[Bf-committers] Text Editor - Scintilla Integration

Justin Dailey dail8859 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 19 16:13:03 CET 2012

Hello everyone,
Since it was recently brought up about further extending the text editor syntax highlighting for more languages, I figured I would mention that I have currently been working on implementing Scintilla [1] as the main editing engine for the text editor. (For those of you unfamiliar with Scintilla, it is the editing engine for such editors as SciTE, Notepad++, Code::Blocks, etc). I've already written most of the wrapper code for scintilla and mapped about 90% of the text editor operators. It doesn't do any loading/saving, handing multiple files, etc yet but that will come in the future. 

It also does syntax highlighting. Scintilla comes with about 90 lexers (lexers are what do the parsing and coloring), granted we only need to keep a few of them. Any language which it doesn't support currently (OSL, GLSL) can have a lexer written for it if needed.  Full integration of scintilla is still a ways off but I figured I would give a glimpse of good things to come :-)

And just to be clear, I'm not trying to say that implementing syntax highlighting for OSL or other languages is not needed right now, I'm just trying to make sure we don't run off and try to restructure the text editor too much to implement major features if scintilla will work. :-)

[1] http://www.scintilla.org/


Justin (dail)

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