[Bf-committers] GSoC projects - be connected with a studio/company or come to Amsterdam!

Ton Roosendaal ton at blender.org
Mon Feb 19 18:10:55 CET 2018

Hi everyone,

I would like to do a special call to all the companies and studios out there who use Blender - maybe you know students who would be interested in Google Summer of Code?

This would be a way to improve interaction with GSoC students. We can still mentor it technically remotely (as usual), but the student then would be able to meet with (or work with) the actual stakeholders of their work.

There's also an opportunity for students to come to Amsterdam (for a while). We have the code quest running here in the April-July period - which mostly overlaps with GSoC.

I'll be doing some active recruiting at the universities locally as well.



Ton Roosendaal  -  ton at blender.org   -   www.blender.org
Chairman Blender Foundation, Director Blender Institute
Entrepotdok 57A, 1018 AD, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

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