[Bf-committers] Decimation / Surface Simplifier...

GSR gsr.b3d at infernal-iceberg.com
Tue Jan 11 22:11:57 CET 2011

sergey.forum at gmail.com (2011-01-11 at 1031.06 +0300):
> If asm is not 'build in' c code or can be modularized into separate files
> then maybe http://www.tortall.net/projects/yasm/ can be used - it is
> fairly portable across platforms.
> it is still should be decided if asm at all  is acceptable, but at
> least - this way - it will be one code for all platforms.

Define "all platforms". :] PPC is in the way out, but what if ARM
catches in general computers? Or what would do Debian anyway? They
ship for many plataforms, small or big "market", they do not care. Or
what if the ASM is SSEx level? AMD64 means SSE2 but does not guarantee
SSE4, and X86 CPU with just SSE1 are still running fine.

The sane way is having C generic version and then optional ASM
versions that do the same but faster. The reason is two fold, first
compatibility fallback, second a good reference to check the results
match. If you are lucky the compiler generates a rather good op code
stream from the plain C and then you just save time trying to maintain
the hand made ASM.


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