[Bf-extensions-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-extensions [1103] contrib/py/scripts/addons/ render_to_print.py: add to contrib/py/scripts/addons/render_to_print.py

Brendon Murphy meta.androcto1 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 17 07:14:51 CEST 2010

Revision: 1103
Author:   meta-androcto
Date:     2010-10-17 07:14:50 +0200 (Sun, 17 Oct 2010)

Log Message:
add to contrib/py/scripts/addons/render_to_print.py
A somewhat large list of real world print presets for the renderer

Added Paths:

Added: contrib/py/scripts/addons/render_to_print.py
--- contrib/py/scripts/addons/render_to_print.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ contrib/py/scripts/addons/render_to_print.py	2010-10-17 05:14:50 UTC (rev 1103)
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
+import bpy
+import math
+from bpy.props import *
+bl_addon_info = {
+    'name': 'Render to Print',
+    'author': 'Marco Crippa <thekrypt77 at tiscali.it>',
+    'version': (0,1),
+    'blender': (2, 5, 4),
+    'location': 'Render > Render to Print',
+    'description': 'Set the size of the render for a print',
+#    "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/Scripts/Clay_Render",
+#    "tracker_url": "https://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=22971&group_id=153&atid=467",
+	'url': "http://krypt77.altervista.org/",
+    'category': 'Render'}
+class RenderButtonsPanel():
+    bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
+    bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
+    bl_context = 'render'
+class RENDER_PT_Print(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
+	bl_label = "Render to Print"
+	bpy.types.Scene.Preset = EnumProperty(name="Select preset", description="Select from preset",\
+	items=(\
+	 ("custom_1_1", "custom", ""),\
+	 ("A0_84.1_118.9", "A0 84.1x118.9 cm", ""),\
+	 ("A1_59.4_84.1", "A1 59.4x84.1 cm", ""),\
+	 ("A2_42.0_59.4", "A2 42.0x59.4 cm", ""),\
+	 ("A3_29.7_42.0", "A3 29.7 42.0 cm", ""),\
+	 ("A4_21.0_29.7", "A4 21.0x29.7 cm", ""),\
+	 ("A5_14.8_21.0", "A5 14.8x21.0 cm", ""),\
+	 ("A6_10.5_14.8", "A6 10.5x14.8 cm", ""),\
+	 ("A7_7.4_10.5", "A7 7.4x10.5 cm", ""),\
+	 ("A8_5.2_7.4", "A8 5.2x7.4 cm", ""),\
+	 ("A9_3.7_5.2", "A9 3.7x5.2 cm", ""),\
+	 ("A10_2.6_3.7", "A10 2.6x3.7 cm", ""),\
+	 ("B0_100.0_141.4","B0 100.0x141.4 cm",""),\
+	 ("B1_70.7_100.0","B1 70.7x100.0 cm",""),\
+	 ("B2_50.0_70.7","B2 50.0x70.7 cm",""),\
+	 ("B3_35.3_50.0","B3 35.3x50.0 cm",""),\
+	 ("B4_25.0_35.3","B4 25.0x35.3 cm",""),\
+	 ("B5_17.6_25.0","B5 17.6x25.0 cm",""),\
+	 ("B6_12.5_17.6","B6 12.5x17.6 cm",""),\
+	 ("B7_8.8_12.5","B7 8.8x12.5 cm",""),\
+	 ("B8_6.2_8.8","B8 6.2x8.8 cm",""),\
+	 ("B9_4.4_6.2","B9 4.4x6.2 cm",""),\
+	 ("B10_3.1_4.4","B10 3.1x4.4 cm",""),\
+	 ("C0_91.7_129.7","C0 91.7x129.7 cm",""),\
+	 ("C1_64.8_91.7","C1 64.8x91.7 cm",""),\
+	 ("C2_45.8_64.8","C2 45.8x64.8 cm",""),\
+	 ("C3_32.4_45.8","C3 32.4x45.8 cm",""),\
+	 ("C4_22.9_32.4","C4 22.9x32.4 cm",""),\
+	 ("C5_16.2_22.9","C5 16.2x22.9 cm",""),\
+	 ("C6_11.4_16.2","C6 11.4x16.2 cm",""),\
+	 ("C7_8.1_11.4","C7 8.1x11.4 cm",""),\
+	 ("C8_5.7_8.1","C8 5.7x8.1 cm",""),\
+	 ("C9_4.0_5.7","C9 4.0x5.7 cm",""),\
+	 ("C10_2.8_4.0","C10 2.8x4.0 cm",""),\
+	 ("Letter_21.6_27.9","Letter 21.6x27.9 cm",""),\
+	 ("Legal_21.6_35.6","Legal 21.6x35.6 cm",""),\
+	 ("Legal junior_20.3_12.7","Legal junior 20.3x12.7 cm",""),\
+	 ("Ledger_43.2_27.9","Ledger 43.2x27.9 cm",""),\
+	 ("Tabloid_27.9_43.2","Tabloid 27.9x43.2 cm",""),\
+	 ("ANSI C_43.2_55.9","ANSI C 43.2×55.9 cm",""),\
+	 ("ANSI D_55.9_86.4","ANSI D 55.9×86.4 cm",""),\
+	 ("ANSI E_86.4_111.8","ANSI E 86.4×111.8 cm",""),\
+	 ("Arch A_22.9_30.5","Arch A 22.9×30.5 cm",""),\
+	 ("Arch B_30.5_45.7","Arch B 30.5×45.7 cm",""),\
+	 ("Arch C_45.7_61.0","Arch C 45.7×61.0 cm",""),\
+	 ("Arch D_61.0_91.4","Arch D 61.0×91.4 cm",""),\
+	 ("Arch E_91.4_121.9","Arch E 91.4×121.9 cm",""),\
+	 ("Arch E1_76.2_106.7","Arch E1 76.2×106.7 cm",""),\
+	 ("Arch E2_66.0_96.5","Arch E2 66.0x96.5 cm",""),\
+	 ("Arch E3_68.6_99.1","Arch E3 68.6x99.1 cm",""),\
+	 ),\
+	 default="custom_1_1")
+	bpy.types.Scene.Orientation = EnumProperty(name="Set orientation", description="Set orientation", items=(("Portrait", "Portrait", "Portrait"), ("Landscape", "Landscape", "Landscape")), default="Portrait")
+	bpy.types.Scene.From = EnumProperty(name="Set from", description="Set from", items=(("Cm--->Pixel", "Cm--->Pixel", "Cm--->Pixel"), ("Pixel--->Cm", "Pixel--->Cm", "Pixel--->Cm")), default="Cm--->Pixel")
+	bpy.types.Scene.Width = FloatProperty(name = "Width", description = "Width", default = 5.0, min = 1.0, max = 100000.0)
+	bpy.types.Scene.Height = FloatProperty(name = "Height", description = "Height", default = 3.0, min = 1.0, max = 100000.0)
+	bpy.types.Scene.DPI = IntProperty(name = "DPI", description = "DPI", default = 300, min = 1, max = 100000)
+	bpy.types.Scene.PWidth = IntProperty(name = "Pixel Width", description = "Pixel Width", default = 900, min = 4, max = 10000)
+	bpy.types.Scene.PHeight = IntProperty(name = "Pixel Height", description = "Pixel Height", default = 600, min = 4, max = 10000)
+	bpy.types.Scene.WInch = StringProperty(name = "Inch Width", description = "", default = "AAA")
+	bpy.types.Scene.HInch = StringProperty(name = "Inch Height", description = "", default = "AAA")
+	def draw(self, context):
+		layout = self.layout
+		scn = context.scene
+		row = layout.row(align=True)
+		row1 = layout.row(align=True)
+		row2 = layout.row(align=True)
+		row3 = layout.row(align=True)
+		row4 = layout.row(align=True)
+		row5 = layout.row(align=True)
+		row6 = layout.row(align=True)
+		row7 = layout.row(align=True)
+		col = layout.column(align=True)
+		row.prop(scn, "From")
+		row1.prop(scn, "Orientation")
+		row2.prop(scn, "Preset")
+		col.separator()
+		row3.prop(scn, "Width")
+		row3.separator()
+		row3.prop(scn, "Height")
+		col.separator()
+		row4.prop(scn, "DPI")
+		col.separator()
+		row5.prop(scn, "PWidth")
+		row5.separator()
+		row5.prop(scn, "PHeight")
+		col.separator()
+		row6.prop(scn, "WInch")
+		row6.prop(scn, "HInch")
+		row6.active=False
+		row6.enabled=False
+		col.separator()
+		row7.operator("Do_P2R", text="SET RENDER!", icon="RENDER_STILL")
+		tipo,dim_w,dim_h=scn.Preset.split("_")
+		if scn.From == "Cm--->Pixel":
+			row5.active=False
+			row5.enabled=False
+			if tipo=="custom":
+				row3.active=True
+				row3.enabled=True
+				row1.active=False
+				row1.enabled=False
+				dim_w=scn.Width
+				dim_h=scn.Height
+				scn.Width=float(dim_w)
+				scn.Height=float(dim_h)
+			elif tipo!="custom" and scn.Orientation=="Landscape":
+				row3.active=False
+				row3.enabled=False
+				row1.active=True
+				row1.enabled=True
+				scn.Width=float(dim_h)
+				scn.Height=float(dim_w)
+			elif tipo!="custom" and scn.Orientation=="Portrait":
+				row3.active=False
+				row3.enabled=False
+				row1.active=True
+				row1.enabled=True
+				scn.Width=float(dim_w)
+				scn.Height=float(dim_h)
+			scn.PWidth=math.ceil((scn.Width*scn.DPI)/2.54)
+			scn.PHeight=math.ceil((scn.Height*scn.DPI)/2.54)
+		else:
+			row3.active=False
+			row3.enabled=False
+			if tipo=="custom":
+				row1.active=False
+				row1.enabled=False
+			elif tipo!="custom" and scn.Orientation=="Landscape":
+				row1.active=True
+				row1.enabled=True
+				row5.active=False
+				row5.enabled=False
+				scn.Width=float(dim_h)
+				scn.Height=float(dim_w)
+				scn.PWidth=math.ceil((scn.Width*scn.DPI)/2.54)
+				scn.PHeight=math.ceil((scn.Height*scn.DPI)/2.54)
+			elif tipo!="custom" and scn.Orientation=="Portrait":
+				row1.active=True
+				row1.enabled=True
+				row5.active=False
+				row5.enabled=False
+				scn.Width=float(dim_w)
+				scn.Height=float(dim_h)
+				scn.PWidth=math.ceil((scn.Width*scn.DPI)/2.54)
+				scn.PHeight=math.ceil((scn.Height*scn.DPI)/2.54)
+			scn.Width=float(scn.PWidth/scn.DPI)*2.54
+			scn.Height=float(scn.PHeight/scn.DPI)*2.54
+		scn.WInch="%.2f" % (scn.Width/2.54)
+		scn.HInch="%.2f" % (scn.Height/2.54)
+class DoP2R(bpy.types.Operator):
+	bl_idname = "Do_P2R"
+	bl_label = "Run P2R"
+	bl_description = "Set the render dimension"
+	def execute(self, context):
+		scn = context.scene
+		rnd = context.scene.render
+		#set render resolution
+		rnd.resolution_x=scn.PWidth
+		rnd.resolution_y=scn.PHeight
+		return {'FINISHED'}
+def register():
+	pass
+def unregister():
+	pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    register()

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