[Bf-committers] Nodes auto hide sockets on collapsed nodes

Bartek Skorupa bartekskorupa at bartekskorupa.com
Mon Apr 9 08:51:08 CEST 2012

Hey Lukas,

Thank you for your reply and for bringing back individual sockets  
I missed it because now you select socket by left clicking. I was  
trying to select them by right clicking (as it was in 2.49) and when  
it failed I was sure we still don't have this option available.
This feature is a real time saver.
I'm really glad you are thinking about improving it. I'm sure you'll  
come up with the best possible solution.

Auto hide sockets:
As I can see from your post you are all the time thinking about  
automatic behavior.
If I may suggest something - I'd rather leave more options to the user.
As I suggested in my previous message:
If most of the users love auto hide feature (I still don't understand  
why, but let it be) - why don't we leave this behavior, but let the  
user unhide sockets of collapsed node with Ctl-H?
Most of the users would simply hide the nodes without doing anything  
else afterwards and I would hit H, Ctl-H to have the nodes the way I  
like them.

Bartek Skorupa


On 2012-04-09, at 08:24, Lukas Tönne wrote:

> I agree that automatic socket hiding is a bit annoying atm. Several
> possible solutions (or a combination of these) come to mind:
> a) Only auto-hide sockets in long lists (e.g. geometry node, render  
> layers)
> b) For nodes with only 2 or 3 sockets, don't hide them all, or only
> hide if at least one of them is connected.
> Actually socket selection + connect with fkey was reimplemented a
> while back. It could be improved in a few places though:
> * The autoconnect (fkey) operator still basically works on x-axis
> ordering, connects nodes on the left side to nodes further right.
> That's a prerequisite for the previous default behaviour (first
> chooses two nodes to connect, then tries to find suitable matching
> sockets). When having single sockets selected this is usually not
> necessary and prevents some useful linking from nodes further to the
> right.
> * Linking by click+drag currently also selects sockets. Even though
> sockets are deselected after linking, the nodes still stay selected,
> so this messes with the users previous selection. Linking and then
> directly moving nodes afterward often has unexpected result.
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