[Bf-committers] Visibility of attribution

Alex Fraser adfries at vpac.org
Tue Jun 21 06:05:48 CEST 2011

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stephen Swaney" <sswaney at centurytel.net>
> I do not remember the exact circumstances, but we had a situation
> before where some corporation wanted an attribution notice put in the
> UI before they would contribute code. The answer was no.

Do you remember what the objection was? Note that we aren't asking to be attributed more prominently than other contributors; just on the same page. Nor are we asking for a logo to be displayed on the web site. I think attribution in a place that users can see is a fair trade for code contribution. Attribution in the release notes is good (thanks Tom, I didn't know about that page), but that means you become invisible in the next release.

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Campbell Barton" <ideasman42 at gmail.com>
> re 1) The contributors are free to add in their own attribution in the
> patch, perhaps it would help to formalize this, though the few times
> I've had to deal with this a line in the header assigning copyright
> was ok.
> So don't mind either way.

I think it would be good to formalise this, particularly to include the date that the contributions were made.

> > Personally, I am not sure of the value of asserting copyright over
> > code that is GPL'ed.
> In practice probably not much though it does mean if we want to add
> some GPL exception like we did for the BGE or one day move to GPLv3,
> copyright holders need to agree,

Yes, one thing attribution does is make it easier to track who owns what. And it really is an incentive to contribute.


Alex Fraser
Software Engineer
The Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing

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