ = len(list_1)
-        for j in range(n1_):
-            q = list_1[j]
-            q1 = list_1[(j - 1) % n1_]
-            q2 = list_1[(j + 1) % n1_]
+                #if the corner is an actual corner
+                val=((f.normal).normalized() * h)
+                if out==True:
+                    #this shit -(p - (vec2.normalized() * adj))) is just the freaking axis afaik...
+                    p6 = angle_rotation(p,p + val, -(p - (vec2.normalized() * adj)),-radians(90))
+                else:
+                    p6 = angle_rotation(p,p - val,((p - (vec1.normalized() * adj)) - (p - (vec2.normalized() * adj))),
+                    -radians(90))
+                orientation_vertex_list.append(p6)
+        new_inner_face = []
+        orientation_vertex_list_length = len(orientation_vertex_list)
+        ovll=orientation_vertex_list_length
+        for j in range(ovll):
+            q = orientation_vertex_list[j]
+            q1 = orientation_vertex_list[(j - 1) % ovll]
+            q2 = orientation_vertex_list[(j + 1) % ovll]
+            #again, these are just vectors between somewhat displaced conernervertices
             vec1_ = q - q1
             vec2_ = q - q2
             ang_ = vec1_.angle(vec2_)
+            #the angle between them
             if round(degrees(ang_)) == 180 or round(degrees(ang_)) == 0.0:
+                #again... if it's really a line...
-                list_2.append(bme.verts[-1])
+                new_inner_face.append(bme.verts[-1])
-                opp_ = adj1
+                #s.a.
                 if radius == False:
-                    h_ = adj1 * (1 / cos(ang_ * 0.5))
-                    d = adj1
+                    h_ = distance * (1 / cos(ang_ * 0.5))
+                    d = distance
                 elif radius == True:
-                    h_ = opp_ / sin(ang_ * 0.5)
-                    d = opp_ / tan(ang_ * 0.5)
+                    h_ = distance / sin(ang_ * 0.5)
+                    d = distance / tan(ang_ * 0.5)
+                #max(d) is vec1_.magnitude*0.5
+                #or vec2_.magnitude*0.5 respectively
+                #only functional difference v
+                if d >vec1_.magnitude*0.5:
+                    d=vec1_.magnitude*0.5
+                if d >vec2_.magnitude*0.5:
+                    d=vec2_.magnitude*0.5
+                #only functional difference ^ 
                 q3 = q - (vec1_.normalized() * d)
                 q4 = q - (vec2_.normalized() * d)
+                #these are new verts somewhat offset from the coners
                 rp_ = q - ((q - ((q3 + q4) * 0.5)).normalized() * h_)
+                #reference point inside the curvature
                 axis_ = vec1_.cross(vec2_)
+                #this should really be just the face normal
                 vec3_ = rp_ - q3
                 vec4_ = rp_ - q4
                 rot_ang = vec3_.angle(vec4_)
-                list_3 = []
+                cornerverts = []
-                for o in range(n_ + 1):
-                    q5 = a_rot((rot_ang * o / n_), rp_, axis_, q4)
+                for o in range(number_of_sides + 1):
+                    #this calculates the actual new vertices
+                    q5 = angle_rotation(rp_,q4,axis_,rot_ang * o / number_of_sides)
+                    #creates new bmesh vertices from it
-                    list_3.append(bme.verts[-1])
-                list_3.reverse()
-                list_2.extend(list_3)
+                    cornerverts.append(bme.verts[-1])
+                cornerverts.reverse()
+                new_inner_face.extend(cornerverts)
         if out == False:
-            bme.faces.new(list_2)
+            bme.faces.new(new_inner_face)
         elif out == True and kp == True:
-            bme.faces.new(list_2)
+            bme.faces.new(new_inner_face)
         n2_ = len(dict_0)
+        #these are the new side faces, those that don't depend on cornertype
         for o in range(n2_):
             list_a = dict_0[o]
             list_b = dict_0[(o + 1) % n2_]
             bme.faces.new( [ list_a[0], list_b[0], list_b[-1], list_a[1] ] )
-        if en0 == 'opt0':
+        #cornertype 1 - ngon faces
+        if type_enum == 'opt0':
             for k in dict_0:
                 if len(dict_0[k]) > 2:
-        if en0 == 'opt1':
+        #cornertype 2 - triangulated faces
+        if type_enum == 'opt1':
             for k_ in dict_0:
                 q_ = dict_0[k_][0]
@@ -149,78 +199,79 @@ class faceinfillet_op0(bpy.types.Operator):
     bl_description = 'inset selected faces'
     bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
-    opp = FloatProperty( name = '', default = 0.04, min = 0, max = 100.0, step = 1, precision = 3 )      # inset amount
-    n_ = IntProperty( name = '', default = 4, min = 1, max = 100, step = 1 )      # number of sides
-    adj1 = FloatProperty( name = '', default = 0.04, min = 0.00001, max = 100.0, step = 1, precision = 3 )
+    inset_amount = FloatProperty( name = '', default = 0.04, min = 0, max = 100.0, step = 1, precision = 3 )      # inset amount
+    number_of_sides = IntProperty( name = '', default = 4, min = 1, max = 100, step = 1 )      # number of sides
+    distance = FloatProperty( name = '', default = 0.04, min = 0.00001, max = 100.0, step = 1, precision

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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