[Bf-committers] Multiview branch feedback

Matt Ebb matt at mke3.net
Tue Jun 18 01:16:23 CEST 2013

On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 10:51 PM, Adriano Oliveira
<adriano.ufrb at gmail.com>wrote:

> > But can you explain to me specifically why that is better than the
> workflow used in the branch?
> Because it is more simple and better fits in actual Blender logic. It is
> also the way everey other composite sistem works, as far as I know.

I haven't used this blender multiview branch and have only skimmed over
this thread briefly, but it seems to me that it works in a similar way to
nuke. In nuke, you can set up as many views as you like, and by default,
nodes will apply the same processing to the multiple views in an input

It's possible to split off individual views into individual data streams,
process them independently, and then join them back into the one stream if
you like, and it's also possible to split individual parameters on nodes so
you can apply different parameter values to different views. In general
though, you're passing all views down your comp network together as a
single data stream. There are also additional nodes that specifically deal
with multiview inputs, for example nodes to change convergence.


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