[Bf-extensions-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-extensions [2245] contrib/py/scripts/addons/ io_import_lipSync_Importer.py: ===Updated to version 0.3===

yousef harfoush bat3a at msn.com
Mon Aug 15 05:16:18 CEST 2011

Revision: 2245
Author:   bat3a
Date:     2011-08-15 03:16:14 +0000 (Mon, 15 Aug 2011)
Log Message:
===Updated to version 0.3===

-Updated the UI a bit.
-Added support for Yolo exported Moho file.
-Added random generator for blinks.

Modified Paths:

Modified: contrib/py/scripts/addons/io_import_lipSync_Importer.py
--- contrib/py/scripts/addons/io_import_lipSync_Importer.py	2011-08-12 06:32:21 UTC (rev 2244)
+++ contrib/py/scripts/addons/io_import_lipSync_Importer.py	2011-08-15 03:16:14 UTC (rev 2245)
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
 bl_info = {
     "name": "LipSync Importer & Blinker",
     "author": "Yousef Harfoush - bat3a ;)",
-    "version": (0, 2, 6),
-    "blender": (2, 5, 6),
-    "api": 35816,
+    "version": (0, 3, 0),
+    "blender": (2, 5, 9),
+    "api": 39300,
     "location": "3D window > Tool Shelf",
-    "description": "Plot Papagayo's (or Jlipsync) voice file to frames and adds automatic blinking",
+    "description": "Plot Papagayo's (or Jlipsync or Yolo) Moho file to frames and adds automatic blinking",
     "warning": "",
     "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php?title=Extensions:2.5/Py/Scripts/Import-Export/Lipsync_Importer",
     "tracker_url": "http://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=24080&group_id=153&atid=468",
@@ -32,11 +32,10 @@
 import bpy, re
 from bpy.props import *
+from random import random
-mnulast = '1'
 global phnmlst
 # truning off relative path - it causes an error if it was true
 if bpy.context.user_preferences.filepaths.use_relative_paths == True:
@@ -51,21 +50,31 @@
     global blink, blinkphnm
-    blinkphnm=1983
+    blinkphnm=-1
+    # searching for blink shapekey index
     for x in range(sk):
         obj.active_shape_key_index = x
         if obj.active_shape_key.name=="blink": blink="on"; blinkphnm=x
-    for y in range(scn['blinkNm']):
+    if blinkphnm!=-1:
+        if scn.remnuTypes['enumBlinks'] == 0:
+            modifier = 0
+        elif scn.remnuTypes['enumBlinks'] == 1:
+            modifier = scn['blinkMod']
+        #creating keys with blinkNm count
+        for y in range(scn['blinkNm']):
+            blinkfrm = y * scn['blinkSp'] + int(random()*modifier)
+            crtkey(blinkphnm, blinkfrm)
-        blinkSpm=scn["blinkSp"]*y
-        if blinkphnm!=1983: crtkey(blinkphnm, blinkSpm)
-# mapping shape keys to phonemes vars.
+# checking what shape keys available to phonemes vars.
 def mapper():
     obj = bpy.context.object
@@ -82,18 +91,19 @@
     for x in range(sk):
         obj.active_shape_key_index = x
+        oask=obj.active_shape_key.name
+        if oask=="AI" or oask=="A" or oask=="I": AI="on"; AIphnm=x
+        elif oask=="O": O="on"; Ophnm=x  
+        elif oask=="E": E="on"; Ephnm=x   
+        elif oask=="U": U="on"; Uphnm=x
+        elif oask=="etc" or oask=="C" or oask=="D" or oask=="G" or oask=="K" or oask=="N" or oask=="R" or oask=="S" or oask=="TH" or oask=="SH": etc="on"; etcphnm=x
+        elif oask=="L": L="on"; Lphnm=x
+        elif oask=="WQ" or oask=="W" or oask=="Q": WQ="on"; WQphnm=x
+        elif oask=="MBP" or oask=="M" or oask=="P" or oask=="B": MBP="on"; MBPphnm=x
+        elif oask=="FV" or oask=="F" or oask=="V": FV="on"; FVphnm=x
+        elif oask=="rest" or oask=="closed": rest="on"; restphnm=x
-        if obj.active_shape_key.name=="AI": AI="on"; AIphnm=x
-        elif obj.active_shape_key.name=="O": O="on"; Ophnm=x  
-        elif obj.active_shape_key.name=="E": E="on"; Ephnm=x   
-        elif obj.active_shape_key.name=="U": U="on"; Uphnm=x
-        elif obj.active_shape_key.name=="etc": etc="on"; etcphnm=x
-        elif obj.active_shape_key.name=="L": L="on"; Lphnm=x
-        elif obj.active_shape_key.name=="WQ": WQ="on"; WQphnm=x
-        elif obj.active_shape_key.name=="MBP": MBP="on"; MBPphnm=x
-        elif obj.active_shape_key.name=="FV": FV="on"; FVphnm=x
-        elif obj.active_shape_key.name=="rest": rest="on"; restphnm=x
     # calling file splitter
@@ -105,7 +115,7 @@
     f=open(scn.fpath) # importing file
     f.readline() # reading the 1st line that we don"t need
-    print("hhhh")
     for line in f:
         # removing new lines
@@ -114,86 +124,68 @@
         # building a list of frames & shapes indexes
         lst = re.split(":? ", lsta[0])# making a list of a frame number & 
         frm = int(lst[0])
-        # passing to create keys
-        if lst[1]==("AI" or "A" or "I")and AI=="on": crtkey(AIphnm, frm)
+        # create keys based on if key is in the line or not
+        if (lst[1]=="AI" or lst[1]=="A" or lst[1]=="I") and AI=="on": crtkey(AIphnm, frm)
         elif lst[1]=="O" and O=="on": crtkey(Ophnm, frm)
         elif lst[1]=="E" and E=="on": crtkey(Ephnm, frm)
         elif lst[1]=="U" and U=="on": crtkey(Uphnm, frm)
-        elif lst[1]==("etc" or "C" or "D" or "G" or "K" or "N" or "R" or "S" or "TH" or "SH") and etc=="on": crtkey(etcphnm, frm)
+        elif (lst[1]=="etc" or lst[1]=="C" or lst[1]=="D" or lst[1]=="G" or lst[1]=="K" or lst[1]=="N" or lst[1]=="R" or lst[1]=="S" or lst[1]=="TH" or lst[1]=="SH") and etc=="on": crtkey(etcphnm, frm)
         elif lst[1]=="L" and L=="on": crtkey(Lphnm, frm)
-        elif lst[1]==("WQ" or "W" or "Q") and WQ=="on": crtkey(WQphnm, frm)
-        elif lst[1]==("MBP" or "M" or "P" or "B") and MBP=="on": crtkey(MBPphnm, frm)
-        elif lst[1]==("FV" or "F" or "V") and FV=="on": crtkey(FVphnm, frm)
-        elif lst[1]==("rest" or "closed") and rest=="on": crtkey(restphnm, frm)  
+        elif (lst[1]=="WQ" or lst[1]=="W" or lst[1]=="Q") and WQ=="on": crtkey(WQphnm, frm)
+        elif (lst[1]=="MBP" or lst[1]=="M" or lst[1]=="P" or lst[1]=="B") and MBP=="on": crtkey(MBPphnm, frm)
+        elif (lst[1]=="FV" or lst[1]=="F" or lst[1]=="V") and FV=="on": crtkey(FVphnm, frm)
+        elif (lst[1]=="rest" or lst[1]=="closed") and rest=="on": crtkey(restphnm, frm)  
-# creating keys with offset and eases
-def crtkey(phoneme, Skey):
+# creating keys with offset and eases for a phonem @ the Skframe
+def crtkey(phoneme, Skframe):
     global phnmlst
     scn = bpy.context.scene
     obj = bpy.context.object
+    #setting the active shape key to phonem
-    offst=scn['offset']     # offset value
-    skVlu=scn['skscale']    # shape key value
-    frmIn=scn['easeIn']     # ease in value
-    frmOut=scn['easeOut']   # ease out value
-    hldIn=scn['holdGap']    # holding time value
+    offst = scn['offset']     # offset value
+    skVlu = scn['skscale']    # shape key value
+    #in case of Papagayo format
+    if scn.remnuTypes['enumFiles'] == 0 :
+        frmIn = scn['easeIn']     # ease in value
+        frmOut = scn['easeOut']   # ease out value
+        hldIn = scn['holdGap']    # holding time value
+    #in case of Jlipsync format or Yolo
+    elif scn.remnuTypes['enumFiles'] == 1 or scn.remnuTypes['enumFiles'] == 2:
+        frmIn = 1
+        frmOut = 1
+        hldIn = 0
-    if bpy.context.scene['jlip'] == 1:
-        if phnmlst!=phoneme:
-            obj.active_shape_key.value=0.0
-            objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].keyframe_insert("value",
-                -1, offst+Skey-1, "Lipsync")
-        obj.active_shape_key.value=skVlu
-        objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].keyframe_insert("value", 
-            -1, offst+Skey, "Lipsync")
+    # inserting the In key only when phonem change or when blinking
+    if phnmlst!=phoneme or eval(scn.mnuFunc) == 1:
-        objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].keyframe_insert("value", 
-            -1, offst+Skey+1, "Lipsync")
-        phnmlst=phoneme
-    elif bpy.context.scene['jlip'] != 1:
-        obj.active_shape_key.value=0.0
-            -1, offst+Skey-frmIn, "Lipsync")
+            -1, offst+Skframe-frmIn, "Lipsync")
-        obj.active_shape_key.value=skVlu
-        objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].keyframe_insert("value", 
-            -1, offst+Skey, "Lipsync")
-        obj.active_shape_key.value=skVlu
-        objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].keyframe_insert("value", 
-            -1, offst+Skey+hldIn, "Lipsync")
-        obj.active_shape_key.value=0.0
-        objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].keyframe_insert("value", 
-        -1, offst+Skey+hldIn+frmOut, "Lipsync")
-# clearing vars
-def clear_properties():
-    # can happen on reload
-    if bpy.context.scene is None:
-        return
-    props = ["offset", "skscale", "easeIn", "easeOut", "blinkSp", "blinkNm", "holdGap", "jlip"]
-    for p in props:
-        if p in bpy.types.Scene.bl_rna.properties:
-            exec("del bpy.types.Scene."+p)
-        if p in bpy.context.scene:
-            del bpy.context.scene[p]
-# creating ui button to run things
+    obj.active_shape_key.value=skVlu
+    objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].keyframe_insert("value", 
+        -1, offst+Skframe, "Lipsync")
+    obj.active_shape_key.value=skVlu
+    objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].keyframe_insert("value", 
+        -1, offst+Skframe+hldIn, "Lipsync")
+    obj.active_shape_key.value=0.0
+    objSK.key_blocks[phoneme].keyframe_insert("value", 
+    -1, offst+Skframe+hldIn+frmOut, "Lipsync")
+    phnmlst=phoneme
+# lipsyncer operation start
 class Lipsyncer(bpy.types.Operator):
     bl_idname = 'lipsync.go'
     bl_label = 'Start Processing'
@@ -208,15 +200,16 @@
         if obj!=None and obj.type=="MESH":
             if obj.data.shape_keys!=None:
                 if scn.fpath!='': mapper()
-                else: print ("select a voice file")
+                else: print ("select a Moho file")
             else: print("add shape keys PLEASE")
         else: print ("Object is not mesh or not selected ")
         return {'FINISHED'}
+# blinker operation start
 class Blinker_go(bpy.types.Operator):
     bl_idname = 'blink.go'
     bl_label = 'Start Processing'
-    bl_description = 'Adds Random or Specifice blinks'
+    bl_description = 'Adds random or specifice blinks'
     def execute(self, context):
@@ -231,21 +224,20 @@
         else: print ("Object is not mesh or not selected ")
         return {'FINISHED'}
-class mnuSelect(bpy.types.Operator):
-    bl_idname = 'view.operator'
-    bl_label = 'Operator'
-    # define possible operations

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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