[Bf-committers] [Bf-blender-cvs] SVN commit: /data/svn/bf-blender [38303] branches/soc-2011-pepper/source/ blender/editors/space_outliner: == The great Outliner code split up ==

Thomas Dinges blender at dingto.org
Tue Jul 12 14:35:11 CEST 2011

I don't understand why such changes (not related to the actual gsoc 
project) have to go to the branch at all.
Why not commit chages not related to GSOC project to trunk right away?

Am 12.07.2011 14:15, schrieb Campbell Barton:
> Could you merge this into trunk? - else any changes made to outliner.c
> in the coming months will be a pain to apply back.
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:01 PM, Joshua Leung<aligorith at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Sure, go ahead. I never use CMake, so I've no idea what's breaking it.
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 9:04 PM, Mitchell Stokes<mogurijin at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> This commit broke building with CMake. I have the fix if you want me
>>> to commit it.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Mitchell
>>> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:59 AM, Joshua Leung<aligorith at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> Revision: 38303
>>>>           http://projects.blender.org/scm/viewvc.php?view=rev&root=bf-blender&revision=38303
>>>> Author:   aligorith
>>>> Date:     2011-07-11 10:59:53 +0000 (Mon, 11 Jul 2011)
>>>> Log Message:
>>>> -----------
>>>> == The great Outliner code split up ==
>>>> As per my proposal (http://lists.blender.org/pipermail/bf-
>>>> committers/2011-July/032553.html), I've split outliner.c into several
>>>> new files based on the purpose of the relevant code.
>>>> * outliner_tree.c - building outliner structure
>>>> * outliner_draw.c - outliner drawing (including toggle buttons and
>>>> their handling)
>>>> * outliner_edit.c - all operators for toggling stuff, and/or hotkey
>>>> accessed operators. Also KeyingSet and Driver operators go here
>>>> * outliner_tools.c - all operators and callbacks used for handling RMB
>>>> click on items
>>>> * outliner_select.c - stuff for selecting rows, and handling the
>>>> active/selected toggling stuff
>>>> In a few cases, the split hasn't been totally clear-cut due to cross-
>>>> dependencies and other spaghetti. However, in a few cases, I have
>>>> managed to remove the need for some of the prototypes that were needed
>>>> in the past by judicious reshuffling of functions, which also makes it
>>>> easier to actually find what you're looking for.
>>>> Modified Paths:
>>>> --------------
>>>>     branches/soc-2011-pepper/source/blender/editors/space_outliner/outliner_intern.h
>>>> Added Paths:
>>>> -----------
>>>>     branches/soc-2011-pepper/source/blender/editors/space_outliner/outliner_draw.c
>>>>     branches/soc-2011-pepper/source/blender/editors/space_outliner/outliner_edit.c
>>>>     branches/soc-2011-pepper/source/blender/editors/space_outliner/outliner_select.c
>>>>     branches/soc-2011-pepper/source/blender/editors/space_outliner/outliner_tools.c
>>>>     branches/soc-2011-pepper/source/blender/editors/space_outliner/outliner_tree.c
>>>> Removed Paths:
>>>> -------------
>>>>     branches/soc-2011-pepper/source/blender/editors/space_outliner/outliner.c
>>>> Deleted: branches/soc-2011-pepper/source/blender/editors/space_outliner/outliner.c
>>>> ===================================================================
>>>> --- branches/soc-2011-pepper/source/blender/editors/space_outliner/outliner.c   2011-07-11 09:47:13 UTC (rev 38302)
>>>> +++ branches/soc-2011-pepper/source/blender/editors/space_outliner/outliner.c   2011-07-11 10:59:53 UTC (rev 38303)
>>>> @@ -1,6148 +0,0 @@
>>>> -/*
>>>> - * $Id$
>>>> - *
>>>> - * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
>>>> - *
>>>> - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
>>>> - * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
>>>> - * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
>>>> - * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
>>>> - *
>>>> - * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
>>>> - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
>>>> - * GNU General Public License for more details.
>>>> - *
>>>> - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
>>>> - * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
>>>> - * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
>>>> - *
>>>> - * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2004 Blender Foundation.
>>>> - * All rights reserved.
>>>> - *
>>>> - * The Original Code is: all of this file.
>>>> - *
>>>> - * Contributor(s): none yet.
>>>> - *
>>>> - * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
>>>> - */
>>>> -
>>>> -/** \file blender/editors/space_outliner/outliner.c
>>>> - *  \ingroup spoutliner
>>>> - */
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -#include<math.h>
>>>> -#include<string.h>
>>>> -#include<stdlib.h>
>>>> -#include<stddef.h>
>>>> -
>>>> -#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
>>>> -
>>>> -#include "DNA_anim_types.h"
>>>> -#include "DNA_armature_types.h"
>>>> -#include "DNA_constraint_types.h"
>>>> -#include "DNA_camera_types.h"
>>>> -#include "DNA_group_types.h"
>>>> -#include "DNA_key_types.h"
>>>> -#include "DNA_lamp_types.h"
>>>> -#include "DNA_material_types.h"
>>>> -#include "DNA_mesh_types.h"
>>>> -#include "DNA_meta_types.h"
>>>> -#include "DNA_particle_types.h"
>>>> -#include "DNA_scene_types.h"
>>>> -#include "DNA_world_types.h"
>>>> -#include "DNA_sequence_types.h"
>>>> -#include "DNA_object_types.h"
>>>> -
>>>> -#include "BLI_blenlib.h"
>>>> -#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
>>>> -#include "BLI_math_base.h"
>>>> -
>>>> -#if defined WIN32&&  !defined _LIBC
>>>> -# include "BLI_fnmatch.h" /* use fnmatch included in blenlib */
>>>> -#else
>>>> -#  ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
>>>> -#    define _GNU_SOURCE
>>>> -#  endif
>>>> -# include<fnmatch.h>
>>>> -#endif
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -#include "BKE_animsys.h"
>>>> -#include "BKE_context.h"
>>>> -#include "BKE_deform.h"
>>>> -#include "BKE_depsgraph.h"
>>>> -#include "BKE_fcurve.h"
>>>> -#include "BKE_global.h"
>>>> -#include "BKE_group.h"
>>>> -#include "BKE_library.h"
>>>> -#include "BKE_main.h"
>>>> -#include "BKE_modifier.h"
>>>> -#include "BKE_report.h"
>>>> -#include "BKE_scene.h"
>>>> -#include "BKE_sequencer.h"
>>>> -
>>>> -#include "ED_armature.h"
>>>> -#include "ED_object.h"
>>>> -#include "ED_screen.h"
>>>> -#include "ED_util.h"
>>>> -
>>>> -#include "WM_api.h"
>>>> -#include "WM_types.h"
>>>> -
>>>> -#include "BIF_gl.h"
>>>> -#include "BIF_glutil.h"
>>>> -
>>>> -#include "UI_interface.h"
>>>> -#include "UI_interface_icons.h"
>>>> -#include "UI_resources.h"
>>>> -#include "UI_view2d.h"
>>>> -
>>>> -#include "RNA_access.h"
>>>> -#include "RNA_define.h"
>>>> -#include "RNA_enum_types.h"
>>>> -
>>>> -#include "ED_keyframing.h"
>>>> -
>>>> -#include "outliner_intern.h"
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -#define OL_Y_OFFSET    2
>>>> -
>>>> -#define OL_TOG_RESTRICT_VIEWX  (UI_UNIT_X*3)
>>>> -#define OL_TOG_RESTRICT_SELECTX        (UI_UNIT_X*2)
>>>> -#define OL_TOG_RESTRICT_RENDERX        UI_UNIT_X
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -#define OL_RNA_COLX                    (UI_UNIT_X*15)
>>>> -#define OL_RNA_COL_SIZEX       (UI_UNIT_X*7.5)
>>>> -#define OL_RNA_COL_SPACEX      (UI_UNIT_X*2.5)
>>>> -
>>>> -#define TS_CHUNK       128
>>>> -
>>>> -#define TREESTORE(a) ((a)?soops->treestore->data+(a)->store_index:NULL)
>>>> -
>>>> -/* ************* XXX **************** */
>>>> -
>>>> -static void error(const char *UNUSED(arg), ...) {}
>>>> -
>>>> -/* ********************************** */
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -/* ******************** PROTOTYPES ***************** */
>>>> -static void outliner_draw_tree_element(bContext *C, uiBlock *block, Scene *scene, ARegion *ar, SpaceOops *soops, TreeElement *te, int startx, int *starty);
>>>> -static void outliner_do_object_operation(bContext *C, Scene *scene, SpaceOops *soops, ListBase *lb,
>>>> -                                                                                void (*operation_cb)(bContext *C, Scene *scene, TreeElement *, TreeStoreElem *, TreeStoreElem *));
>>>> -
>>>> -static int group_select_flag(Group *gr);
>>>> -
>>>> -/* ******************** PERSISTANT DATA ***************** */
>>>> -
>>>> -static void outliner_storage_cleanup(SpaceOops *soops)
>>>> -{
>>>> -       TreeStore *ts= soops->treestore;
>>>> -
>>>> -       if(ts) {
>>>> -               TreeStoreElem *tselem;
>>>> -               int a, unused= 0;
>>>> -
>>>> -               /* each element used once, for ID blocks with more users to have each a treestore */
>>>> -               for(a=0, tselem= ts->data; a<ts->usedelem; a++, tselem++) tselem->used= 0;
>>>> -
>>>> -               /* cleanup only after reading file or undo step, and always for
>>>> -                * RNA datablocks view in order to save memory */
>>>> -               if(soops->storeflag&  SO_TREESTORE_CLEANUP) {
>>>> -
>>>> -                       for(a=0, tselem= ts->data; a<ts->usedelem; a++, tselem++) {
>>>> -                               if(tselem->id==NULL) unused++;
>>>> -                       }
>>>> -
>>>> -                       if(unused) {
>>>> -                               if(ts->usedelem == unused) {
>>>> -                                       MEM_freeN(ts->data);
>>>> -                                       ts->data= NULL;
>>>> -                                       ts->usedelem= ts->totelem= 0;
>>>> -                               }
>>>> -                               else {
>>>> -                                       TreeStoreElem *tsnewar, *tsnew;
>>>> -
>>>> -                                       tsnew=tsnewar= MEM_mallocN((ts->usedelem-unused)*sizeof(TreeStoreElem), "new tselem");
>>>> -                                       for(a=0, tselem= ts->data; a<ts->usedelem; a++, tselem++) {
>>>> -                                               if(tselem->id) {
>>>> -                                                       *tsnew= *tselem;
>>>> -                                                       tsnew++;
>>>> -                                               }
>>>> -                                       }
>>>> -                                       MEM_freeN(ts->data);
>>>> -                                       ts->data= tsnewar;
>>>> -                                       ts->usedelem-= unused;
>>>> -                                       ts->totelem= ts->usedelem;
>>>> -                               }
>>>> -                       }
>>>> -               }
>>>> -       }
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static void check_persistant(SpaceOops *soops, TreeElement *te, ID *id, short type, short nr)
>>>> -{
>>>> -       TreeStore *ts;
>>>> -       TreeStoreElem *tselem;
>>>> -       int a;
>>>> -
>>>> -       /* case 1; no TreeStore */
>>>> -       if(soops->treestore==NULL) {
>>>> -               soops->treestore= MEM_callocN(sizeof(TreeStore), "treestore");
>>>> -       }
>>>> -       ts= soops->treestore;
>>>> -
>>>> -       /* check if 'te' is in treestore */
>>>> -       tselem= ts->data;
>>>> -       for(a=0; a<ts->usedelem; a++, tselem++) {
>>>> -               if(tselem->id==id&&  tselem->used==0) {
>>>> -                       if((type==0&&  tselem->type==0) ||(tselem->type==type&&  tselem->nr==nr)) {
>>>> -                               te->store_index= a;
>>>> -                               tselem->used= 1;
>>>> -                               return;
>>>> -                       }
>>>> -               }
>>>> -       }
>>>> -
>>>> -       /* add 1 element to treestore */
>>>> -       if(ts->usedelem==ts->totelem) {
>>>> -               TreeStoreElem *tsnew;
>>>> -
>>>> -               tsnew= MEM_mallocN((ts->totelem+TS_CHUNK)*sizeof(TreeStoreElem), "treestore data");
>>>> -               if(ts->data) {
>>>> -                       memcpy(tsnew, ts->data, ts->totelem*sizeof(TreeStoreElem));
>>>> -                       MEM_freeN(ts->data);
>>>> -               }
>>>> -               ts->data= tsnew;
>>>> -               ts->totelem+= TS_CHUNK;
>>>> -       }
>>>> -
>>>> -       tselem= ts->data+ts->usedelem;
>>>> -
>>>> -       tselem->type= type;
>>>> -       if(type) tselem->nr= nr; // we're picky! :)
>>>> -       else tselem->nr= 0;
>>>> -       tselem->id= id;
>>>> -       tselem->used = 0;
>>>> -       tselem->flag= TSE_CLOSED;
>>>> -       te->store_index= ts->usedelem;
>>>> -
>>>> -       ts->usedelem++;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -/* ******************** TREE MANAGEMENT ****************** */
>>>> -
>>>> -void outliner_free_tree(ListBase *lb)
>>>> -{
>>>> -
>>>> -       while(lb->first) {
>>>> -               TreeElement *te= lb->first;
>>>> -
>>>> -               outliner_free_tree(&te->subtree);
>>>> -               BLI_remlink(lb, te);
>>>> -
>>>> -               if(te->flag&  TE_FREE_NAME) MEM_freeN((void *)te->name);
>>>> -               MEM_freeN(te);
>>>> -       }
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static void outliner_height(SpaceOops *soops, ListBase *lb, int *h)
>>>> -{
>>>> -       TreeElement *te= lb->first;
>>>> -       while(te) {
>>>> -               TreeStoreElem *tselem= TREESTORE(te);
>>>> -               if((tselem->flag&  TSE_CLOSED)==0)
>>>> -                       outliner_height(soops,&te->subtree, h);
>>>> -               (*h) += UI_UNIT_Y;
>>>> -               te= te->next;
>>>> -       }
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -#if 0  // XXX this is currently disabled until te->xend is set correctly
>>>> -static void outliner_width(SpaceOops *soops, ListBase *lb, int *w)
>>>> -{
>>>> -       TreeElement *te= lb->first;
>>>> -       while(te) {
>>>> -//             TreeStoreElem *tselem= TREESTORE(te);
>>>> -
>>>> -               // XXX fixme... te->xend is not set yet
>>>> -               if(tselem->flag&  TSE_CLOSED) {
>>>> -                       if (te->xend>  *w)
>>>> -                               *w = te->xend;
>>>> -               }
>>>> -               outliner_width(soops,&te->subtree, w);
>>>> -               te= te->next;
>>>> -       }
>>>> -}
>>>> -#endif
>>>> -
>>>> -static void outliner_rna_width(SpaceOops *soops, ListBase *lb, int *w, int startx)
>>>> -{
>>>> -       TreeElement *te= lb->first;
>>>> -       while(te) {
>>>> -               TreeStoreElem *tselem= TREESTORE(te);
>>>> -                       // XXX fixme... (currently, we're using a fixed length of 100)!
>>>> -               /*if(te->xend) {
>>>> -                       if(te->xend>  *w)
>>>> -                               *w = te->xend;
>>>> -               }*/
>>>> -               if(startx+100>  *w)
>>>> -                       *w = startx+100;
>>>> -
>>>> -               if((tselem->flag&  TSE_CLOSED)==0)
>>>> -                       outliner_rna_width(soops,&te->subtree, w, startx+UI_UNIT_X);
>>>> -               te= te->next;
>>>> -       }
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static TreeElement *outliner_find_tree_element(ListBase *lb, int store_index)
>>>> -{
>>>> -       TreeElement *te= lb->first, *tes;
>>>> -       while(te) {
>>>> -               if(te->store_index==store_index) return te;
>>>> -               tes= outliner_find_tree_element(&te->subtree, store_index);
>>>> -               if(tes) return tes;
>>>> -               te= te->next;
>>>> -       }
>>>> -       return NULL;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -static ID *outliner_search_back(SpaceOops *soops, TreeElement *te, short idcode)
>>>> -{
>>>> -       TreeStoreElem *tselem;
>>>> -       te= te->parent;
>>>> -
>>>> -       while(te) {
>>>> -               tselem= TREESTORE(te);
>>>> -               if(tselem->type==0&&  te->idcode==idcode) return tselem->id;
>>>> -               te= te->parent;
>>>> -       }
>>>> -       return NULL;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -struct treesort {
>>>> -       TreeElement *te;
>>>> -       ID *id;
>>>> -       const char *name;
>>>> -       short idcode;
>>>> -};
>>>> -
>>>> -static int treesort_alpha(const void *v1, const void *v2)
>>>> -{
>>>> -       const struct treesort *x1= v1, *x2= v2;
>>>> -       int comp;
>>>> -
>>>> -       /* first put objects last (hierarchy) */
>>>> -       comp= (x1->idcode==ID_OB);
>>>> -       if(x2->idcode==ID_OB) comp+=2;
>>>> -
>>>> -       if(comp==1) return 1;
>>>> -       else if(comp==2) return -1;
>>>> -       else if(comp==3) {
>>>> -               comp= strcmp(x1->name, x2->name);
>>>> -
>>>> -               if( comp>0 ) return 1;
>>>> -               else if( comp<0) return -1;
>>>> -               return 0;
>>>> -       }
>>>> -       return 0;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -/* this is nice option for later? doesnt look too useful... */
>>>> -#if 0
>>>> -static int treesort_obtype_alpha(const void *v1, const void *v2)
>>>> -{
>>>> -       const struct treesort *x1= v1, *x2= v2;
>>>> -
>>>> -       /* first put objects last (hierarchy) */
>>>> -       if(x1->idcode==ID_OB&&  x2->idcode!=ID_OB) return 1;
>>>> -       else if(x2->idcode==ID_OB&&  x1->idcode!=ID_OB) return -1;
>>>> -       else {
>>>> -               /* 2nd we check ob type */
>>>> -               if(x1->idcode==ID_OB&&  x2->idcode==ID_OB) {
>>>> -                       if( ((Object *)x1->id)->type>  ((Object *)x2->id)->type) return 1;
>>>> -                       else if( ((Object *)x1->id)->type>  ((Object *)x2->id)->type) return -1;
>>>> -                       else return 0;
>>>> -               }
>>>> -               else {
>>>> -                       int comp= strcmp(x1->name, x2->name);
>>>> -
>>>> -                       if( comp>0 ) return 1;
>>>> -                       else if( comp<0) return -1;
>>>> -                       return 0;
>>>> -               }
>>>> -       }
>>>> -}
>>>> -#endif
>>>> -
>>>> -/* sort happens on each subtree individual */
>>>> -static void outliner_sort(SpaceOops *soops, ListBase *lb)
>>>> -{
>>>> -       TreeElement *te;
>>>> -       TreeStoreElem *tselem;
>>>> -       int totelem=0;
>>>> -
>>>> -       te= lb->last;
>>>> -       if(te==NULL) return;
>>>> -       tselem= TREESTORE(te);
>>>> -
>>>> -       /* sorting rules; only object lists or deformgroups */
>>>> -       if( (tselem->type==TSE_DEFGROUP) || (tselem->type==0&&  te->idcode==ID_OB)) {
>>>> -
>>>> -               /* count first */
>>>> -               for(te= lb->first; te; te= te->next) totelem++;
>>>> -
>>>> -               if(totelem>1) {
>>>> -                       struct treesort *tear= MEM_mallocN(totelem*sizeof(struct treesort), "tree sort array");
>>>> @@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@
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Thomas Dinges
Blender Developer, Artist and Musician


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