[Bf-docboard] Where do I start?

malefico andauer bf-docboard@blender.org
Thu, 21 Aug 2003 10:23:37 -0300 (ART)

 --- Eric Oberlander <eric@oberlander.co.uk> escribió:
> didn't appear when viewed in a browser. To view the
> .png images correctly, I
> had to add a link to the gfx directory. So while in
> the html directory:
> ln -sf ../gfx/ gfx

Thanx for that ! I didn't realize what was wrong and
thought it had to be related with docbook
configuration :-D

One comment, maybe a silly one. You can define an
alias like cvsdocboard='cvs -z3
-amazingly_complex_line_blah_blah' in .bashrc so you
don't have to type the whole bible line everytime.


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