[Bf-extensions-cvs] [0e536cd] master: fixes for T41099 and T38495 by purplefrog in irc, added warning "Armature Mode buggy"

Brendon Murphy noreply at git.blender.org
Mon Aug 4 20:23:04 CEST 2014

Commit: 0e536cd1b7225ef7b6c9edd982b2d9d5c527ce92
Author: Brendon Murphy
Date:   Tue Aug 5 04:22:08 2014 +1000
Branches: master

fixes for T41099 and T38495 by purplefrog in irc, added warning "Armature Mode buggy"


M	add_curve_sapling/__init__.py
M	add_curve_sapling/utils.py


diff --git a/add_curve_sapling/__init__.py b/add_curve_sapling/__init__.py
index 78f2ebb..a5739cb 100644
--- a/add_curve_sapling/__init__.py
+++ b/add_curve_sapling/__init__.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ bl_info = {
     "description": ("Adds a parametric tree. The method is presented by "
     "Jason Weber & Joseph Penn in their paper 'Creation and Rendering of "
     "Realistic Trees'."),
-    "warning": "",
+    "warning": "Armature Mode buggy",
     "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/"
     "category": "Add Curve",
@@ -323,8 +323,10 @@ class AddTree(bpy.types.Operator):
         default=1.0, update=update_tree)
-    leaves = IntProperty(name='Leaves',
+    leaves = FloatProperty(name='Leaves',
         description='Maximum number of leaves per branch (Leaves)',
+        min=0,
+        max=50,
         default=25, update=update_tree)
     leafScale = FloatProperty(name='Leaf Scale',
         description='The scaling applied to the whole leaf (LeafScale)',
diff --git a/add_curve_sapling/utils.py b/add_curve_sapling/utils.py
index 2ff8642..8f49eeb 100644
--- a/add_curve_sapling/utils.py
+++ b/add_curve_sapling/utils.py
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ def genLeafMesh(leafScale,leafScaleX,loc,quat,index,downAngle,downAngleV,rotate,
     # If the special -ve flag is used we need a different rotation of the leaf geometry
     if leaves < 0:
         rotMat = Matrix.Rotation(oldRot,3,'Y')
-        oldRot += rotate/(abs(leaves)-1)
+        oldRot += rotate/abs(leaves)
         oldRot += rotate+uniform(-rotateV,rotateV)
         downRotMat = Matrix.Rotation(downAngle+uniform(-downAngleV,downAngleV),3,'X')
@@ -401,6 +401,330 @@ def genLeafMesh(leafScale,leafScaleX,loc,quat,index,downAngle,downAngleV,rotate,
         facesList.append([f[0] + index,f[1] + index,f[2] + index,f[3] + index])
     return vertsList,facesList,oldRot
+def create_armature(armAnim, childP, cu, frameRate, leafMesh, leafObj, leafShape, leaves, levelCount, splineToBone,
+                    treeOb, windGust, windSpeed):
+    arm = bpy.data.armatures.new('tree')
+    armOb = bpy.data.objects.new('treeArm', arm)
+    bpy.context.scene.objects.link(armOb)
+    # Create a new action to store all animation
+    newAction = bpy.data.actions.new(name='windAction')
+    armOb.animation_data_create()
+    armOb.animation_data.action = newAction
+    arm.draw_type = 'STICK'
+    arm.use_deform_delay = True
+    # Add the armature modifier to the curve
+    armMod = treeOb.modifiers.new('windSway', 'ARMATURE')
+    # armMod.use_apply_on_spline = True
+    armMod.object = armOb
+    # If there are leaves then they need a modifier
+    if leaves:
+        armMod = leafObj.modifiers.new('windSway', 'ARMATURE')
+        armMod.object = armOb
+    # Make sure all objects are deselected (may not be required?)
+    for ob in bpy.data.objects:
+        ob.select = False
+    # Set the armature as active and go to edit mode to add bones
+    bpy.context.scene.objects.active = armOb
+    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
+    masterBones = []
+    offsetVal = 0
+    # For all the splines in the curve we need to add bones at each bezier point
+    for i, parBone in enumerate(splineToBone):
+        s = cu.splines[i]
+        b = None
+        # Get some data about the spline like length and number of points
+        numPoints = len(s.bezier_points) - 1
+        splineL = numPoints * ((s.bezier_points[0].co - s.bezier_points[1].co).length)
+        # Set the random phase difference of the animation
+        bxOffset = uniform(0, 2 * pi)
+        byOffset = uniform(0, 2 * pi)
+        # Set the phase multiplier for the spline
+        bMult = (s.bezier_points[0].radius / splineL) * (1 / 15) * (1 / frameRate)
+        # For all the points in the curve (less the last) add a bone and name it by the spline it will affect
+        for n in range(numPoints):
+            oldBone = b
+            boneName = 'bone' + (str(i)).rjust(3, '0') + '.' + (str(n)).rjust(3, '0')
+            b = arm.edit_bones.new(boneName)
+            b.head = s.bezier_points[n].co
+            b.tail = s.bezier_points[n + 1].co
+            b.head_radius = s.bezier_points[n].radius
+            b.tail_radius = s.bezier_points[n + 1].radius
+            b.envelope_distance = 0.001  #0.001
+            # If there are leaves then we need a new vertex group so they will attach to the bone
+            if (len(levelCount) > 1) and (i >= levelCount[-2]) and leafObj:
+                leafObj.vertex_groups.new(boneName)
+            elif (len(levelCount) == 1) and leafObj:
+                leafObj.vertex_groups.new(boneName)
+            # If this is first point of the spline then it must be parented to the level above it
+            if n == 0:
+                if parBone:
+                    b.parent = arm.edit_bones[parBone]
+                #                            if len(parBone) > 11:
+                #                                b.use_connect = True
+            # Otherwise, we need to attach it to the previous bone in the spline
+            else:
+                b.parent = oldBone
+                b.use_connect = True
+            # If there isn't a previous bone then it shouldn't be attached
+            if not oldBone:
+                b.use_connect = False
+            #tempList.append(b)
+            # Add the animation to the armature if required
+            if armAnim:
+                # Define all the required parameters of the wind sway by the dimension of the spline
+                a0 = 4 * splineL * (1 - n / (numPoints + 1)) / s.bezier_points[n].radius
+                a1 = (windSpeed / 50) * a0
+                a2 = (windGust / 50) * a0 + a1 / 2
+                # Add new fcurves for each sway  as well as the modifiers
+                swayX = armOb.animation_data.action.fcurves.new('pose.bones["' + boneName + '"].rotation_euler', 0)
+                swayY = armOb.animation_data.action.fcurves.new('pose.bones["' + boneName + '"].rotation_euler', 2)
+                swayXMod1 = swayX.modifiers.new(type='FNGENERATOR')
+                swayXMod2 = swayX.modifiers.new(type='FNGENERATOR')
+                swayYMod1 = swayY.modifiers.new(type='FNGENERATOR')
+                swayYMod2 = swayY.modifiers.new(type='FNGENERATOR')
+                # Set the parameters for each modifier
+                swayXMod1.amplitude = radians(a1) / numPoints
+                swayXMod1.phase_offset = bxOffset
+                swayXMod1.phase_multiplier = degrees(bMult)
+                swayXMod2.amplitude = radians(a2) / numPoints
+                swayXMod2.phase_offset = 0.7 * bxOffset
+                swayXMod2.phase_multiplier = 0.7 * degrees(
+                    bMult)  # This shouldn't have to be in degrees but it looks much better in animation
+                swayXMod2.use_additive = True
+                swayYMod1.amplitude = radians(a1) / numPoints
+                swayYMod1.phase_offset = byOffset
+                swayYMod1.phase_multiplier = degrees(
+                    bMult)  # This shouldn't have to be in degrees but it looks much better in animation
+                swayYMod2.amplitude = radians(a2) / numPoints
+                swayYMod2.phase_offset = 0.7 * byOffset
+                swayYMod2.phase_multiplier = 0.7 * degrees(
+                    bMult)  # This shouldn't have to be in degrees but it looks much better in animation
+                swayYMod2.use_additive = True
+    # If there are leaves we need to assign vertices to their vertex groups
+    if leaves:
+        offsetVal = 0
+        leafVertSize = 6
+        if leafShape == 'rect':
+            leafVertSize = 4
+        for i, cp in enumerate(childP):
+            for v in leafMesh.vertices[leafVertSize * i:(leafVertSize * i + leafVertSize)]:
+                leafObj.vertex_groups[cp.parBone].add([v.index], 1.0, 'ADD')
+    # Now we need the rotation mode to be 'XYZ' to ensure correct rotation
+    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
+    for p in armOb.pose.bones:
+        p.rotation_mode = 'XYZ'
+    treeOb.parent = armOb
+def kickstart_trunk(addstem, branches, cu, curve, curveRes, curveV, length, lengthV, ratio, resU, scale0, scaleV0,
+                    scaleVal, taper, vertAtt):
+    vertAtt = 0.0
+    newSpline = cu.splines.new('BEZIER')
+    cu.resolution_u = resU
+    newPoint = newSpline.bezier_points[-1]
+    newPoint.co = Vector((0, 0, 0))
+    newPoint.handle_right = Vector((0, 0, 1))
+    newPoint.handle_left = Vector((0, 0, -1))
+    # (newPoint.handle_right_type,newPoint.handle_left_type) = ('VECTOR','VECTOR')
+    branchL = (scaleVal) * (length[0] + uniform(-lengthV[0], lengthV[0]))
+    childStems = branches[1]
+    startRad = branchL * ratio * (scale0 + uniform(-scaleV0, scaleV0))
+    endRad = startRad * (1 - taper[0])
+    newPoint.radius = startRad
+    addstem(
+        stemSpline(newSpline, curve[0] / curveRes[0], curveV[0] / curveRes[0], 0, curveRes[0], branchL / curveRes[0],
+                   childStems, startRad, endRad, 0))
+    return vertAtt
+def fabricate_stems(addsplinetobone, addstem, baseSize, branches, childP, cu, curve, curveBack, curveRes, curveV,
+                    downAngle, downAngleV, leafDist, leaves, length, lengthV, levels, n, oldRotate, ratioPower, resU,
+                    rotate, rotateV, scaleVal, shape, storeN, taper, vertAtt):
+    for p in childP:
+        # Add a spline and set the coordinate of the first point.
+        newSpline = cu.splines.new('BEZIER')
+        cu.resolution_u = resU
+        newPoint = newSpline.bezier_points[-1]
+        newPoint.co = p.co
+        tempPos = zAxis.copy()
+        # If the -ve flag for downAngle is used we need a special formula to find it
+        if downAngleV[n] < 0.0:
+            downV = downAngleV[n] * (
+            1 - 2 * shapeRatio(0, (p.lengthPar - p.offset) / (p.lengthPar - baseSize * scaleVal)))
+            random()
+        # Otherwise just find a random value
+        else:
+            downV = uniform(-downAngleV[n], downAngleV[n])
+        downRotMat = Matrix.Rotation(downAngle[n] + downV, 3,

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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