[Bf-extensions-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-extensions [3259] trunk/py/scripts/addons:

John Phan darkneter at gmail.com
Sat Apr 14 01:50:41 CEST 2012

Revision: 3259
Author:   darknet
Date:     2012-04-13 23:50:41 +0000 (Fri, 13 Apr 2012)
Log Message:

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/py/scripts/addons/io_export_unreal_psk_psa.py
--- trunk/py/scripts/addons/io_export_unreal_psk_psa.py	2012-04-13 11:14:10 UTC (rev 3258)
+++ trunk/py/scripts/addons/io_export_unreal_psk_psa.py	2012-04-13 23:50:41 UTC (rev 3259)
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 bl_info = {
     "name": "Export Unreal Engine Format(.psk/.psa)",
     "author": "Darknet/Optimus_P-Fat/Active_Trash/Sinsoft/VendorX",
-    "version": (2, 4),
-    "blender": (2, 6, 0),
+    "version": (2, 5),
+    "blender": (2, 6, 3),
     "location": "File > Export > Skeletal Mesh/Animation Data (.psk/.psa)",
     "description": "Export Skeleletal Mesh/Animation Data",
     "warning": "",
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
 import mathutils
 import random
 import operator
+import bmesh
 from struct import pack
@@ -653,41 +654,23 @@
         me_ob = object
     return me_ob
+#Texture not working still find a way to get it work
 # Actual object parsing functions
-def parse_meshes(blender_meshes, psk_file):
-    #this is use to call the bone name and the index array for group index matches
-    global bDeleteMergeMesh
-    print ("----- parsing meshes -----")
+def parse_meshes(blender_meshes, psk_file):	
+    global bDeleteMergeMesh, exportmessage
     print("Number of Object Meshes:",len(blender_meshes))
     for current_obj in blender_meshes: #number of mesh that should be one mesh here
-        #bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
-        current_obj = triangulateNMesh(current_obj)
-        #print(dir(current_obj))
-        print("Mesh Name:",current_obj.name)
-        current_mesh = current_obj.data
-        #collect a list of the material names
-        print("== MATERIAL EXPORT LIST & INDEX")
+        #material
         if len(current_obj.material_slots) > 0:
             counter = 0
             while counter < len(current_obj.material_slots):
                 print("[MATERIAL IDX:",counter,"=]")
-                #print("Material Name:",current_obj.material_slots[counter].name)
-                #print("Material Name:",dir(current_obj.material_slots[counter].material))                
-                #print("TEXTURE:",dir(current_obj.material_slots[counter].material.texture_slots[0].texture.image.filepath))
-                #print("Imagepath:",(current_obj.material_slots[counter].material.texture_slots[0].texture.image.filepath))
-                #print("TEXTURES:",len(current_obj.material_slots[counter].material.texture_slots))
-                #while slot in current_obj.material_slots[counter].material.texture_slots:
-                    #print(dir(slot))
-                    #if slot.texture.image.filepath != None:
-                        #print("file path:",slot.texture.image.filepath)
-                if current_obj.material_slots[counter].material.texture_slots[0] != None:
-                    if current_obj.material_slots[counter].material.texture_slots[0].texture.image.filepath != None:
-                        print("TEXTURE PATH:",current_obj.material_slots[counter].material.texture_slots[0].texture.image.filepath)
-                #print("Imagepath:",(current_obj.material_slots[counter].material.texture_slots[0].texture.image.filepath_raw))
-                #print("Imagepath2:",dir(current_obj.material_slots[counter].material.texture_slots[0].texture.image))				
+                #if current_obj.material_slots[counter].material.texture_slots[0] != None:
+                    #if current_obj.material_slots[counter].material.texture_slots[0].texture.image.filepath != None:
+                        #print("TEXTURE PATH:",current_obj.material_slots[counter].material.texture_slots[0].texture.image.filepath)
                 #create the current material
                 matdata = psk_file.GetMatByIndex(counter)
                 matdata.MaterialName = current_obj.material_slots[counter].name
@@ -696,93 +679,58 @@
                 #print("materials: ",MaterialName[counter])
                 counter += 1
                 print("PSK INDEX:",matdata.TextureIndex)
-                print("=====")
-                print("")
-        #    object_mat = current_obj.materials[0]
-        object_material_index = current_obj.active_material_index
         points = ObjMap()
         wedges = ObjMap()
         discarded_face_count = 0
-        print (" -- Dumping Mesh Faces -- LEN:", len(current_mesh.faces))
-        for current_face in current_mesh.faces:
-            #print ' -- Dumping UVs -- '
-            #print current_face.uv_textures
-            # modified by VendorX
-            object_material_index = current_face.material_index
+        has_UV = True
+        faceUV = None
+        scene = bpy.context.scene #get current scene
+        me = current_obj.to_mesh(scene, EXPORT_APPLY_MODIFIERS, 'PREVIEW') #apply modified mesh and write mesh
+        faceuv = len(me.uv_textures) > 0 #check if has uv texture
+        if faceuv:
+            uv_layer = me.tessface_uv_textures.active.data[:]
+        else:
+            has_UV = False
+        for face in me.tessfaces:
+            print("Vertices count:",len(face.vertices))
+            #get or create the current material
+            object_material_index = face.material_index
+            psk_file.GetMatByIndex(object_material_index)
+            #print(dir(face))
+            #print(dir(uv_layer[face.index]))
+            if len(face.vertices) != 3:
+                #raise RuntimeError("Non-triangular face (%i)" % len(face.vertices))
+                exportmessage = "MESH IS NOT TRIANGLE (Alt + T)"
+                return
-            if len(current_face.vertices) != 3:
-                raise RuntimeError("Non-triangular face (%i)" % len(current_face.vertices))
-            #No Triangulate Yet
-            #            if len(current_face.vertices) != 3:
-            #                raise RuntimeError("Non-triangular face (%i)" % len(current_face.vertices))
-            #                #TODO: add two fake faces made of triangles?
-            #RG - apparently blender sometimes has problems when you do quad to triangle 
-            #    conversion, and ends up creating faces that have only TWO points -
-            #     one of the points is simply in the vertex list for the face twice. 
-            #    This is bad, since we can't get a real face normal for a LINE, we need 
-            #    a plane for this. So, before we add the face to the list of real faces, 
-            #    ensure that the face is actually a plane, and not a line. If it is not 
-            #    planar, just discard it and notify the user in the console after we're
-            #    done dumping the rest of the faces
-            if not is_1d_face(current_face,current_mesh):
-                #print("faces")
+            if not is_1d_face(face,me):#face , Mesh
                 wedge_list = []
                 vect_list = []
+                faceUV = uv_layer[face.index]#UV TEXTURE
-                #get or create the current material
-                psk_file.GetMatByIndex(object_material_index)
-                face_index = current_face.index
-                has_UV = False
-                faceUV = None
-                if len(current_mesh.uv_textures) > 0:
-                    has_UV = True    
-                    #print("face index: ",face_index)
-                    #faceUV = current_mesh.uv_textures.active.data[face_index]#UVs for current face
-                    #faceUV = current_mesh.uv_textures.active.data[0]#UVs for current face
-                    #print(face_index,"<[FACE NUMBER")
-                    uv_layer = current_mesh.uv_textures.active
-                    faceUV = uv_layer.data[face_index]
-                    #print("============================")
-                    #size(data) is number of texture faces. Each face has UVs
-                    #print("DATA face uv: ",len(faceUV.uv), " >> ",(faceUV.uv[0][0]))
-                for i in range(3):
-                    vert_index = current_face.vertices[i]
-                    vert = current_mesh.vertices[vert_index]
+                for i in range(3): #UV TEXTURE, VERTICES
+                    vert_index = face.vertices[i]
+                    vert = me.vertices[vert_index]
                     uv = []
-                    #assumes 3 UVs Per face (for now).
                     if (has_UV):
                         if len(faceUV.uv) != 3:
                             print ("WARNING: Current face is missing UV coordinates - writing 0,0...")
                             print ("WARNING: Face has more than 3 UVs - writing 0,0...")
                             uv = [0.0, 0.0]
-                            #uv.append(faceUV.uv[i][0])
-                            #uv.append(faceUV.uv[i][1])
                             uv = [faceUV.uv[i][0],faceUV.uv[i][1]] #OR bottom works better # 24 for cube
-                            #uv = list(faceUV.uv[i]) #30 just cube    
-                        #print ("No UVs?")
                         uv = [0.0, 0.0]
-                    #print("UV >",uv)
-                    #uv = [0.0, 0.0] #over ride uv that is not fixed
-                    #print(uv)
-                    #flip V coordinate because UEd requires it and DOESN'T flip it on its own like it
-                    #does with the mesh Y coordinates.
-                    #this is otherwise known as MAGIC-2
-                    uv[1] = 1.0 - uv[1]
-                    #deal with the min and max value
-                    #check if limit boolean
-                    #if value is over the set limit it will null the uv texture
-                    if bpy.context.scene.limituv:
+                    uv[1] = 1.0 - uv[1] #flip uv
+                    if bpy.context.scene.limituv:#set limit to 0-1 or not
                         if (uv[0] > 1):
                             uv[0] = 1
                         if (uv[0] < 0):
@@ -791,17 +739,10 @@

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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