[Bf-docboard] Question: Localisation + placing files and pictures

Mirek Kučera Quark66 mkucera66 at seznam.cz
Wed Sep 3 14:19:50 CEST 2014

I would like to ask for ideas about placing documents tree around english master... like in wiki:
original manual/abc/def  translated   CZ/manual/abc/def. .. or whatever
I think that the best is to reuse original pictures place anywhere where 
Sphinx can see from international tree of files. Wiki is maintenable cleary and easy: there is only only one place for all images...

My additional question is related to naming conventions of pictures. There is (and will) plenty of pics... but mixed naming is horrible. Maby
 short name of chapter and number will be better. For instance "model_modif_01"  or "anim_sim_phys_10"
and subquestion: gif format is fine, but in case of reprint of the screen I thing the PNG is better.

 Mirek Kučera, Quark66
Czech Republic

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