[Bf-extensions-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-extensions [2374] trunk/py/scripts/addons/ render_renderfarmfi.py: Uploader version 9 features:

Jesse Kaukonen jesse.kaukonen at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 10:02:51 CEST 2011

Revision: 2374
Author:   gekko
Date:     2011-09-29 08:02:49 +0000 (Thu, 29 Sep 2011)
Log Message:
Uploader version 9 features:
- You must now log in first before doing anything. Old system did everything in one call, while this new system has 3 calls:
    1: Login and check password, downloading session information
    2: Do optional session list refreshing
    3: Handle file uploads to the service
- Changed the UI:
   * You can no longer edit ore_resox or the other ore settings. These are copied from Blender's render settings directly 
   * You can change ore parts and ore memory usage, but these are tagged as "optional advanced settings"
   * There is now a link to the Renderfarm.fi render panel in the main render panel. You can easily switch between Blender Render and Renderfarm.fi render
   * The UI gives you visible errors instead of hiding these in the console, although not all errors are visible
- The preparation is performed once the user presses "upload" or changes to the Renderfarm.fi tab
   * This no longer stops the upload, but instead gives a warning if there are issues
   * If a texture is not found, give a warning
   * If a linked file is not found, give a warning
- The file is no longer saved into the original master file, but a copy is created with the name "renderfarm.blend".
- Short description field was removed. This still exists code-wise, but it's simply filled with a dummy letter. Instead, the UI asks for simply "description" and "tags". Tags might be implemented soon-ish(tm).
- The old method of listing and canceling sessions is completely re-written:
   * The new system fetches out all the user's sessions and stores them in lists, then fetching what is required. The old system required a new XMLRPC call if you wanted to switch your selected list from one to another such as "completed" to "canceled". I removed this "list by session type" -feature entirely and simply added one list that has everything. The sessions still have the % complete next to the name.
   * Canceling works like before, except it gives a visible error if canceling isn't possible (ie session is already running or rejected)
   * There is a refresh button that fetches out new listings from the server
- Particles generate a warning:
   * If there are emitter type particles, recommend checking particle baking
   * If there are hair type particles with child_type 'SIMPLE', change the mode to 'INTERPOLATED'. This seems to fix most of our problems. Also shows a note about this
- Fluid simulations generate a warning about them not working at all. This won't prevent uploading.
- Possibly some tiny fixes I forgot to mention

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/py/scripts/addons/render_renderfarmfi.py
--- trunk/py/scripts/addons/render_renderfarmfi.py	2011-09-29 04:49:00 UTC (rev 2373)
+++ trunk/py/scripts/addons/render_renderfarmfi.py	2011-09-29 08:02:49 UTC (rev 2374)
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
 bl_info = {
     "name": "Renderfarm.fi",
     "author": "Nathan Letwory <nathan at letworyinteractive.com>, Jesse Kaukonen <jesse.kaukonen at gmail.com>",
-    "version": (8,),
-    "blender": (2, 5, 7),
-    "api": 36487,
+    "version": (9,),
+    "blender": (2, 5, 9),
+    "api": 40652,
     "location": "Render > Engine > Renderfarm.fi",
     "description": "Send .blend as session to http://www.renderfarm.fi to render",
     "warning": "",
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 import xmlrpc.client
 import math
 from os.path import isabs, isfile
+import time
 from bpy.props import PointerProperty, StringProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty, IntProperty, CollectionProperty
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@
 bpy.statusMessage = {
     'title': 'TRIA_RIGHT',
     'shortdesc': 'TRIA_RIGHT',
+    'tags': 'TRIA_RIGHT',
     'longdesc': 'TRIA_RIGHT',
     'username': 'TRIA_RIGHT',
     'password': 'TRIA_RIGHT'
@@ -65,7 +67,24 @@
 bpy.errors = []
 bpy.ore_sessions = []
+bpy.ore_completed_sessions = []
+bpy.ore_active_sessions = []
+bpy.ore_rejected_sessions = []
+bpy.ore_pending_sessions = []
+bpy.ore_active_session_queue = []
+bpy.ore_complete_session_queue = []
 bpy.queue_selected = -1
+bpy.errorStartTime = -1.0
+bpy.infoError = False
+bpy.cancelError = False
+bpy.texturePackError = False
+bpy.linkedFileError = False
+bpy.uploadInProgress = False
+bpy.originalFileName = bpy.path.display_name_from_filepath(bpy.data.filepath)
+bpy.particleBakeWarning = False
+bpy.childParticleWarning = False
+bpy.simulationWarning = False
+bpy.ready = False
 def renderEngine(render_engine):
@@ -88,12 +107,13 @@
     username = StringProperty(name='E-mail', description='E-mail for Renderfarm.fi', maxlen=256, default='')
     password = StringProperty(name='Password', description='Renderfarm.fi password', maxlen=256, default='')
     hash = StringProperty(name='Hash', description='hash calculated out of credentials', maxlen=33, default='')
-    shortdesc = StringProperty(name='Short description', description='A short description of the scene (100 characters)', maxlen=101, default='')
-    longdesc = StringProperty(name='Long description', description='A more elaborate description of the scene (2k)', maxlen=2048, default='')
+    shortdesc = StringProperty(name='Short description', description='A short description of the scene (100 characters)', maxlen=101, default='-')
+    tags = StringProperty(name='Tags', description='A list of tags that best suit the animation', maxlen=102, default='')
+    longdesc = StringProperty(name='Description', description='Description of the scene (2k)', maxlen=2048, default='')
     title = StringProperty(name='Title', description='Title for this session (128 characters)', maxlen=128, default='')
     url = StringProperty(name='Project URL', description='Project URL. Leave empty if not applicable', maxlen=256, default='')
     parts = IntProperty(name='Parts/Frame', description='', min=1, max=1000, soft_min=1, soft_max=64, default=1)
     resox = IntProperty(name='Resolution X', description='X of render', min=1, max=10000, soft_min=1, soft_max=10000, default=1920)
     resoy = IntProperty(name='Resolution Y', description='Y of render', min=1, max=10000, soft_min=1, soft_max=10000, default=1080)
@@ -101,15 +121,22 @@
     start = IntProperty(name='Start Frame', description='Start Frame', default=1)
     end = IntProperty(name='End Frame', description='End Frame', default=250)
     fps = IntProperty(name='FPS', description='FPS', min=1, max=256, default=25)
     prepared = BoolProperty(name='Prepared', description='Set to True if preparation has been run', default=False)
+    loginInserted = BoolProperty(name='LoginInserted', description='Set to True if user has logged in', default=False)
+    passwordCorrect = BoolProperty(name='PasswordCorrect', description='Set to False if the password is incorrect', default=True)
     debug = BoolProperty(name='Debug', description='Verbose output in console', default=False)
     selected_session = IntProperty(name='Selected Session', description='The selected session', default=0)
     hasUnsupportedSimulation = BoolProperty(name='HasSimulation', description='Set to True if therea re unsupported simulations', default=False)
     inlicense = EnumProperty(items=licenses, name='source license', description='license speficied for the source files', default='1')
     outlicense = EnumProperty(items=licenses, name='output license', description='license speficied for the output files', default='1')
     sessions = CollectionProperty(type=ORESession, name='Sessions', description='Sessions on Renderfarm.fi')
+    completed_sessions = CollectionProperty(type=ORESession, name='Completed sessions', description='Sessions that have been already rendered')
+    rejected_sessions = CollectionProperty(type=ORESession, name='Rejected sessions', description='Sessions that have been rejected')
+    pending_sessions = CollectionProperty(type=ORESession, name='Pending sessions', description='Sessions that are waiting for approval')
+    active_sessions = CollectionProperty(type=ORESession, name='Active sessions', description='Sessions that are currently rendering')
+    all_sessions = CollectionProperty(type=ORESession, name='All sessions', description='List of all of the users sessions')
 # session struct
@@ -143,159 +170,209 @@
     except:    pass
 del properties_object
+def hasSSSMaterial():
+    for m in bpy.data.materials:
+        if m.subsurface_scattering.use:
+            return True
+        return False
+def tuneParticles():
+    for p in bpy.data.particles:
+        if (p.type == 'EMITTER'):
+            bpy.particleBakeWarning = True
+        if (p.type == 'HAIR'):
+            if (p.child_type == 'SIMPLE'):
+                p.child_type = 'INTERPOLATED'
+                bpy.childParticleWarning = True
+def hasParticleSystem():
+    if (len(bpy.data.particles) > 0):
+        print("Found particle system")
+        return True
+    return False
+def hasSimulation(t):
+    for o in bpy.data.objects:
+        for m in o.modifiers:
+            if isinstance(m, t):
+                print("Found simulation: " + str(t))
+                return True
+        return False
+def hasFluidSimulation():
+    return hasSimulation(bpy.types.FluidSimulationModifier)
+def hasSmokeSimulation():
+    return hasSimulation(bpy.types.SmokeModifier)
+def hasClothSimulation():
+    return hasSimulation(bpy.types.ClothModifier)
+def hasCollisionSimulation():
+    return hasSimulation(bpy.types.CollisionModifier)
+def hasSoftbodySimulation():
+    return hasSimulation(bpy.types.SoftBodyModifier)
+def hasUnsupportedSimulation():
+    return hasSoftbodySimulation() or hasCollisionSimulation() or hasClothSimulation() or hasSmokeSimulation() or hasFluidSimulation()
+def isFilterNode(node):
+    t = type(node)
+    return t==bpy.types.CompositorNodeBlur or t==bpy.types.CompositorNodeDBlur
+def changeSettings():
+    sce = bpy.context.scene
+    rd = sce.render
+    ore = sce.ore_render
+    # Necessary settings for BURP
+    ore.resox = rd.resolution_x
+    ore.resoy = rd.resolution_y
+    ore.start = sce.frame_start
+    ore.end = sce.frame_end
+    ore.fps = rd.fps
+    # Multipart support doesn' work if SSS is used
+    if ((rd.use_sss == True and hasSSSMaterial()) and ore.parts > 1):
+        ore.parts = 1;
+    if (hasParticleSystem()):
+        tuneParticles()
+    else:
+        bpy.particleBakeWarning = False
+        bpy.childParticleWarning = False
+    if (hasUnsupportedSimulation()):
+        simulationWarning = True
+    else:
+        bpy.simulationWarning = False
+def prepareScene():
+    sce = bpy.context.scene
+    rd = sce.render
+    ore = sce.ore_render
+    changeSettings()
+    print("Packing external textures...")
+    # Pack all external textures
+    try:
+        bpy.ops.file.pack_all()
+        bpy.texturePackError = False
+    except Exception as e:
+        bpy.texturePackError = True
+        print(e)
+    linkedData = bpy.utils.blend_paths()
+    if (len(linkedData) > 0):
+        print("Appending linked .blend files...")
+        try:
+            bpy.ops.object.make_local(type='ALL')
+            bpy.linkedFileError = False
+        except Exception as e:
+            bpy.linkedFileError = True
+            print(e)
+    else:
+        print("No external .blends used, skipping...")
+    # Save with a different name
+    print("Saving into a new file...")
+    try:
+        # If the filename is empty, we'll make one from the path of the Blender installation
+        if (len(bpy.originalFileName) == 0):
+            bpy.originalFileName = bpy.utils.resource_path(type='LOCAL') + "renderfarm.blend"
+            bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile(filepath=bpy.originalFileName)
+        else:
+            savePath = bpy.originalFileName
+            savePath = savePath + "_renderfarm"
+            bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile(filepath=savePath)
+    except Exception as e:
+        print(e)
+    print(".blend prepared")
 class RenderButtonsPanel():
     bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
     bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
     bl_context = "render"
     # COMPAT_ENGINES must be defined in each subclass, external engines can add themselves here    
-class SUMMARY_PT_RenderfarmFi(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
-    # Prints a summary to the panel before uploading. If scene settings differ from ore settings, then display a warning icon
-    bl_label = 'Summary'
-    bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
+class OpSwitchRenderfarm(bpy.types.Operator):
+    bl_label = "Switch to Renderfarm.fi"
+    bl_idname = "ore.switch_to_renderfarm_render"
-    @classmethod
-    def poll(cls, context):
-        rd = context.scene.render
-        return (rd.use_game_engine==False) and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES)
+    def execute(self, context):
+        changeSettings()
+        bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'RENDERFARMFI_RENDER'
+        return {'FINISHED'}

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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