[Bf-docboard] PDF generation working again

Campbell Barton ideasman42 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 00:53:42 CEST 2015

Hi, I also checked on converting the HTML to PDF.

This uses the "singlehtml" generator, then wkhtmltopdf to convert to the PDF.

Its quite large so this is just the getting started chapter

The full PDF,
http://download.blender.org/ftp/ideasman42/blender_manual_html.pdf (70mb)

The main issue is it misses cross-references, that can be supported
but involves compiling a patched QT version:

Am not *against* this, but it remains a bit of a hassle.
Nevertheless, if only one person needs to setup the patched QT,
we can at least use it without the overhead of having to output to
latex (and resolve issues noted in previous mail).

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