[Bf-committers] Cannot the international font be removed from SVN?

IRIE Shinsuke irieshinsuke at yahoo.co.jp
Fri Mar 1 14:50:16 CET 2013

Hi devs,

Recently I submitted a patch and a bug related to the

[#34373] Use i18n monospace font in Text editor and Python console

[#34396] Some kanji characters in i18n font are unreadable for Japanese users

The patch [#34373] obviously needs additional international font for
displaying CJK characters properly.  Also, Japanese font is needed to
solve the bug [#34396].  So, Blender have to use the following fonts
at least:

(1) proportional font (default)       = bfont.ttf
(2) monospace font (default)          = bmonofont.ttf
(3) proportional font (international) = droidsans.ttf
(4) monospace font (international)
(5) proportional font (Japanese)
(6) monospace font (Japanese)

I'm not sure if the other languages need additional fonts.

If we solve these issues by adding the fonts (4)-(6) above, file
sizes of the release archives increase by 5-10MB.  Maybe Linux distro
maintainers hate such bundled fonts because they must remove the
fonts and apply some patches to build distro packages.

I think the the international font should be removed and system-wide
fonts should be used instead.


IRIE Shinsuke

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