[Bf-docboard] Malefico: Special modeling techniques chapter

malefico andauer bf-docboard@blender.org
Thu, 7 Aug 2003 14:43:14 -0300 (ART)

Thanx a lot !

 --- selleri@diefi.det.unifi.it escribió: > Hi!
> Here it is
> Warning: It is an automatic translation WML ->  XML,
> I checked it by hand but I'm not sure it compiles
> straight away.
> 2nd Warning: I'm on a poor modem, I cannot afford to
> send you pictures
> too :) YOu can grab themfrom the on line version
> of the 2.0 guide at www.blender.org ->
> Documentation.
> Please recapture all obsolete ones. Please use ONLY
> format. for the resolution, capture Blender
> at 1024x768 resolution without AA fonts :)
> Send all to me, when done :)
> Thanx
> Stefano
    Special Modeling Techniques

     Dupliverts are an easy way to make arrangements
of objects. In fact on    every vertex of a mesh an
instance of the base object is placed. The    placed
object can be of any object type which Blender

    Load the scene Dupliverts00.blend. It contains a
simple    scene and a column. Switch to Layer 2 and
create in the top-view (PAD_7) a mesh-circle with 12
    This circle will be our base for the arrangement.
Now switch Layer 3    on with SHIFT-3KEY. The column
appears in the middle of the    circle. Select the
column and then add the circle to the selection (hold 
  SHIFT while selecting) and press CTRL-P to make the
circle     parent to the column.
    Now select only the circle, switch the
ButtonsWindow to the    AnimButtons F7 and select here
the option "DupliVerts".
    Note that the base column is still shown in the
3D-views, but it is    not rendered. You now can
select the column, change (scale,    rotate, EditMode)
it and all dupliverted objects will show up the   
change. But the more interesting thing to note is that
you also can    change the parent object.

    Select the circle and scale it. You can see that
the columns are    uniformly scaled with the circle.
Now enter the EditMode TAB for    the circle, select
all vertices AKEY and scale about three times   
bigger. Leave EditMode and the dupliverted objects
will update. This    time they still have their own
size but the distance between them is    bigger. Not
only can we scale in EditMode, but we can also delete
or    add vertices to change the arrangement of
    Try to delete the left four vertices of the circle
in EditMode. Select    the two on the left and extrude
them to the left. Repeat this step a    few times and
then leave EditMode. We now have an arrangement of
columns    similar to those which can be found in a
temple or a big hall.    Rotating dupliverted objects 
  With the "Rot" option in the duplivert section of
the AnimButtons, you     can rotate the dupliverted
objects according to the face-normals of    the parent
    Add an Icosphere with two subdivisions. Next, add
a cone and size it to    a spike on your club.
    A tip    
        The standard "cone"-primitive of Blender will
render with a seam on        the side when it is drawn
smoothed. Often a cylinder, with all of its vertices  
      on one side scaled to one point, is the better
    Now, make the icosphere the parent of the spike.
Select the icosphere    alone and make it "Duplivert"
in the AnimButtons. Note the effect of    the option
"Rot" when you click on it now.
    Depending on the orientation of the spike relative
to the world, you    may now need to rotate the
vertices of the spike in EditMode to make    all the
spikes point outwards.

    Again, the base mesh is not rendered.
    The method of "Dupliframes" can be described as
modeling with    animation. Here are two illustrations
of the technique.
      Arrangements of dupliframed objectsFigure 
    This method is similar to the dupliverts method,
but this time we can    use curves and animation paths
to arrange our objects.

    For a roller coaster animation, you start with a
curve    describing your tracks. A simple bevel will
do your tracks    (Rollercoaster00.blend), the curves
are also reused for    the camera path.

    Add a cube that will act as sleeper for the track.
Scale it so that it    fits to the tracks. Now, select
the sleeper, then extend the selection    by the
object "SleeperCurve" and make the Curve (with CTRL-P)
   the parent of the sleeper.
    Select the object "SleeperCurve" alone and
activate the options    "CurvePath" and "CurveFollow"
in the AnimButtons F7. It maybe    that the sleeper is
now dislocated, in which case select the curve,   
then extend by the sleeper and press ALT-O to clear
the    origin. Then position the sleeper down under
the tracks. Until now we    have done little more than
animate the sleeper along the curve. This    can be
verified by playing the animation with ALT-A.

    Now, select the sleeper and go to the AnimButtons
F7. Here,     activate the option "DupliFrames". With
the "DupSta:" and "DupEnd"    NumButtons you can
define the start and end of  the duplication.
    If the sleepers are too close to each other, you
can adjust the number    of objects using the
"PathLen:" option of the sleeper-curve.
    Modeling with dupliframes Figure 
    With Dupliverts, not only can we create separate
objects but we can    also create one big object.
Ideal for that purpose are NURBS-surfaces,    because
we can change the resolution easily after creation,
and if we    need to we can convert them to a mesh
object. Also, the surface objects    from Blender are
ideal for "skinning".
    Create a surface circle (ADD->Surface->Circle) in
a front view. Don't    leave EditMode, just move the
vertices of the circle until they are    about 4 times
the size of the circle diameter to the left.
    Switch to a TopView and insert a key using IKEY,
then choose    "Rotation" from the pop-up. Advance the
frame slider by 30 frames (three    times CURSOR-UP).
Now, rotate the circle 90 degrees and insert   
another keyframe. 
    Use F7 to open the AnimButtons and activate
"DupliFrames". You    can now see an arrangement of
circles in your TopView. In the shaded    3DWindow you
will see nothing so far, this we'll change at the end.
    Switch one window to an IpoWindow using SHIFT-F6,
and select     the "RotZ" curve. Now, change the Ipo
to "Extend Mode Extrapolation"    .

    Switch off the "DupliFrames" option in the
AnimButtons, and insert a    keyframeanimation for the
size of the circle. After that, animate the   
location of the circle with a keyframe animation along
the z-axis.    Here you should also use the "Extend
Mode Extrapolation" in the    IpoWindow.  You will get
something that which is shown in the next    picture
after you have activated the "DupliFrames" option
    To turn the structure into a real NURBS-object,
select the base object and    press CTRL-SHIFT-A. A
pop-up menu will appear prompting "OK? Make Dupli's   

    We now have a collection of NURBS forming the
outline of our object, but so    far they are not
skinned, so we cannot see them in a shaded preview   
or in a rendering. To achieve this, we need to join
all the rings to    one object. Without deselecting
any rings, press CTRL-J and    confirm the pop-up menu
request. Now, enter EditMode for the newly created   
object and press AKEY to select all vertices. Now we
are ready    to skin our object. Press FKEY and
Blender will automatically    generate the solid

    When you leave EditMode, you can now see the
object in a shaded view.    But it is very dark. To
correct this, enter EditMode and select all   
vertices, then press WKEY. Choose "Switch Direction"
from the menu    and leave EditMode. The object will
now be drawn correctly.

    The object we have created is a NURBS object. This
means that you can still    edit it. Even more
interestingly, you can also control the resolution of
the    NURBS object via the EditButtons.
    Here you can set the resolution of the object
using "ResolU" and    "ResolV", so you can adjust it
for working with the object in a low    resolution,
and then set it to a high resolution for your final
render.    NURBS objects are also very small in
filesize for saved scenes.    Compare the size of a
NURBS scene with the same scene in which all    NURBS
are converted (ALT-C) to meshes.
    Modeling with LatticeFigure 
    A Lattice consists of a three-dimensional grid of
vertices. If the    vertices are moved from their
regular positions, this will cause a    deformation of
the child objects.  Lattices only affect Meshes,   
Surfaces and Particles, and they can be used to give
them a    'NURBS-like' flexibility.  A Lattice does
not affect the texture    coordinates of a Mesh
Surface. Subtle changes to mesh objects are    easily
facilitated in this way, and do not change the mesh

    A Lattice always begins as a 2 x 2 x 2 grid of
vertices. Use the    EditButtons->U,V,W settings to
specify the desired resolution,  then    the Lattice
can be deformed in EditMode. If there is a Child
Object,    the deformation is continually displayed
and modified.  Changing the    U,V,W values of a
Lattice returns it to a uniform starting position.

    Lattices can be used as a modelling tool. They
also allow you to make    the deformation permanent.
Use the SHIFT-CTRL+A command. A menu will ask:   
"Apply Lattice deform?". 

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